Brothers of Vash: Chapter 1 - First Heroic Act

Story by Zephere on SoFurry

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#1 of Brothers of Vash


** ** It was a stormy night. A black van was parked at the locked entrance of the bank. It was half pass twelve. The night was as silent as the grave and the rain tapped the streets.

The robbers had masks on, their faces were uncertain, but one of them had a scar on the right eye and the other had a gold chain around his neck. Both were armed with guns. They used explosives to blow up the armored entrance and did the same to the vault within. They used a crowbar to open the other safes that held their target - gold. They quickly swiped all the gold into a bag. The alarm went on, and at the same time they heard growling coming from the room.

"What was that?" Asked the scar eyed one.

"I don't know, but we'd better be quick, the cops will be here any minute," said the one with the gold chain.

Then, they heard the growl again but this time there were ember eyes that went with it. They shone their torches at the eyes and saw a creature covered in fur greeting them with a snarl.

"Names Wolff, what took you so long?" said the creature.

There was an eight-feet tall werewolf kneeling on the ground. He was all brown fur but his six pack muscular chest was visible. He was wearing nothing but tiger-patterned briefs held up by a golden belt. His legs were those of a wolf, each bound by golden ankle bands and his razor sharp claws were bound by golden wrist bands. He had bright ember eyes and a deep voice. He had needle sharp teeth and a bushy tail.

"What are you? And what do you want from us?" trembled the scar eyed one.

"You'll find out sooner than you think," said the werewolf.

The two robbers pulled their guns out and fired at the creature but he was too fast, even as they wanted to pull the trigger, he dashed toward them and beat the guns a side. He lifted the scar eyed robber and slammed his hand on the chest of the other one sending him flying back to a corner.

"GRRRR......." the werewolf growled picking him up and looking straight into his eyes.

"Please don't hurt me!!" Pleaded the scar faced robber as he nearly peed in his pants.

"Don't ever let me catch you stealing again, but knowing where you're going I don't think that will be a problem, right?" said Wolff.

Just then, the gold chained robber grabbed the crowbar and tried to hit Wolff on the head but he was too fast as he held the crowbar and lifted him up. He threw him into the corner again and threw the other to the same corner. He took the crowbar and bent it to a U shape and slammed it into the corner, trapping the two robbers.

"Fire Claw!" he grunted.

Fire burst from his claws and molded the two joints together.

"There, that would hold you till the cops come," said Wolff.

He left claw marks on the vault wall.

"AW... man the party's over?"

"Yea... better split before someone sees us!" Said Wolff eagerly

They ran out of the broken-in bank as swift as lightning.


"Freeze!! Don't move" shouted a policeman holding a gun.

"Whatta???" said the curious police man

They let down their guns when they saw the robbers bound up. They examined the claw marks on the vault wall.

"What kind of creature can leave claw marks on solid steel?"


"Hey! Bro! Looks like you made the news," said Dawn looking at the television.

Dawn is in his twenties with short spiky hair. He's quite stout and his eyes are grey, and his face looks a little Asian, if anyone would walk down the street, they would mistake him as a foreigner.

"Yeah, at least my claw marks did," said Emuel. Having a cup in his hand and drank from it occasionally.

Emuel is as stout as Dawn, but a little more muscular at the arms, he has ember eyes, the color of burning coal. He has long silver hair bound up into a pony tail and a slim handsome face any woman would die for.

"And to think that you did not accept your powers when you first got it," Dawn teased.

"Come to think of it, I didn't, did I," said Emuel

"Yeah, until you saved a little boy from a building fire," said Dawn.


Emuel remembered the day he got his powers, like a memory permanently burned into his head. In fact it was just a month ago. He and his brother Dawn was on an expedition to a remote forest reserve near to their living quarters. They found a cave near the edge of the reserve and it was an amazing cave as the entrance was very well carved in shapes that were quite unknown to the brothers.

"Where did this cave come from??" asked Dawn

"I don't know, strange... that of the last time I've came here, I don't remember a cave," replied Emuel.

