Waking Up the Demon...In Me (chapter 1)
#1 of The Elementals
The Elementals By Jeff Henderson, Alex Hughes, And Gamer201
Alright. Big disclaimer!. This story is MINE. Any video game, comic, or anime character getting a cameo or otherwise belongs to whoever created them. Janine, Krystal, Emily, Cat, and Allen are copyright themselves. Or God, whichever comes first. Kyle is my original character, and Jeff is me. Don't steal, or my cheese grater will be seeing a lot of use. Contrary to popular belief, I did NOT steal the idea of an Elemental from the Racoon's Bookshelf, if you know what that is. The plots, idea of an Elemental, and EVERYTHING else are completely different. Oh, and I refuse to give ANYONE Joshua Fox's AIM screen name. I'm mean like that. Thank you, and enjoy my first fic, which, incidently, is the result of a LOOOOOOONG time of thinking and creating. This fic DOES contain violence, cussing, a gay character, and MAYBE some sexual situations, but probably not. Hell, this particular season doesn't contain any romance to my knowledge, but I do believe I set myself up for some romantic thinking of others. :D It also contains furries (anthromorphic animals, think Star Fox if you have no idea), and though I don't know why you'd be offended by that, why take chances? And no e-mails for the original, unedited version. I'll send out some fics once this is done, or you can if you want some matchups. I'm not giving out the original version to fuel your sick minds. :D If in anyway you are offended by my HARD WORK, your fault. I warned you. On to the story.
- * * The conference of the ancients, a congregation of the most powerful beings in the universe, all in control of an aspect of the cosmos. Such a gathering was considered the supreme authority of all known dimensions, but few beings knew of it's existence, or even the existence of the ancients themselves. This meeting in particular was of great importance.... "I believe that it is obvious we cannot arrive on an agreement here." In a golden threaded sage's gown, the Phoenix was the most beautiful occupant of the conference, and was also one of the most respected ancients, as she ruled over the aspect of life. Although the universe would survive without life, it would have no purpose otherwise, and to give something so impressive a purpose was a great thing... "That's right! I refuse to comply with this outrageous decision!" Getrois, the ancient of all emotion that filled the hearts of every living creature. He was never with the others, always traveling. And so everyone was surprised as he spoke, expecting him to remain silent as he had for aeons. "We cannot withdraw from our involvement her or anywhere!" The Phoenix rose from her position, her golden feathers glittering in the faint light, her voice terrible and commanding... "We can, and we SHALL! We will not be withdrawing fully, but we may not further interfere with destiny, we too are guided by it, and we must obey! Any who disagree WILL be forced to comply by me, in person!" Silence filled the room at this declaration, and the Phoenix glared, her eyes burning, daring Getrois to defy her once more. Unable to withstand the command unspoken in her eyes, the ancient sat, and the Phoenix scanned the room with her piercing glare, and finding no other opposition, she seated herself as well. "As the shadow falls, the conflict must begin, and the 10 will surface...The Black Dragon, The White Wolf, The Blue Rose Vampire, The Grim Reaper, The Golden Fox, The Gilded Dragon, The Assassin, The Cobra, The Golem of the Shadows, and The Slave of the Darkness...They shall meet in battle, and only one of two outcomes can be achieved...Either the Earth shall perish, and all else be saved, or the entire universe will become chaos. We can only hope that all will follow their chosen path." The silence still ruled the room as the Phoenix disappeared, followed by the others, leaving this place for all eternity... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An APC rumbled down the icy roads of Ontario, towards its destination of Montreal. Inside, 5 soldiers listened to a unamed rock song while preparing, each in their own way, for the battle ahead. "What Fuckin' battle?!? All this is is a cleanup job!" A Chakat in the corner scowled, his tail flicking back and forth in jerks. His angry question was directed towards the human man in the back corner, sitting with a irritated expression. "It's what we were assigned to do, Trey! So stop complaining, no one wants to hear your shit!" The feline looked as if he was going to reply to this with another string of curses about the human's mother, he quickly changed his mind and turned on the new recruit next to him. "And what about this?!? This new kid on our unit?!? He don't belong here, fresh outta the fuckin' barracks! We're a special forces unit, not a damn clean up force or a bunch of field training fags! SHIT! You're THE General Henderson, so, tell me, how'd we get stuck with this piss-poor excuse for a mission?!?" Another human beside the general raised his rifle. "Trey, we don't have the patience to