Tales of Zootopia: Mara and Jem

Writer's note: i got the idea for this entire story from one moment from a theoretical scenario presented by an ad for a vaccine for hepatitis b, where a guy got it from kissing a girl at a party.

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The Reluctant Hero

But no one had come close to devising anything that could be remotely considered a vaccine, not even to prevent future outbreaks. i saw it for what it was, nature's way of balancing the world.

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Colonyship - Chapter 2 - Creekbed

What i find instead is a square shaped welt that looks like it came from some kind of vaccine injector. you know the ones, they make a seal on part of your skin thus it makes a welt.

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A modern cold war, for a modern world

Like anything new, it started small, new, better, cheaper, fast to produce vaccines, and then new ways to recover, treat and even replace skin cells, excellent news for those who were suffering from skin cancer.

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Isolation-Excerpt 34-True Intentions

We had dinner, took showers played a bit on our pda's and talked about what we needed to do to keep martin as delayed as possible and keep sarah in enough resources to find a vaccine for red star at the same time.

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Genetic Children-Log 10- Wade's Deception

These guns used a stream of high pressured injector fluid to breach the skin and deliver a vaccine usually, but they could be modified to house a larger diameter injection tube to allow for the delivery of items such as sub-dermal trackers or in this case

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Toni's Diary Entry #8 - Fight Night

I recently got vaccinated, have been having some car troubles, and i have to move across the state again. but all of this doesn't mean that i should not continue writing. so i shall continue writing.

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Always Small

He was vaccinated for the major shrinking diseases, so that wasn't it. the elevator dinged amd the doors slid open. the very small netafo ran over to his apartment door. he pounded on it with his tiny fist.


A Barren Affliction - Chapter 1

Naturally, one of the top stories was about the jccsr and how hotly anticipated a cure or vaccine for the mysterious sterility was.

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Light Bane: Chapter 31

Life started to return to normal the next year, with vaccines being administered with great results. he did work as a part-timer in some jobs, but he knew it wasn't going to help him utilize his skills or be successful in the long run.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 15

I once got it too, but draconian-made vaccine helped me went through my childhood. i think it's called othar's poison, right?" dairyu nodded.

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Head Above Water: Chapter 1

Rather than making a vaccine for every known aliment, they had taken different aspects of other species dna as to create the perfect immune system, to combat any pathogen.

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