A Life In College: Checking In, Part 1

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#14 of Life In College

I'm so tired... ;-; But, here is another part to this ever expanding tale of Thomas.

"I'll call you," I said to Ari's front porch.

"Okay," the fox stood in his doorway, dressed in a set of shorts and nothing else. He leaned on his doorframe with an arm, and let his other arm hang to his side. I looked up at Ari, then bit my bottom lip. I didn't want to go back to Long Beach, all a sudden. I wanted to stay here, with this fox that I loved, and not go back to the school where I'd shattered one heart already. I looked back at the ground.

"What is it?" Ari asked me. I looked up for a second time, and shook my head.

"Nothing," I pushed my light silvery hair out of my face, looking at the fox. "I just... don't want to go back to campus is all. I pretty much cheated on this girl, a few weeks ago, and I don't want to go back and have to see her."

"Oh," Ari frowned some, and put his other paw to his side. He stepped out of his doorframe, and walked up to me. Reaching out, he took my paw. He came closer, then put his forehead to mine. "You don't really have to go back," he said quietly.

I looked up at Ari suddenly, and meet the foxes eyes. His chocolate eyes looked back at me, his dark brown hair falling in his face. He squeezed my paw, and I squeezed his paw back. His fingers were laced around mine, and I put my forehead back against his.

"I do have to go back," I said quietly. "But I'll call you, I promise babe."

Ari smiled, giving his lip a small nip, then kissed me. I had almost been expecting it, but it still took me by surprise. The sudden warmth his lips gave off ran down my spine and all through my body. But I kissed the fox back, and put my other paw around his waist. I pulled him closer to me, and kissed him harder. Again, I suddenly wanted to stay in Monticello, with this fox. He lived alone, had a good job, and was certainly dependable. It would be no small task to pick up my old job working as a skateboard sales clerk at a shop one mile away. But at the same time, I could leave my friends and school, back in Long Beach.

It was to hard to pull away from Ari's sweet and delicious lips, but somehow I managed. My lips left his with a small smack sound, and I let out a small sigh. Ari again put his forehead to mine, and I put a paw to his face.

"Promise you'll call me?" he asked quietly.

"I promise," my reply was immediate, and I squeezed Ari's paw hard.

Ari let go of my paw, but didn't step away. Instead, he put a paw to my chest, and gave me a very light push. I remembered that my feet, as well as my legs, worked just fine, and took a small step back. I looked at Ari, looking at his deep, beautiful brown eyes. The fox looked back at me, and put his paws in the pockets of his shorts. He smiled at me, a shy smile that gave him that innocent, almost child like face that I'd come to care so much about.

But, I cared about Green Pine too. I cared about my friends there, and my grades weren't getting better by me just standing here. I took another small step back, this time leaving Ari's front porch. All my things were still in my car, packed and ready to go back with me to Long Beach. Another back peddle took my further away from Ari, but I called out,

"I love you."

"I love you too Thomas," came his reply. He smiled at me again, bitting his bottom lip. Oh god he was still so cute. I backed up though, then turned around, finally tearing my eyes away from the foxes. I spied my car, the mustang sitting in the California heat, waiting to take me back to Green Pine University. I put a paw in my jeans pocket, withdrew my keys, and unlocked my car. The headlights flashed, and the locks clicked. I let out a sigh, pushing my other paw deep into my jeans.

None the less though, I got in my car, and fired up the engine. The car shook and rumbled to life, and I put my paws on the steering wheel. Then I snapped the stick into the reverse position, and slapped my foot onto the gas. My car roared and backed up fast, and I pulled the wheel to the right, taking a smooth backwards turn out of Ari's driveway. I felt a smile come onto my face, and I rolled down my windows. I took a look to the right, and saw Ari still on his porch. The fox and the same smile on his face, and he held up a paw. I honked my horn once, then snapped the throttle of my car into drive, and hit the gas. My car roared with a loud scream, and took my down Ari's street with a fury. If I was going to take off, I was going to take off with some mother fucking style.

Again as I've said, It's roughly a five or so hour drive from Long Beach California to Monticello, and the same for the other way around. But, I wasn't in any rush, and was actually looking forward to a nice drive.

