Brothers of Vash: Chapter 3 - Power Of Vash
Alright... dudes... here is another story for you guys... Enjoy the read!! Note: When Emuel and Dawn are in wolf form, I name them by their use names Wolff and Thrall. So when you read Wolff and Thrall, they are in wolf forms and vice versa...
Brothers of Vash: Chapter 2 - Cats and Wolves don't Mix
Alright... Okay I lied... I got impatient so sue me... Anyway here is the next installment of the Brothers of Vash series... Enjoy and please leave some comments... I REALLY NEED THEM!!! **CHAPTER 2 : CATS AND WOLVES DON'T...
Brothers of Vash: Chapter 1 - First Heroic Act
**CHAPTER 1 : FIRST HEROIC ACT** ** ** It was a stormy night. A black van was parked at the locked entrance of the bank. It was half pass twelve. The night was as silent as the grave...
Chapters of Crestfallen - Chapter 1: Pentagram
Cold... like the chill of a blizzard. Dark... like the darkest of nights. Alone... like exile to an uncharted island. These feelings had been with me for as long as I can remember... and they still are, burning into my flesh, right into my bone. I...
Chapter 1: Pentagram
Chapter 1 Pantagram Winds... the winds were my only companion, weaving over my fur like empty fingers closing around me in a hug, yet reminding me of the painful loneliness of my existence. The sound of waves crashing against the cliffs was...