"Well then, wanna go in and explore?" asked Dawn, beaming at his elder brother in excitement.

"I don't know, there might be traps in there," Emuel reasoned.

"Traps... or are you afraid of the dark? Or are you..." Dawn teased, grinning as he knew he was pushing his brother's weakness.

Emuel was not going to be looked down upon by Dawn as he interrupted him quickly.

"Don't say it! I am no chicken! I'm just looking out for us... That's all..." replied Emuel.

"Uh huh right... well... after you," Dawn chuckled, smiling as he gave way for his brother to pass, indirectly asking him to prove his point.

They went in cautiously with their flash lights shining at every other possible movement that would be dangerous, Emuel flinching a little as a drop of cave water tapped on his shoulders, causing Dawn to snicker a little. Emuel just gave him a cold sneer. They got through a few passages and turns before they saw a light coming from the roof of the cave. They stood in awe as they witnessed spotlight rays shining down on two werewolf statues, both wearing gold ankle bands and wrist bands and Golden belts. The accessories were not of present times but of ancient origins. There was also a stone tablet that was carved with a description:

"Only the purest of hearts are able to foresee the cave. Where their destiny lies and foretold by the light of Vash. You are chosen by it to protect this world from the evil and chaos of human deeds. Take the golden gifts on the statues, you are the chosen ones."

Then with a light so bright, the accessories that were on the statues cuffed their arms and legs and the belts at their waists. Then they felt a sudden rush of energy through their bodies as they started to transform in a blinding light.

Dawn's werewolf form was much more different from his elder brother's. He has grey fur and his golden belt buckle changed shaped into a wolf and a few leather strips hanging from it. He was as muscular as Emuel's but he has ebony wings growing from his back. He was wearing the same tiger patterned briefs that Emuel was wearing and on his neck hung a chain with a wolf-like pendant on the middle of his chest. He was pretty much naked if not for his briefs to cover his privates.

"What happened? I feel so... strange," Dawn stroked his head a little from the dizziness and flinched from what he felt. He looked at his paw immediately and gasped, falling onto his back at the sight of his wolfy paws. Even falling dawn wasn't right as he felt a bizarre object on his back. He reached behind and felt a growth, a big flat growth. He quickly strafed his head back. "My... Jesus... Wings? Since when did I grow wings, Get it off! Get it off!!" He thrashed on the floor as Emuel, being calmer went over to cool his brother off.

"Dawn! Calm down... I'm sure there's an explanation," shouted Emuel.

"Ah!! Who are you?" Dawn thrashed more in his place as he thought he was being attacked by another creature. The brown werewolf above him tried to hold him down, but he was thrashing too wildly.

"Dawn... Ergh... IT'S ME!!" he growled as he finally managed to pin the grey wolf on the ground and looked into his eyes. Dawn calmed down a bit after he noticed his brothers warm eyes. "What... happened to us?"

As if answering the wolf's question, the words on the stone tablet shone brightly and an image of a lady, dressed in white robes appeared like a hologram from the slab. She was beautiful, like a goddess had descended from the heavens.

"I am Lysthia, the goddess of peace. The one who created the Gem of Vash and the one responsible for your powers,"

The brothers watch in awe at her beauty, their panicked state vanished immediately in the lights of her presence. She was the goddess of peace indeed.

"Now that the Wild Bands are delivered, there are few things that you have to know. One is that your human forms are not lost. You are able to return to them whenever you see fit. Secondly, tell no one of this secret as you will be chased by your enemies if ever they are broken. Now GO... heed my words and guard the world for it is now your duty,"

"Why us, why did you pick us?" asked Emuel, standing up from his brother.

"That is a question you have to discover for yourself through time," she said as she vanished with the lights from the runes.

"Wow... I feel great, I like this form... it brings out the monster in me," Dawn looked pleased all of a sudden, contradictory to how he was before.

Emuel on the other hand didn't look happy with his powers at all. He had something else on his mind that didn't like it much.

"Dawn... if you have not noticed!! We are werewolves! And it is against our religion to be one!" Emuel growled without noticing it himself as he shook his brother with his powerful arms.