I kept the windows down and the radio loud while I rode back to Long Beach. It was monday morning, almost 11:30, and the sun was bearing down like usual. My night class was scheduled for today though, so I had nothing to worry about in terms of time. I could stay the whole day here I thought to myself stay till 4 in the afternoon or so, then head back home. I shook my head, though. It would be better for me to get back to Long Beach now, instead of trying to fight the thick traffic that would encumber me later.

Then a thought ran past my mind. A thought of my mom, and what she might be doing right now. I immediately tightened my grip on the wheel of my car, and bit my bottom lip. I had no reason to go back and she her. Why should I? What would have changed over the past few months? Anything? Nothing? I shook my head, and turned the radio up a couple more notches. Some old rap was playing on the channel, and it the bass and beat went paw and paw with my driving style. One paw on the wheel, or the "12 o clock on the dot" as I called it. Whenever Anji rode with me, he would sometimes put a foot on my dashboard and grip the headrest of his seat, and shout obscenities. Even if I was just pulling out a parking spot, going 5 miles an hour.

But again my moms face flashed into my mind. I bit my bottom lip. Then, I groaned. Snapping on my left turn signal, I waited until I was at a spot to make a U turn, and wheeled my mustang around. I had just past Monticello's "Please come again!" sign, but now the feeling of regret was stuck in my chest. If I just kept driving now, it would fuck with me until I got all the way back to Long Beach, and then It'd be to late to make another trip out here.

My tires wailed over the black roads, and I earned both a horn blare and an ugly gesture from a truck driver. Lucky me huh? I pulled onto the streets again though, heading in the opposite direction of Long Beach. I drove back into Monticello, then ran a series of scenarios through my head.

Most of the scenario's involved me pulling into my old driveway, knocking on the door, and being greeted by my mom, liquor bottle in her paw. I shook my head, growing to myself. No, that would be the case. I had been away for a while now sure, and hadn't said jack shit to her when I took off for Long Beach. But that was a while ago I told myself you don't know if she's changed or not, but you fucking owe it to her to visit and this was true.

It took me just under seventeen minutes to drive out to San Jose, Monticello, where my old house was. Did my mom even still live here? I didn't know, I realized as I turned onto the street. I drove past the small brown roofed houses, and watched the left side. Past one house, then another. Then it was there. My house, with the same brown roof and the garden under the front room window. I slowed down, then pulled into the driveway. Sitting on the right side was a dark blue Nissan. My moms car. So that meant she still lived here.

I killed my engine faster than I'd thought I would. I let go of the steering wheel, then put my paws in my lap. It was still early, and if she hadn't changed at all, she would still be asleep on the couch, or just maybe upstairs in her bed. Either way, I was here now.

So I got out of my car, put my keys in my pocket, shut my car door, and started walking. Up the driveway, then down the path the wrapped around the front garden. I looked at the garden though, looking it over. The tall tree in front was lush and full, and trimmed back. There were other little bushes and roses buds dotting the soil, and they were all fresh, and I could smell them all. I took in the front garden, then looked back to the front porch. I walked up the path, stepped onto the porch, then stood in front of the front door. The glass door that came first was bright and paw print free, unlike when I had lived at home. Always coming and going with or without my friends, we normally left the front door open, and pushed drug our paws all over the glass. Now though, it was clean.

I looked at the front door, then dropped my gaze to the doorbell. It was still there, to the right of the door, in the exact same spot. I looked at the bell, then wondered how many times I'd heard Anji ring the same bell, if he ever came in his car to get me for school, or out of the house. To many times, and probably a lot more than that. I had been practically non existent at home the three or four years before moving away.

But then, I took a paw out of my pocket, and moved my thumb for the doorbell. I came closer, then pressed the bell in. A chime sounded, and I pulled my thumb away. A second chime sounded, and I put my paw back in my pocket. I said it before, but now I'll say it again. I was here now. I swallowed, not nervous to see my mom again, but suddenly so unsure. Had she changed at all? Was she an alcoholic now? Was she a raging drunk? Was she anything. These thoughts and so many more ran through my head, but I shook them all away. I looked at the closed front door, and did the only thing I could really do.

I waited.