The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter 8
Well it has been a while now hasn't it? I have gone to the hospital recently checking on my son. I have been there every day. And now I have time to continue this story. I hope you enjoy this very much!
Plus my brother DAVE does not talk much so........ plus only I have a short time. Got to go to the Doc! LOL...AKA my sister! >-D
Chapter 8
NEXT: memory
_June 23rd 2044 _
Location: Devils Plain
Time: 10:27
Squad: Spartan
The morning is cold. The bitter breeze rubs against their faces.
Five Men in.
Find artifact 'The_Book of Dire'_
Sun not awake.
Find and evac the artifact.
The chopper was five miles away from their DZ. Michael was alone this time. No Dave and no friends.
The troopers were so young, the same age as him. They all seemed scared to go.
No one talked at all. The transmission turned on and the pilot told them five minutes till DZ.
Michael just wanted to get the book and go home, tired of looking for this thing. This was the fifth mission to find the book. All the other locations were negative, nothing important to report. This time it was going to be different. This time the book will be his.
One of the troopers looked up, fear in his eyes. Michael turned away. Afraid to say 'everything will be fine' when he knew that something can always happen. To think that the mission was easy, is a big mistake. He remembers all too well about fear. He had only lost his wife a few days ago. And here he is. Still fighting.
The chopper is now at the DZ, and troopers jumped out of the chopper and it took off. Time limit: twenty minutes.
Time to finally get that book. It will turn the tide of war if the rebels seize it. The truth is that only he who sees the blood in the book will only be able to live an immortal. Only he who controls his own will, will have the power to create miracles.
Life is a mystery, only he who sees truth will see lies.
The area was filled with destroyed cars, and tanks. A graveyard for any vehicle. The sky filled with gray clouds. No sun today. They were a few meters away from a door in a trench. It was wide open. Old enough that it could have been from the Great War. No doubt it was vacant. Only thing inside were rats, bats and bugs.
Mike was the first to go in. he turned on the light on his gun and moved in slowly.
The library was where the book is. It is only a few hundred feet away from where they are now.
The door was shut at the entrance so they kicked it down, guns drawn.
Nothing but rows and rows of shelves. Filled with hundreds of books. Tables all put to the side, leaving the walk way wide open. They moved in towards the Front desk. On the Desk was the bones of a woman who got shot in the right arm and neck. They moved on. The library was quite, it was a place for people to come and relax and read. But now it is a place of lonely books. Surprisingly, the place was very clean and the lights still worked. But it was obvious that no one has been in there for over a century.
They moved on. The book was where they were told. On the square table, in the lunch room just right down the hall from the front desk. Michael grabbed the book and brought it closer to read the title. It was the book.
He put it in his bag and order his men to wait for evac. Because when evac arrives, they will run for hell. They knew that the place was old and all, but it also was very well defended. If someone wanted to come in and shoot somebody, the door will close. Leaving the gun man closed in between two doors. Even at this day, they knew it would still work if there was any sign of a threat to it. Mike showed no threat to the camera. It turned off. Thank fully there was no rebels here or we would get stuck in hear. The sound of wheels hitting the ground made them feel at ease. Their ride was here and now all they have to do is get on it. The troops headed out the door back into the trench. At the end they could see light. The door that was open. It seemed to easy. No fighting and no time to kill. Even though there still was 5 minutes.
Everyone got to the chopper except the youngest one of them all. He was behind mike and somehow ended up on the ground with three bullet marks in his chest. He was dead. The poor kid just joined a year ago. Now he is dead. No one knew what happened. His body lay there motionless. He must have been shot from a sniper. He dropped his stuff and ran after the dead trooper. He would not let his men die on the lines like that. He got to the trooper. His eyes wide open. But no fear was shown. He had a blood coming out of his mouth. Michael did not dare to look him in the eyes. He whipped off his tears and ripped his shirt. Whipping the soldiers face. Then closed his eyes and picked him up in his arms and brought him on board. They took off.
Was it worth it? Was it worth the life of this man? He was so young...showed promise. The book was what they came for. They got it, but in return, they lost their own. His life would not go in vain. Soon with the books secrets, the second fleet of carriers and attack ships launched an MASS MURDER assault on the rebels. Killing millions. In memory of their friend they shot the twenty one gun salute of the fall of their friend. The main rebel force was destroyed and the remaining rebels gave out the where-abouts of the remaining rebel bases. Within a whole day, every known rebel base was a pile of ash, blown away in the wind. The war is over. Now it is only hunting down prey.
End of memory.
I looked even deeper into the water. My face is the sign of lies. My life is a lie. I do not want to live life this way!
I dunked my head into the water. Crying. I did not want anyone to hear me cry.
Life has always cheated people, but always me. I did not feel to right to back to the others, instead I just left them alone and walked away into the moon lit sky. I knew that one day I would see them again. When I die.