listen to your bitching. Shut up and wait 'til we get there." The chakat glared at him, then leaned back, mumbling under his breath. The man looked at the shaky young husky beside the feline, and smiled. "New, huh? Don't look so nervous, kid, this ain't nothing compared to what we're usually takin' on! Just stick with Mr. Silence here," He jerked a thumb at the black clad general. "You wouldn't be safer if you were in bed back home." The black clothed man grinned at the husky as the young canine turned a wide eye towards him. "Are y-you...the REAL General Henderson?" "Yea. Unless someone changed my name recently." He extended a hand to the new recruit. "Call me Jeff. This is Chris," The man sitting next to him waved. "Trey," The chakat growled in response. "And Felona." Jeff pointed to the black cat sitting on the other side of Chris. She laughed and smiled at the trembling dog. "Nice ta meet ya! What's your name, huh?" "Uh, Rick..." "Well, Rick, it's just like Chris said, with Jeff, you've got nothin' ta worry about! Unlike us poor normal foot soldiers, he's got two miniguns instead of our M16's, the bastard!" Jeff grinned. "You kids are just jealous of my obvious skills. I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when we get there." With that, the general turned over, and began to snore...But that's when it happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The mission was simple, a group of insurgents had broken out in a terrorist action, and the Mercenary Black Sword Army had been hired to get rid of them. For some reason, the legendary Henderson was chosen to lead his squad of crack commandos, the best of the best. Since another unit had been dispatched and had mostly cleared out the rebels, the only purpose his squad had was to seek out and either kill or capture any survivors. What they weren't told was that a mass of Elemental energies, of shadow, had been massing around the area. This was the real reason they'd been called in, to make sure that it wasn't a threat. What no one expected was the outcome of the discovery... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An explosion rocked the APC as the vehicle behind them detonated in a burst of fire. Jeff was thrown off the cot, and by reflexes he grabbed his weapons and bounded out the back door of the APC before it even came to a stop. For the first time, Rick noticed the huge wide sword strapped to his back. "EVERYONE OFF! LET'S MOVE!!!" The four other soldiers jumped out onto what they least expected... "Holy Mary mother of God! What the FUCK happened here?!?" Trey screamed out his last words as his body fell limp. Jeff whipped around to see a retreating mass of shadow floating towards the city of Montreal. Or what was left of it. The city lay in ruins, any building that wasn't totally demolished was scorched, but not by fire... "Dammit...FELONA! GOT ANY READINGS?!?" The black cat tapped on a small device. A look of confusion passed over her face. "I got tons o' Elemental energy here, but no organic matter besides us! Might be underground, but there's no way that the shadows would have that much range!" Just as she finished her statement, Rick's face exploded. Chris turned to him in horror, the young canine's face totally gone, and from his throat came a gurgling noise as blood rose. All that was left of his face was his eyes, which pleaded some invisible force for his life...Jeff gritted his teeth as the rest of the APCs pulled up, unloading their groups of soldiers, all battle ready. A maniacal laughter filled the air as a mass of shadows pulled together to form the shape of a human. Jeff screamed out his order in a voice of rage. "OPEN FIRE!!! THAT BASTARD'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A lone figure groaned as he rose to his feet. He cast his eyes around him, trying to comprehend the carnage. Organs and limbs littered the ground, soaking in crimson blood. The black clothed man shook his head to clear it, and started to hike into the city when a gasp caught his attention. He raced over to the source, and found Chris, his face covered in blood... "Chris! C'mon, man, get up! We have to you immediate medical attention!" The soldier shook his head and smiled weakly. "Nah, I'm done. Not gonna walk away from this one..." The black clad man shook his head violently. "No, that's what you said the last time you were wounded, you can pull through this! Hang on, please!" The younger soldier used his last bit of strength to grab his friend's arm. "Stop it, Jeff...I've cheated death too many times...It's about time I paid my debts." "SHUT THE HELL UP, CHRIS!" He received no response, as the man in his arms sighed his last breath. Jeff squeezed his eyes shut, and set his hands on the younger man's eyes, and closed them. Then he restarted his hike into the city, stopping a few steps later to fall to his knees, sobbing... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea, I know, lots of angst. This story won't revolve around it, but the first few chapters will probably be filled with angst, so hang tight. REVIEWS ARE APPRECIATED. So is ice cream.