"Emuel... the difference between the werewolves we know is that they had no control. But our form is controllable, or we would be tearing each other apart right about now, and Emuel, we don't have to follow exactly by the book. We just have to use it for good. Besides, the gifts given are of the holly spirit that seeks to destroy the evil that is in our world. So... just accept it. It will do you good someday," said Dawn said, placing his arm around Emuel's now thick and furry neck.

Emuel just looked at Dawn. His green emerald eyes filled to the brim with enthusiasm for his powers that Emuel had no choice but to listen to him and take his brothers advice... for now.

"Fine Dawn... it is getting dark. Let's worry about it later and get home first," said Emuel.

Dawn had a nagging feeling that his elder brother didn't want anything to do with his powers. But for now, he had to listen to him for the sky was growing darker by the minute. They shifted back to their human forms in a flash of light as the wolf forms and the Wild Bands morphed into chains that hung snugly around their necks. They hiked through the mountain where their car awaited them. Emuel drove back to their home within a minute as their living quarters were just a stone throw away from where they were now. They got up in to their apartment sloly, so slow they can be mistaken as sloths.

"I'm going to take a bath... I'm stinkin... bad," said Emuel as he smelled himself.

"Al... rite... I'll get dinner ready," said Dawn placing a cookie in his mouth and taking off his sweat drenched shirt.

"Man I miss mom and dad. At this time of the night, she would always make us some good food and dad would be helping her," said Dawn boiling the water in a pot and placing some spaghetti inside. While waiting for the spaghetti to soften up, he went to watch a program on television.

The brothers lived as orphans when their parents and their fourteen year old brother died six years ago in a car accident. It was hard at first having no one to look after them, but fate had smiled on them as their parents died when they were of the age of twenty and twenty-one. That meant that they were old enough to take care of themselves.

"Yeah... luckily, our beloved parents told us that they were not going to be here looking after us forever and thought us how to be independent. Do you still remember their advice?" asked Emuel shouting in the bath room.

"Of course I do. Whenever you need us my sons..." said Dawn.

"Find us at the door of your heart, we will always be there." Emuel completed.

Dawn let out a sigh. The sorrows of loosing their parents and their brother vanished as he absent-mindedly cut his finger while chopping some vegetables for the spaghetti.

"Ouch..," Dawn winced and sucked his own blood oozing out of his wound.

Emuel just came out of the room all dressed up when he heard his brother.

"Dawn! You alright??" asked Emuel concerned, the water in his hair flinging in all directions as he rushed over to Dawn.

"Yeah... it's just a cut. Nothing to worry about, it will heal in time," said Dawn.

"You remind me of Lionel. His clumsiness would make us laugh all the time," said Emuel.

"Yeah... he would normally get a few cuts and bruises. He would always come to us and we would often bandage it or relief the pain for him and would nag at him, but he would never listen but instead pretends to listen in front of our face," said Dawn.

"Yeah... and making faces," said Emuel, chuckling as he relived his memories.

They love their younger brother a lot especially Dawn who would go nuts if something would ever happen to him. He cried for almost a week after the death of their parents and brother.

The news went on. It seems that there was a building fire just a few blocks away. Dawn shifted into his were form and went to the window when Emuel grabbed his hand.

"Dawn! Don't go! It's dangerous!" said Emuel.

"Please... let me go... this is the reason we were given these powers," convinced Dawn.

Emuel looked at him for a moment. His grey eyes stared at him deeply as if trying to achieve Emuel's trust. Dawn knew this weakness of his brother very well and he was going to exploit it to the fullest.

"Okay... go... help them... but be careful. I'm not ready to loose you," said Emuel giving up. He couldn't resist those eyes, no matter how many times he'd tried.

"Emuel... I was hoping you would come with me," said Dawn. Emuel was taken aback.

"I don't think I'm coming," He looked away from his brother's grey eyes, as if it was the best way from buying into Dawn's request.

