Waking Up the Demon...In Me (chapter 1)
For some reason, the legendary henderson was chosen to lead his squad of crack commandos, the best of the best.
MoonDust, Chapter 34
#34 of moondust: falling from grace imogene never planned to become a lunar commando. not before her ex broke her heart and left her jobless. now she'd better learn fast.
Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. III (2021)
"and if you head over here, meet the commandos we got." kurt pointed. exiting the other side of the massive hangar doors, on the other ramp were a total of ten curtiss c-46 commandos, in two staggered rows.
Eternity's Sonata Chapter 1
He looks like he's going commando too. i'm so screwed... he removed the shorts. my worst fear wasn't realized. he was in a thong, not that it was much better.
Chapter Six
"well, i reported the vials as missing and a few days later, phoenix grace commandos sealed off the camp. they also made me sign a nondisclosure agreement so i would agree not to talk about our discovery with the press or the police."
Torn apart::Escape
He was wearing a light gray uniform similar to what valko was wearing, but the wolf looked more like a commando than a new cadet.
Second Sight: Chapter Ten: Nulline Metropolis
Vern began; "you'll be working with these soldiers; elite enforcer commandos. the wolf is agustus cord, the avian is roland tohn, and the dragon is millard." they all nodded to me in turn. i nodded back, not saying a word.
Pandemic-Day 49 1:15 AM 1/10/2023-Ricky
commandos carry themselves a certain way, from the way they wear their kit to the way they hold their weapons, everything about you was telling me you were us army."
MoonDust, Chapter 17
#17 of moondust: falling from grace imogene never planned to become a lunar commando. not before her ex broke her heart and left her jobless. now she'd better learn fast.
MoonDust, Chapter 16
#16 of moondust: falling from grace imogene never planned to become a lunar commando. not before her ex broke her heart and left her jobless. now she'd better learn fast.
MoonDust, Chapter 13
#13 of moondust: falling from grace imogene never planned to become a lunar commando. not before her ex broke her heart and left her jobless. now she'd better learn fast.
Invasion Part 3
"we picked up the same power source at the same time, so in the interest of national security, we demanded that some of our speznats commandos be part of the raid.