Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 2)
Thunder kept her eye on him as they turned the corner, him sticking his paws in his pockets,"well, my mother was addicted to drugs and i couldn't live with her in virginia anymore, so i moved down here with my father when i was nine.
A Nightmare to Life: Ch 1/2 Prolouge
It was bought in virginia while he was training, and he knew sam loved shot glasses even though he never drank. as ren pulled his pants up, the sound of glass breaking reached his ears.
What is left of me: Chapter Finale
We're in north carolina, and from other paw walkers, we heard of a paw walker civilization further up north in virginia. if anyone gets this journal, head there, if you're a paw walker at least.
Escape From This Crazy Dream, Prolouge A
To get to where he went to college, the art institute of washington, he had to drive to the metro station and take the subway out to virginia.
Glass of 2014
"the lass twins, jack and virginia." they were two tigers that both wore tuxedos despite virginia being female. jack was holding a flute and virginia an acoustic guitar. they had a large chrome trophy with an eighth note engraved on the front.
What it Means to be a Furry!?
Joseph vesper (fox lupus) the furry convention i have been to georgia, texas, florida, south carolina, tennessee, michigan, indiana, kentucky, pennsylvania, north carolina, virginia, as well as many other states and places.
She was changed in the mountains of west virginia, and never psychically aged past 28. she's going to be part of an upcoming project i'm working on. hope you enjoy!
Friendly Fire - Chapter 1: The Future Was Bright
My mom, a black and grey husky mutt named virginia, was at the stove whipping up a feast with practiced efficiency, while my dad, a border collie shepherd mutt named amos, sat reading the morning paper and drinking his coffee.
Tina's Story Chapter 75 A recap of 'Tina's Story
.: colleen, an irish setter hybrid embodies the term 'cougar' growing up in the hunt country of virginia, she was left by her beau, sean. so, she took her southern charm to hollywood, where she got a studio job, and became an infamous madame.
Renegades Book 1: Mavericks Ch 1
They live in asylum, one of the last standing cities on the edge of the former state of virginia. "time to catch some zs. got to be ready for my test tomorrow night. set alarm for 12:00 hours."
In less than a hundred miles, he'd be nine hours away from the one-story house in west virginia and standing outside of the new apartment building. far from the mines. further from his parents.
Coming Home
"we need to lighten the mood anyway, after all we just made it through virginia." "yes we did my fox, we made it together." the couple sat there during the flight and they both were in a good mood again.