TTA: Chapter 4

She had nearly no strength left, and at the very end of her journey across the floor to the artefact that had caught her eye she collapsed in exhaustion, having only enough strength left to grasp the artefact and bring it close to her face.

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Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art

Though they indeed were separate artifacts the meaning, the intentionality, of both were homoousion--the new and polished version, and the older rough that drove my husband nigh self-critique mad.

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Consortium 1-4: The Gathering Storm- Chapter 4

This was a station that most of these artifacts and paintings were being sent to and then sold to individuals that wanted them, supposedly. and most of these artifacts and paintings were coming from another station well into the heart of human territory.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 11

Nusha was surprised at her knowledge of the artefact, but it made sense given her penchant for akaviri objects. "yes, my lady," nusha said.

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Quite a Mouthful

There might even be some of these artifacts for other animals, too, if i can go back and find them.

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Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 1 - Sunny

#1 of my little pony: hitch gets bashed sunny was trotting through the museum passing through all the amazing artifacts from the time of the ancient equestrians.

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Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears

The most valuable historical artifacts, are all gathered here in oakfort, for the first time in world history," he'd told the press while handing out free admission tickets.

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Chapter 31

"a void artifact? are you sure?" chancellor phanes nodded. "we are positive. furthermore, it was something that was reportedly meant to be used by lord iter himself."

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book #4: An Unexpected Discovery", Epilogue

Having been cast twelve years into his future only to find that he and his co-workers and friends, cameron and hauvri'ahn, had been listed as missing and presumed lost, arlan worked to discover how to trigger the artifact again so that it would hopefully return

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Dreamweaver chapter 1; Rain

I don't know how this ties in with your father and these artifacts, but i know that there's some one whos out there that's looking to exploit you. that's all i know. you have to run from here. i've heard of pillaging in the area.

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Stone and Wolf (Part 3)

This would seem to be an ancient artifact, but on closer inspection, it is not. these runes where carved recently. the stone itself is old, but these markings have not been worn by time at all..." he continued to stare at it.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

#1 of lament of the moon part 3 "welcome to burgstein national museum, the biggest exhibit of historical and rare artifacts, artworks and items in the nation!"

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