Invasion Part 3

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Chapter 11: Invasion Part 3

Author's note: Finally, here it is! After 3 months it's finally here! I promise everyone that I will post more often here.



"BELT ONE, 100!.......BELT ONE! 50!........ BELT ONE! RELOAD!"

Immediately, my loader sprang up and shoved a new ammo box into the receiver. Meanwhile, I recocked the Vulcan cannon's second bolt, setting the second belt into the chamber, and jammed my down my finger on the trigger. Another deafening roar split the air as the gun mowed down another line of human soldiers. Beside me, my spotter and loader, Gratax, a male leopard, adjusted his sighting scope.

"Good gods, they just keep coming!" Gratax swore. "Are these guys insane? Or just idiotic fanatics?"

Gratax was right in saying that. The assault began an hour ago and since then, the humans had thrown wave upon wave of soldiers against our defensive line. We had set up a line 2 kilometers away from the city walls of Cobalus, with militia and bounty hunters being reinforced by the Order of the Realms.

Finally the wave of soldiers stopped. I took my fingers off the trigger. Though it was silent on out front, we could still hear fighting elsewhere.

"Gratax, where'd they go?"

Gratax adjusted his scope again. "Dunno, they just.... SHIT! THEY GOT ARMOR!"

The squeaking of tank treads permeated the silence as 3 M1 Abrams tanks rumbled across the battlefield.

"Command, this is Shadowcat! We don't have the firepower to deal with this!"

An operator on the other end answered. "Stand by Shadowcat. Demon and Angel are on top of your position."

There was a clattering of armor as the Phalanx and Paladin Unit 4 vaulted into our foxhole. Lacyus in the Phalanx levelled a gauss cannon at the first tank.


A sharp crack split the air as the gauss cannon fired, rending the tank from front to back. There was a moment's pause before the tank's ammo lit up and exploded, engulfing the entire vehicle in a ball of flames.

Sunset in the Paladin Unit 4 hurled two blue grenades over the top. The two grenades exploded in a bright blue flash of electricity. The tanks rolled to a stop, their engines stopping. She tossed a third grenade in the air with a hint of mischief in her voice. "I love these EMP grenades."

Lacyus bolted over the top of the foxhole and jumped on top of the disabled tanks. He slapped thermite charges to each hatch of the disabled tanks, lighting them and welding the tank hatch shut.

"Control, this is Focus Zero, I've marked 2 disabled tanks. I need retrieval teams to detain the crew members for questioning." Lacyus ordered. He jumped off the tank and looked at me. "Ennica, the bounty hunters have established a firebase two klicks up north of here. It's in the perfect spot to fire into the Garuda Canyon, but they're currently under attack. We need more firepower up there."

I nodded. "Understood Lord Akival." I turned to Gratax. "Pack it up, we're moving."

Gratax nodded and unloaded the Vulcan cannon's ammo. I folded the tripod and attached the carrying strap to the gun. As I heaved the Vulcan cannon's strap over my shoulder, I noticed the scorch marks on both Lacyus and Sunset's armor.

"Lord Akival, may I ask what those marks are from?"

Sunset snickered a little. "Some stupid human tried to come after us with a flamethrower. I put an incendiary round through the bottom of the fuel tank and proved that humans could achieve self motivated flight."

I giggled a bit at the images my mind conjured. "If you see another flamer, point it out to me Sunny. I wanna try that."

We began to walk, with Lacyus and Sunset taking the lead. Gratax grabbed my shoulder and yanked me over. "You do know that's Lady Sunset right?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, so?"

"Why aren't you using her title?"

"Because she's my best friend."

Gratax swore under his breath. "Just because your mother was Lady Alora doesn't mean you get preferential treatment."

"You want me to prove it? Here." I raised my voice. "Hey Sunny."

Sunset's armored head turned to face me. "Yeah?"

"Did you ask your mom and dad about me working as a waitress?"

"Yeah, they said sure. They'd hire anyone who was my friend."

"Ah, thanks." I turned to Gratax. "See, she's my friend."

"Then what about Lord Akival? You use his title."

"He's also my friend, but it feels more proper to use his title here."

Gratax shook his head and pushed me away. "You have guts...."



Sunset and I had turned off the external speakers and were laughing quietly ad Ennica's conversation.