"I don't want to force you then. If your change your mind, you'll know where to find me," Dawn turned to face the window, readying for his drop.

He flew out of the window to the building fire. As he arrived, he broke into one of the building window and quickly grabbed as many choking victims as he could carry. Leaping through the window once more, he brought them down to the ground and gently placed them down. Everyone was afraid at the sight of a werewolf at first, but when Dawn placed down the victims, they knew he was there to help. The firemen rushed over to the victims and got them into stretchers.

Dawn then flew back up to the building again. Breaking into one of the windows where he heard coughing. Searching around, he saw three fire victims stuck to a corner as if trying to avoid the falling debris. He rushed towards them, but a huge chunk of concrete fell onto the wolf's head as he dropped heavily and fainted on the floor.

Back at the apartment, Emuel's necklace glowed. He wondered what was going on as the necklace flashed and an image of Dawn lying flat on the ground appeared in his vision. He gasped at the sight as he saw Dawn in trouble. He wondered what he could do, and he knew that the only answer is to use his powers. He gripped his fists and sighed, finally knocking out of his senses.

"To hell with this werewolves being bad, my brother is in trouble." Emuel rushed towards the door. "Don't die on me Dawn, hold on till I come," said Emuel.

He raced the rooftops, then, climbing up to the building edge and feeling the wind stroking his hair, he opened his arms wide and jumped down. His necklace glowed and he shifted into his wolf form in mid-air, blazing up in an inferno of flames. He made his way to the building fire, worrying about his brother the whole time. Upon arriving, he dashed in to where his brother was and helped him up.

"Don't worry Dawn. I see that now. I will save you and finish what you have started," said Emuel.

"Everyone! Don't be afraid! If you value your life, hold on to me. Quick! This place is crashing down!" shouted Emuel in his gruff wolf voice

They all trusted him and held on to Emuel.

"Fire shield!" shouted Emuel.

His whole body ignited, covering everyone including Dawn in fire that would not burn but protect them. The place was indeed collapsing, and Emuel had just barely made it to the window, giving his legs a final lift as he bursts through. They got down to the ground safely and everyone cheered at the lights of the unusual heroes. Then, a lady came rushing towards Emuel weeping.

"Please... save my son! He's trapped! " she said desperately.

"Which floor?" Emuel asked, surprised with his gruff voice.

"The twenty first" said the lady.

"Don't worry... I will get him, erm... take care of him for me will ya? Don't worry, he won't bite..." said Emuel and jolted up to the building again.

He flew to the twenty first and searched for the boy. Through the ruble and debris, Emuel couldn't find him and time was almost running out as the whole building started to deteorate more. Emuel's ears twitched as he heard the sound of crying combined with the sound of coughing coming from behind a door. He eagerly rushed through the rubble and broke through the burning laminated door. There, he found a boy waiting to be rescued trapped under a pile of debris.

"Don't worry kid, I will bring you to your mother," said Emuel.

The boy just cried as he panicked. Emuel broke the debris in a matter of seconds as the were-form increased his strength. He carried the boy out of the building just before it collapsed. The crowd cheered as they saw Emuel darted out just in the nick of time from the building. The boy hugs his neck tightly, completely trusting Emuel to bring him back to his mum. Emuel handed the boy back to his mother. Tears of joy came trailing down her eyes as she saw her son well and unharmed.

He looked at the child and the little boy who reminded him of his brother and parents. He just stood there staring at them both when the lady snapped him out of it.

"You are an angel sent by the gods. Bless you for saving my son. When he grows up, he will know that he was saved by you. Please let me know your name," said the lady as she cried.

"Well, my name is Em...." said Emuel and thought that he should not use his own human name. So he chose:

"Wolff... call me Wolff and he is Thrall," said Wolff and pointed at his unconscious brother.

"Well... what a nice name. I will name my second son after you," Said the lady.

"Thank you, but I really have to go before my brother and I get bullets for dinner," said Wolff.

Wolff helped his brother up and bolted into the skies.

"Oh... my head," said Thrall soothing himself with a rub on his head when he noticed that he is covered in flames that did not burn him, panicking a little as he found himself high up in the sky.

