Introduction: Fateful Evening
Hey there any suggestions are greatly apriciated, tell me what you think, every comment helps hope you like it :)
It was a rather depressing night on a long stretch of highway road. Being shrouded in trees on both sides gave the road a long, dreary, unchanged look all the way down it. Hulking gray clouds embraced the skyline and choked out the moon and most of the stars from view.
Although it wasn't raining the air was dark and thick with moisture that reflected the meager starlight in the sky, creating a slightly illuminated effect in the pitch black. The darkness was complimented well by the lack of much light except for large yellow lights that floated down the way.
Eventually the pairs of lights would meet each other in a loud whoosh and reveal the tail lights to one vehicle while the other passed it on its way. The cars were seldom and alone on this branch of the interstate as it was a road that had very few destinations on it. It was simply a way to get from one place to another. Another lone car raced by as if it was trying to escape the miserable scenery and make it to one of these destinations.
This car was a slightly junky, 90s Honda Accord with slightly rusting gray paint and a small crack in the windshield. It ran fine, without any strange rattling or noises despite its worn out exterior and lacking appearance. It was an all around and completely average looking car for the dark road it traveled on, hulking forward mile by mile it made its way through the lonely night.
Looking past the outside of the car the inside seemed to also reflect the rugged worn look it portrayed. The interior was well used and the floor was worn down and ragged looking. At the wheel of the car there sat an equally ragged midsized gray wolf. He had shorter, ruffled gray fur that nearly matched the paint of his car.
He had classic stout and furry ears atop his head that shown more prominently as the rest of the fur and his head was a shorter length. His fur was a few shades lighter around his muzzle as most wolves were. Although overall his fur had less variety in color than most and took on a soft gray shade. Below his ear were a magnificent pair of glassy green eyes, looking less magnificent at this time of night. He had a tired look on his face since he'd been driving for hours but, there was also a tiny bit of determination mixed in as well.
He was dressed rather simple, in blue denim jeans that were torn slightly on the bottom and a white tee-shirt that was totally plain except for a name in the top left corner, Logan, His name. As his nametag might suggest Logan was in his work shirt. Not because he was just getting off work but because it was the first thing that had caught his attention as he dressed in the morning. The fact he was extremely happy with his job and what he did probably had something to do with the favored selection.
He worked as a car mechanic in a small city called Norten, far off from where he was driving. Despite the junky look of his car he made decent money working at the shop. The only reason his car looked like it did was because he refused to spend any money on it as he figured it ran well and got the job done, all it needed to do. It didn't need to look nice to him. Simply put he saw spending money on things like new paint and sparkly finish as a waste.
Logan had a great interest in his field of work and became engrossed in the world of auto mechanics during his last two years of high school. Somehow during the class registration the elective box on his form was left empty, allowing the school to shove him in any class they desired. It was just his luck he had would up in auto shop and discovered something he really enjoyed doing.
During the course of his junior and senior year he establish a good connection with a friend of his teacher, who had wanted to take a look at the schools best auto shop student, only to find one of his future employees. Logan was lucky and immediately started working for him after graduating.
Now a year later he was no longer a favorite student but a favorite worker. His boss had an automotive related hobby that eventually involved Logan, sending him around places looking at rare and expensive cars then returning with information on the find. Now his boss had personally picked him out to drive a hundred miles or so to the small town of Greenbrook to inspect a rare and expensive car for his boss's personal taste.
Having few responsibilities at the apartment he lived in he accepted the offer. Logan was glad from the distraction of the everyday routine he had. He lived alone in a cheap apartment in the outer part of the city. Growing up in a rather chaotic and slightly abusive family environment encouraged him to seek solitude after graduating from high school, coming as a relief at first but quickly bringing him into a perpetual state of boredom.
Logan had no roommate despite him being still a teenager. His job paid fairly well and the somewhat average apartment he rented wasn't too expensive. He had made several friends at his workplace but few to little social interaction carried on outside his job. The only person he talked to regularly was his boss. Sharing an identical interest in automotives they almost always had something to talk about that was of interest to the other.