*Ah man, that never gets old.* I sighed to Sunset telepathically. *I never knew Ennica thought of you as her best friend though.*

*She is my best friend outside my family.* Sunset said in her usual fluid telepathic voice.

*Isn't Mira your best friend outside your family?*

*You don't get it. Since you're my Ky'rai-su (life mate/fiancée) , she's my sister-in-law.*

I felt my heart almost skip from being called Sunset's Ky'rai-su. It was one of the most solemn names a dragon could call their mate. By calling me that, she practically married us right on the spot. Sunset noticed my happiness.

*Well, you deserve to be called that. You've pledged me your life and love, so it's only fair that I give you mine.* I felt her telepathically reach out and hug me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. *I love you so much Lacyus.*

*I love you too Sun-*

"Demon and Angel, is there's something wrong? You both are showing slightly elevated heart rates."

I growled. "Mira, you interrupted something important!"

Mira took the hint. "Alright. I'll leave you two lovebirds to talk. Just don't get too caught up to the point of where you stop watching for the enemy."


I sighed and cleared my mind again to open my link to Sunset to its fullest potential. *Sorry about that.*

Sunset gave me a telepathic lick, something she rarely did, even physically. *No problem, but I have to agree with Mira. No more love talk until this is over.*

*Alright, but one more thing. I love you Sunset, more than anything in this world, and I would never leave you. You will always be a part of me that I cannot live without, and you will always be my Angel.*

Sunset was completely dumbstruck by what I just said. I could sense her blushing madly and smiling meekly, completely speechless. *Angel..... wow.... I.... ummmm....*

Suddenly, the hostile missile sensor began blaring in my ear. "MISSILE LOCK! MISSILE LOCK!"

All of us scattered in different directions, and I ran as fast as I could, opening the shoulder plates and spraying flares and chaff everywhere Unfortunately, that wasn't enough. An explosion from the missile ripped me in half and sent shrapnel into my brain, turning everything black.

When I gradually started coming back to reality, I could hear Sunset and Ennica talking.

"He's alright. He just needs to finish regenerating." Sunset said.

"Are you sure?" Ennica asked. "That was one hell of a missile."

I groaned and rubbed my muzzle. "I'm not dead yet."

Sunset extended a hand and smiled. "Welcome back hon." She held up a long rod wrapped in fabric. "We managed to save your swords from the Phalanx's destruction."

I took her hand sat up on the medical bed that I was on. "Ugh...... I thought the Phalanx was rated for missile impacts like that."

"Umm, not this kind of missile." Sunset handed me a piece of twisted metal.

I looked on the side of it. "Tomahawk Cruise Missile Class 2B. Damn." I looked up at Sunset. "That hit me?" I looked around a little. "Where are we?"

"Forward Firebase Gamma, just over the Garuda Canyon." Ennica piped in. "Not meaning to ruin the moment, but we've got the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Russia on the video communication channel in the comms tent." Ennica turned to leave. "I've been called off to help sweep a village and evacuate anyone who's left. See ya."

I swung my legs off the medical bed. "Where's the Phalanx?"

"The Phalanx?" Sunset sighed and shrugged. "It's toast. The only thing that survived was the reactor and some of the electronics, that's all. The techs are mulling over the wreckage, and they believe that they can put it back together, but until then, it's ka-puts."

"Right." I shook my head. "Mira's gonna kill me. Let's go."

Unfortunately, the blast seemed to have shredded my pilot's suit, so I was left with standard military issued cargo pants and boots and a bulletproof/frag vest. As we went to the comms tent, I stopped at the armory to pick up a M9 pistol, an Rx8 Storm assault rifle, some ammo and grenades.

(Authors Note: This is a work of fiction, so I would like to keep it that way. Because of that I have created fictional World Leaders to avoid insulting anyone.)

I stepped into the tent and was greeted by large LCD display of the three national leaders. President James Henderson of the United States, Prime Minister Pierre Cousteau of Canada, and President Vladimir Chernov of Russia

"Hello gentlemen." I greeted them, giving a respectful bow. Sunset followed.

The three replied in near unison. "Hello."

"I am Lord Lacyus Eryx Akival and this is Lady Sunset Kreya Tzura. We are the leaders of the Royal Order of the Universal Realms Defence Knights."

President Chernov smiled and spoke with a heavy Russian accent. "Your names are quite the mouthfuls for both of you, though I do have one question for the Lady. Your name sounds like an English name. Why so?"

