Winnie The Pooh In Simba's Pride And The Lion Guard

In the outlands, zira's eldest son, nuka, complains to his younger sister vitani about kovu's status as "the chosen one"-the cub chosen by scar to lead the pride after he was gone.

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The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 3: Quest for the Truth

Your true destiny is behind the doors of that citadel, along with the destiny of malefor, cynder and all the chosen ones. your true path lies behind those doors. take it and find out the secrets to what is going on...

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Helen Ch 1

There had been some worry when cadi next bore twins, but martin and lucas were still sons... and neither of them were the seventh, and so there would be no question as to who the chosen one would be.

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Childish Antics

Only the chosen one can enter the tower! otherwise um... there will be... deadly explosions!" he threw his paws into the air to emphasize the deadliness of said explosions. "of deadly doom!"

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Princess Luna - Chapter 3

.** as for thinking i'm the 'chosen one' who will save all of equestria... where did you get that idea? have you been reading too many badly written 'human-in-equestria' fan fictions? the greater problems of equestria are no concern of mine!

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Brothers of Vash: Chapter 1 - First Heroic Act

Take the golden gifts on the statues, you are the chosen ones."

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Act I - The Outsiders

"you're one of the chosen ones, one of the few that will save this place from the hell its in." her ears twitched as she wiped her nose. "r-really?" "really." she smiled faintly, "how do you know?"

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Only Me and My Demon Here (PMD: WNA 7)

the 'chosen one' who lied to them for months, tricked them, deceived them. care all you want, ronny boy, cause no one will ever care about you again." seconds passed in the time betwixt time. "you're right..." more seconds passed.

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Watcher of Arcues - Path of the Immortal Chapter 14

The incident back at the market of the trainer getting arrested and the slightly burned girl came to mind, who he only just now recognized as the girl that had asked if he would around to play the role of the chosen one in the legend festival.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 16

"so then the chosen one in the stories, refers to the one that plays host to the source?" tahki frowns at the comment.

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As they donned their gear, and the chosen ones got themselves psyched up. trainers stood by their digimon, and veemon stood at the head. he was going to go with matt and takato up to face naruto and sasuke.

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