After months at the shop and years of knowing him, Logan had developed a strong bond with his boss, seeing him as pretty much the only person he could trust. Having a similar sense of trust in Logan his boss often had him handle special task around the shop and even outside.
Much like the mission he was on now there had been several other times in the past his boss had asked him to inspect a hot rod, visit an auction, or talk to someone he was interested in doing business with.
Each time he had gotten the job done and rendered his boss thoroughly pleased with him. This time it was a usual "looks good check it out" scenario, sending Logan off to Greenbrook for an overnight trip. Barreling down the road his trip suddenly came to an abrupt stop.
Logan jumped out of his seat and the car made a horrible banging sound and released a puff of white smoke before dying. The car began to slow down as it had completely stopped running. Startled by this but keeping his composure
Logan immediately grabbed the wheel to take his failing car to the edge of the road. In complete control but slowing down and not responding to anything he did he realized the situation had become a disaster. The car came to a complete stop on the gravel at the shoulder of the road and Logan exhaled quickly before smashing his hand on the dashboard and yelling "FUCK!"
His heart racing from the disaster he sat for several seconds breathing deeply. His mind raced with all the things that could have just caused the sudden problem and how on earth he was going to fix it. He forgot about fixing it and simply fretted over how it had stopped working, putting both hands to his face and clenching his teeth in bewilderment. After regaining his self-control and thinking about how to deal with the problem at hand he opened the door to his car and stepped out onto the asphalt.
He felt the cool night air wash over him as he looked straight down the road before looking behind him to check for any traffic. Not one yellow light shown in the distance, he was completely alone on the bleak, misty, highway road. The sensation of the night crept over him.
Being so used to having the sound of the car's engine it seemed strange having it gone. All he could hear now was miscellaneous chirping of an assortment of bugs in the woods to his left. Cursing under his breath several times before walking up to the front of the car he took a breath of the humid night air. At least it was nice and fresh he thought as he made his way to the front of his car to open the hood and see what the problem was.
Grumbling to himself as he walked he was no longer caught in disaster mode but anxious to see what had cause the sudden interruption in his trip. His mind, as it usually did, raced to the worst conclusion. He convinced himself the problem was probably something horrible that would end up in him having to call some sort of emergency service.
He got to the front end and sighed, no visual indication was obvious as to what had caused the problem.
He looked back and forth across the front end of the Honda before finally deciding that the problem wasn't from any outside source but a malfunction from within. He popped open the hood to the car, bracing for the worst, and looked around in the heap of machinery that stood before him.
A gigantic wave of relief flooded over Logan as he saw the problem. It was simply a lose bolt that had twisted several wires together, easily fixable with a wrench and some minor adjustments.
He sighed and scolded himself for being so worrisome, thinking of how seconds before he had braced for a smoking metal mess after he lifted the hood. I really do expect the worst from things he thought, defiantly can't be good for my health. He chuckled to himself and took one more look at the car, deciding what he would need to fix it up just right.
It took him only a second to pull his head out of the hood and jog towards the trunk of his car. Inside there was a neat little toolbox he always kept with him for quick fixes and little emergencies such as this. As he slid the key into the lock on the trunk he took a deep breath, nearly enjoying the cool night air and apparent solitude.
Totally unaware of the rustling in the bushes nearby he found what he needed and ran back up to the front of the car, being watched as he went .He only heard movement in the darkness as he was ducked down under the hood of the car, untangling a mess of wires, lifting his head up he called out "Hello? Anyone there? Maybe? Or just... an animal?"
His voice trailed off and his and his attention quickly returned to the car. Oblivious to the voices to his far left by the woods he began twisting the loose bolt back into place. The voices grew louder among the chirping of the insects and as they drew close to him Logan realized with a jolt that there was someone else out in the dark with him.
He only saw the dark figure that the voice belonged to when it was only a few feet away from him. He opened his mouth, startled, only to hear a sharp "crack!" and feel an equally sharp pain burst through his head. His ears rang with a sudden buzzing and his vision blurred, his world slipping away into the darkness of unconsciousness.