"Woow... ," he said frightened at the height.

"Glad you're awake," said Wolff.

Thrall kept stroking his aching head when he snapped.

"The fire!!" He shouted.

"Don't worry, I've taken care of it... all the fire victims are safe, and I saved a boy, but the building collapsed, and I saved you too. Not really a good impression for your first time?" teased Wolff.

"....and Guess what? I gave you a name for your wolf form....Thrall, like it?" said Wolff.

"What?? Thrall?? Hm... not a bad name..... oh and you can put me down now,"

Wolff let as the grey wolf flew beside him.

"Well... how does it feel after your first heroic act??" asked Thrall.

"Well, it feels kinda like...."said Wolff when he noticed Thrall beaming at him, so he decided to give him a run for his money, snickering a little in his mind.

".......naaaa I'm not gonna tell," he said mischievously.

"Come on... spill it... how does it feel??'" asked Thrall again wanting to extract all the feeling that is in him.

"No!!! uh-uh nope... my lips are sealed," said Wolff even more mischievously.

Thrall wasn't gonna give up that easily, so he flew above Wolff and grabbed his right claw and bends it to his back dealing an excruciating pain.


"Oww... okay.. okay!!! I give!" Wolff growled in pain.

Thrall let go of his claw. Wolff just holds it in pain and adjusting here and there so that the pain would go away. Then Thrall began again.

"Tell already!!" said Thrall enthusiastically.

"Erm... you really want to know?" asked Wolff.

"Yeah..." said Thrall.

"Really....REALLY want to know?" Wolff asked again to annoy him.

Thrall rolled his eyes, "Can you just tell me???" it looks like the brown wolf succeeded.

"...Then come catch me! HAHAHA," said Wolff and jolted way front and laughed as he did so.

Thrall was deeply annoyed by his brother and played his gam's games as he growled lowly to himself, but he decided to play along. Wolff kept flying and zig-zaging around buildings so that Thrall can't catch him. The grey wolf tried to keep up, but his brother's speed was just too fast. Soon enough, Wolff lost sight of his brother.

"Heh... guess I'm too fast for him," said Wolff being boastful.

"SURPRISE!!!" shouted Thrall as he appeared in front of Wolff.

Wolff panicked as he froze in his place while his brother quickly grabs his claw again and began pulling it to his back, dealing the familiar pain.

"How did you..." said Wolff in the pain.

"I teleported.... it is one of my skills... now spill!!" said Thrall.

"Okay... okay!! It felt really good to help people and furthermore good to be a hero," said Wolff.

"and...??" asked Thrall.

"and what??... ouch!" he shouted as Thrall bends his hand a little more.

"Okay... okay... I will use it more often... it is not against god's words to be a werewolf if it is to help people... okay? happy? NOW LET ME GO MAN!!! IT'S BREAKING ALREADY!!" he said as the pain became overwhelming. Thrall snickered as he let go of his claw.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted you to confess... that's all," said Thrall.

Wolff growled threateningly at his brother and quickly took his arm and twisted it behind him wanting him to feel the pain for himself.

"Here.. have a taste of your own medicine," said Wolff.

"ARH!! Arms don't bend that way!!" shouted Thrall.

"Say you're sorry," said Wolff.

"Okay.... okay.... I'm sorry," said Thrall.

Wolff then let go of his brother's arm.

"Now we're even...." said Wolff.

"That's gonna leave a mark..." said Thrall, readjusting his arm.


"And now you're loving it," said Dawn.

"True.... so are you.... Anyway, I'm going to bed... it is peaceful out there tonight and it is already eleven o'clock..." said Emuel and went into the room to have a good night's sleep.

Brothers of Vash: Chapter 2 - Cats and Wolves don't Mix

Alright... Okay I lied... I got impatient so sue me... Anyway here is the next installment of the Brothers of Vash series... Enjoy and please leave some comments... I REALLY NEED THEM!!! **CHAPTER 2 : CATS AND WOLVES DON'T...

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