Chapter 6: The Quake Badge

cilan said, but this time he didn't spin around in place, thankfully. it was kind of nice, in a way, almost as if he was part of a fan club, but at the same time, i was never really into that sort of thing.

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Chapter 6: Differing Views

cilan was excited to see heji, since he was not a native pokémon to this region at all, but not nearly as excited as elesa was, being the electric-type fanattic that she was.

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Chapter 5: The Bolt Badge

As cilan would say, her zebstrika was likely 'her vintage'. like fine wine, her zebstrika was the strongest showcase in her arsenal. "stripes, you're up for a short bit again.

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The Journey Chapter 8: The Season Opening Ceremony

'i don't really have much to say except thank you to those who accompanied me on my journey through the five regions: misty, brock, tracey, may, max, dawn, cilan and iris.

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