The Journal of Krystal
Users involved in our series: firefox1234, dark wolfe, yon12yon, red\_rush\_brush\_7 my story series "the three dragons" is a work in progress if you wish to put your characters in this series or add new ones send me an e-mail at [[email protected
Buff and Fluff vs the Muscelid Menace
The e-mail was summarily deleted without opening the attachment with which it had come. buff stood up to get the pager, the incredible musculature of his body forcing him to waddle.
Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms… and pranksters too
She also helps us build school-projects, and then photographs them so we can e-mail the photographs to our art teacher. my aunt helps us build models out of construction-paper, foam, and pipe-cleaners.
I threw the ring away
Kindle (alis mitsy): smashwords: as always, i am open for commissions starting at 30 gbp per 1,000 words - please e-mail arianmabe[at] for more information or see
The Ethereal Plane: Chapter 1
How she got my e-mail, i didn't know. i was soon home, and i ate a small snack. before i knew it, the clock rung five. i hurried downstairs, and walked outside. surely enough, a black dodge viper pulled up in front of me.
A Tail of Beastians - Pre-Prologue and Prologue
He was found out, not because he was caught, but because he e-mailed a stronger program. the ceo was actually impressed, and offered alex a job.
To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 4
._ _negotiating_ _you have 0 new e-mail!_ suddenly, his curiosity was spiked when he received an instant message from a screen name that looked a lot like it belonged to brent. **xtwilightsxreprisalx** : oh hey brent, what's up...
As you know Bob, show don't tell: Srsly (7 shows, no tells!)
If you would like to link back to me, which is nice and polite but by no means compulsory, please use '[](' or my e-mail address, [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection
Read Harry Potter, the Aenid of our times: Srsly (4 real!)
If you would like to link back to me, which is nice and polite but by no means compulsory, please use '[](' or my e-mail address, [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection
Neko City2040 (Chapter 1:: Intro ::)
Please e-mail me at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection).. arigato. n.n
If you really like the characters and have an idea for a situation, feel free to e-mail me and recommend it. or, if you want to write a story with these characters yourself, send me the outline and i'll give you permission. thanks again!
Dottie (2022)
Opening the e-mail application, he quickly typed in brownfield's e-mail and wrote "dottie's new owner" in the subject field.