I'm a ground type, remember? it'll take a lot more than a earthquake to get rid of me." cubone said.
"i'm sorry, i..."
"yelled at you."
"sneasel? if he's here then where is tyranitar?" cubone stared at him concerned.
No-Yiff, Pokemon
The ground type pokémon keeps digging at the rocks but growls out in frustration. "sandshrew, you're not strong enough to dig through that rock. save your strength until we can figure out something."
Articuno, Clean, Fanfiction, Moltres, Ninetales, Pokemon, Zapdos
Rhydon seemingly cannot land a hit, and kommo-o easily counters with moderate jabs that leave the rock/ground-type pokémon stumbling. rhydon is starting to get frustrated, but he knows he can't let kommo-o down.
Abs, Belly, Bellypunch, Bellypunching, Charmeleon, Gut Punching, Gutpunch, Gutpunching, Gyakuryona, Hawlucha, Kemoryona, Kommo-o, Muscle, Musclegut, Pain, Pokemon, Rhydon, Scalie, Toxtricity, blaziken, boxing, dragonite, muscular, punch, serperior, stomach
The first one missed, but the second one struck home, and the nihilego immediately seemed to deflate and fall out of the air, dully, greater emphasizing the vulnerability to ground-type attacks.
"it worked!" luke exclaimed.
"then keep pelting it!!"
Alolan ninetales, Buzzwole, Calyrex, Celesteela, Empoleon, Giratina, Greninja Zoroark, Lucario, Necrozma, Pheromosa, Pokemon, Stakataka, Story Series, Swampert, Team Valiant, Ultra beasts, Zacian, Zamazenta, blaziken, houndoom, lopunny, samurott, sceptile
But they did not get far before two more of the dragon/ground-types erupted from the earth, snarling at the panicked townsfolk.
Alakazam, Battle, Bisharp, Delphox, Dugtrio, Gallade, Incineroar, Lycanroc, Story Series, Talonflame, Team Valiant, Typhlosion, Vaporeon, Violence, blaziken, samurott, zoroark
The lion hybrid didn't have much time to react before the ground type pokemon lunged at him and sent him flying into the forest just outside of the town, the trainer and pokemon following suit.
Battle, Bulbasaur, Digimon, Dragon, Gym, Leomon, Male, Nidoking, Pokemon, Training, Wolf, larvitar, sentret
As of now, we have sharpshooters with puddy guns and multiple rock and ground-type pokémon surrounding the center, as we believe this creature is a raichu-human mix of some sort!
Growlithe, Hybrid, Pokemon, Raichu, Transformation
I already knew that clay was a ground-type gym leader, so chances were he had a krokorok of his own. for this reason, i planned to have stripes watch the battle.
"i suppose that makes sense.
Cilan, Krokork, Kynexn, Luxray, Tensa, sceptile, servine
Despite the fact that the burning sensation must have stung like a bitch even if the nidoking was a duel poison-ground type: blake was smiling quite manically as the two energies clashed.
Action, Dark, Drama, Gay, Gay Relationships, M/F, M/M, Pokemon, Sci-Fi, Story Progression, Story Series, Supernatural, Violence, Violence (Not In Yiff)