Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 1 - Sunny

Story by rgii55447 on SoFurry

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#1 of My Little Pony: Hitch Gets Bashed

Sunny was trotting through the museum passing through all the amazing artifacts from the time of the ancient Equestrians. Lots of amazing gadgets and gizmos still existed, capturing the awes of all the ponies around, but Sunny wasn't just browsing, she was searching for something in particular. All her research, she just knew this would lead to the next big discovery in reuniting their world.

Hitch, who was on security, noticed her browsing through the exhibit. He rushed up to greet her.

"Sunny! Nice to see you here!" He said, "What brings you to the museum this fine night?"

Genuinely glad to see her, he couldn't help but be just a little curious at her arrival, this close to closing time.

"Oh, I just heard the museum had a new artifact on display, and I decided to swing by and check it out."

"Oh," Hitch said, "Well in that case-"

But Sunny was already off, her attention caught by something in a nearby case.

"And there it is!" She announced, trotting in the case's direction.

Hitch followed her and looked into the case which she was admiring. Inside was a large golden key, sparkling in the museum lights, on its handle was engraved a noble and magnificent dragon.

"Here it is," Sunny said, "The key to unlocking the Hidden World."

"Come again?" Hitch asked.

"Legend has it that back in the days of Equestria, there were also dragons in the world," Sunny explained, "One such dragon, Spike, was said to follow Queen Twilight on all her adventures. After the different types of ponies split, the dragons retreated into some Hidden World and were locked away with this very key to avoid getting caught up in the conflict."

"Sounds like another movie," Hitch remarked. "Sunny, we don't even know how historically accurate those legends of Equestria are. Dragons don't exist in our world anymore," Hitch said, "If they ever did."

"Only because we keep the only key to their world locked up in our museum," Sunny tried to explain.

Hitch sighed, rubbing a hoof to his head. Somehow he knew where this was going. "I'm sorry Sunny, but I can't let you take the key."

"Okay," Sunny answered, straight-faced.

And then she brought her hoof down on the glass case as hard as she could.

The glass shattered, alarms were suddenly blaring.

"I'm sorry Hitch, but we'll never know the truth if we keep our only key locked away from the world."

And then Sunny took off with the key.

Hitch grumbled to himself. Not again.

Why did Sunny always have to go on these illegal quests that were probably for the greater good, but still illegal, not to mention.

How had he known this was going to happen?

"Sunny, wait up!" Hitch cried, giving pursuit.

Sunny fled out the doors to the museum, and into the night air, Hitch following closely behind.

As he galloped after her through the streets, Sunny swerved into an ally. Hitch was right behind her.

Sunny stopped, a dead end. She spun around and faced Hitch, approaching her cautiously. "Okay Sunny, the game's up. Return the key, and I will drop all charges."

"Hitch," Sunny begged, "This key is the only way to bring dragons back into the world. Don't you want that."

Hitch sighed, "Sunny, you've already reunited the different types of ponies, isn't that enough."

As Hitch stepped closer, Sunny swallowed, suddenly realizing what she had to do, to get away from Hitch and complete her quest. She winced. This was going to be so awkward. Why was her mind in such a place where she knew that what she was going to do next would even work?

"I'm sorry Hitch," Sunny said. Suddenly, she spun around, lifted a back leg, and swung it back hard, under Hitch's belly, and through the opening in his legs headed for his tail. Sunny cringed as she felt her hoof make contact midway through. And pony hooves were hard!

Hitch's eyes popped, his knees buckled underneath him, and he crumpled to the ground, grabbing at his injury in mortal agony, unable to do anything else. And suddenly, Hitch realized he was wrong in his earlier assessment, this night was not going in the direction he'd thought it was going to go at all!

Pain! His weak spot! It hurt worse than anything else! Out of all the places to kick, how could it be there, so fragile and unprotected. He moaned.

Sunny shifted her legs, feeling herself go red at the thought of why it worked on him, but would never have worked on her. Because he had... and she had... She didn't even want to think about it, but whoever you were looking at, it was still embarrassing, and she didn't want to think about the embarrassing reason she couldn't be hurt like that, even if it played in her benefit right now. And the fact that she should even know the technicalities of how it all worked, what she'd just done... Cringe! Guys, girls, it was all too weird for her.

"I'm sorry Hitch," Sunny said again, "But I have to do this."

And with that, Sunny took off, fleeing into the distance, leaving Hitch folded up on the ground, alone in his agony.

She had kicked him and brought him down and been able to escape because she was a girl, and he was a guy. He had never made much of it before, but now he was cursing the fate that had cursed him with such the disadvantage just because he was a guy for some messed up male reason. A fate no girl pony would ever share.

Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 2 - Pipp

Pipp held her phone out before her, ready for her live-stream. Too long had the Pinkie Pie family line hoarded the #1 spot, now that had finally changed. Pipp hit the record button. She was live! "Hello all, this is Pipp here. Today I have a special...

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