Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 47: The News No One Wanted To Hear

I placed my left hand on the dashboard just as she had done. _recognized copilot alex winter house-pet_ (oh geez!) after our authorization the vehicle powered on and fastened our seat-belts in an x formation across our torsos.

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Burner Lullaby

His right paw lifted and plucked the ring from the dashboard, bringing it to his lips for a soft, fleeting kiss before holding it in front of his nose. brown eyes roamed over the scratched and marred silver while it twisted in his grasp.

Chapter One of The Story of A Teenage Werepire

We're here" i look at the dashboard clock in the car and it now reads 6:00 am. wow. the house is a mansion. it is in a beautifully landscaped lawn. probably about an acre. we walk up to the house. i am able to get a good look at my dad.

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Black Velvet (Chapter 1 of an unfinished story)

The car hit a bump in the road as she was trying to wake up, leading her to slam her head against the dashboard. now wide awake, she looked out the window to see unfamiliar streets.

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Ratchet and Clank: Time After Time (Chapter 1)

He hit the dashboard in front of him with a clenched fist. "if his plan worked, i could have had my life back. but, it didn't, and now he's gone too. why didn't he just listen to me!

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On Time

I smile as i glance at my dashboard clock. at this rate, i'll only be about fifteen minutes late. not too horrible. the blue and red flashing lights in my rear view mirror washes my grin away as a shocked look of disbelief replaces it.

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The Protector

He yells, while smaking the dashboard. "stupid thing had to give out on me now..." the dragon gets out of his car and slaming the door. he enters the bar again, and sits on the stool with a very discouraged face. "hey, whats wrong?"

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Homecoming (Chapter 1)

The fox's features were momentarily illuminated with a greenish glow as if he were aboard an alien spacecraft, about to be probed by some bizarre, pulsating medical instrument; thankfully, the flashing light on his dashboard was nothing quite that sinister

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Chapter Six

He unlocked the car door and set his gun on the dashboard. a guy with a hooded jacket on got into his car. he couldn't at first tell if it was a guy or a girl. "are you janus everson from the dea?"

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A Life In College: Checking In, Part 1

Whenever anji rode with me, he would sometimes put a foot on my dashboard and grip the headrest of his seat, and shout obscenities. even if i was just pulling out a parking spot, going 5 miles an hour. but again my moms face flashed into my mind.

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Introduction: Fateful Evening

The car came to a complete stop on the gravel at the shoulder of the road and logan exhaled quickly before smashing his hand on the dashboard and yelling "fuck!" his heart racing from the disaster he sat for several seconds breathing deeply.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 22-Festival Arrival

A radio that was sitting on the dashboard chirped, it was susie. "hey joe", she called, "thing's are getting busy down here at the festival, you are on your way right?" joe didn't answer. the supra began to pick up speed.

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