Sunset stepped forward a bit. "My parents decided to name me after the thing that my colorings matched the most when I was young."

President Henderson nodded. "Very suiting, but we need to get down to business." He opened a file on the desk he was sitting at. "At 2000 hours, Earth Eastern Standard Time, we detected an astronomical power surge within the Arizona desert. Following the detection, we sortied 3 teams of Rangers to investigate."

President Chenrnov continued. "We picked up the same power source at the same time, so in the interest of national security, we demanded that some of our Speznats commandos be part of the raid. What we found at the site was a reconstruction of the Damocles portal facility spearheaded by our three nations 10 years ago."

Prime Minister Cousteau spoke with a slight Quebec accent. "After analyzing the portal facilities for the parts that were stolen from the original portal, we have determined that the parts were not original, but mass produced reproductions."

I could feel my blood freeze at that statement. "Reproductions?!?!?!?"

President Chernov nodded. "What's more was that they were made using the exact same materials from Canada, Russia and the USA."

President Henderson sighed. "Which brings us to the biggest point: Why attack you guys? As far as I know, the Xenomorphic population and the human populations, up till now have had no problems with co-existence."

"I have an idea, though farfetched." Sunset cut in.

Prime Minister Cousteau nodded. "Go on."

"Our holy book, the Isaakaki, tells of 3 ages. Birth, unity and separation. Birth tells the story of both the Human evolution and the Xenomorphic Ascension. It goes on to say that after 1000 years of existence, the Five Gods decided to allow their wards to mingle, thus they linked the work through a single portal. I believe you humans called the island of the portal Atlantis, or something to that effect? Well, needless to say, the Human race did not know what to make of us. We had animal features and behaviours, but we behaved like any other human being. We resorted to difficult lives, yet we could summon fire, part seas, and be reborn after death. Naturally, there were some humans who saw us as freaks, going against the will of the Christian god. There were attacks against us and a war ensued we call the Great Schism. The gods were angered by the war, and destroyed the portal, sinking Atlantis. They then erased all the human's memories of us. There were, however, written records of the war, all of them pointing towards a human defeat."

President Henderson nodded in understanding. "And now they want revenge. Well, Lady Sunset, you theory might not be so far off. We will look into this and relay our findings the next time we communicate. Until then."

The LCD display went black. I turned to one of the communications technicians. "Record and log a transcript of our conversation today."

The otter nodded. "Yes, my Lord. Should I print you a copy?"

"Nah, don't bother."

I opened the door out of the tent and jestured for Sunset to leave. We went over to the armoury tent, where Sunset stripped off the Paladin Unit 4. As we exited, I took her hand, and she smiled.

"I thought I said until this is over, nothing more love." Sunset murmured and licked me.

"Hypocrite." I teased her. "What was that then? You just randomly slobbering over me?"

Sunset growled playfully. "Shut up, you asshole."

Suddenly, the air was alive with whistling. Artillery shell whistling.

Instinctively I threw Sunset to the ground and laid on top of her, trying to protect the dragoness that I loved with every bit of my being.

The last thing I could remember was Sunset staring at me with scared eyes.

*Lacyus....... My dream.*



"Alright, so you be a big girl and go with your mommy and daddy, alright?"

The little cougar kitten nodded sniffling a little and running to his parents. I stood up and stretched my arms. The Paladin Armor was a dream up to a point. After about 4 hours, it started to get uncomfortable. There was a little beeping and I looked up to the Squad status display.

"That's odd... Unit One to all Units, has anyone else lost contact with Lacyus and Sunset's vital signs?



Across from me stood my ex-husband.



Byre grinned. "How many times will I have to kill you this time?"

"As many times as you try and stand in my way."


Author's Notes:

Alright! Finally done with the Invasion storyline. I've explained why the humans were attacking the Xenomorphs. Look forward to probably not a Christmas special but a New Year's special.

Sunset: I also want to point out that Lacyus has set up a Question and answer Journal entry for his profile. Go ahead and ask anything about the story to any character, including me and Lacyus.

*Lacyus prods Sunset in the ribs and smiles teasingly*

Lacyus: Bad grammar, bad grammar. Lacyus and I.

Sunset: Shut up. I'm not the one who buried himself in university textbooks reading until 2:00 am and making me grumpy. With all that reading you did on writing a research paper, I'd expect this chapter to be perfect.