A Giant Problem VI

Story by Khendarian on SoFurry

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#8 of Story Pad

The next bit in the story of Jason! Enjoy.

I looked down at Grant and it was all I could do not to growl at him. I had to stay clam in case it was just sone fluke

"What do you mean, fly?" I asked

"Oh, nothing at all Jason. Nothing at all. Now, are you going to get vaccinated or do I have to take it up with the job board?" Grant said, smiling at me

I had no idea what to do. If they had caught Dr. Stevenson, they could hurt him, or worse yet mom and dad. Yet if they injected me with something there was no telling what it would do. I had never felt so conflicted, not even when I faced down tanks to save my parents.

"Jason? Your decision?"

"Grant, I am not at all pleased by this. You know well that there are restrictions placed upon who can work with me medically and even if there are new people in place those rules cannot just be casually violated. While I am sure Ann is quite professional she is only just starting to work with me and may not be familiar with all of my physiology.

"This does not strike me as being well thought out and so I cannot help but wonder about the rest of the operation."

He just smiled all the larger. "Well, I'm sure those are all legitimate concerns. If you really are so high strung and nervy you don't trust anyone but those people, then fine. I'll give you until tomorrow to get the vaccines done, though it'll cost you a fair bit of pay."

I eyed him, uneasy and surprised by his easy agreement. "Well, the money is not really that great a deal, I suppose. I would just like Dr Stevenson to look over what it is you are wanting to use on me before having it. I don't want to be sick again. You will send it to him?"

Grant laughed. "Of course my dear boy, of course!"

I cocked my head and nodded. "Very well, I will head back to the compound, then."

"Go ahead, Jason, don't let us stop you," Grant said, turning to light a cigar. "Oh, by the way, have you see Dr Stevenson lately? No one back at camp seems to know where he is. I'd hate for him to be gone for some reason and have to use someone else."

I froze in my tracks, then turned slowly to him. "You are treading on very dangerous ground, human."

Grant took several steps back. "What? Jason, I have no idea what you're talking about or why you're suddenly so angry! This is why you "Changed" make me so damnned nervous. You can be having a perfectly fine conversation one moment and the next they're wanting to rip your throat out!" He shook his head. "All I'm saying is Darlin' put a call into the camp to see if she could talk to Dr Stevenson, but he wasn't around."

He sighed deeply and shook himself. "If this is going to be that much of a bother then forget about it! I'll find someone else to do it or figure out some other way. Not about to let some giant animal threaten me when I'm trying to do him a good turn!"

I took a step back, confused. "I...am sorry. I thought," I shook my head.

Grant looked up at me. "Thought what? That I took over the compound after you left? That I kidnapped people? Boy, if I wanted you hurt or trussed up we'd have done it."

I thumbed the button on the transceiver again but there was no response. Damn it. Damn it all to hell. "I did not mean to imply anything."

Grant smiled. "Oh, I'm sure you didn't. I guess I can understand your nervousness. Still, boy, I'm not going to hurt you or anything and I promise that this was run past Ann and some of the other lab workers. Now, are we going to do this or not?"

He leaned forward. "I'm sure your parents will be awful proud to see that you're working, providing, making yourself a good part of society once they are back, won't they? Come on, boy, make your folks proud of you! Prove to em that you're not just a burden and a weight on their backs! Show the world you can work and take pride in it!"

I looked at him closely, inhaling, taking in his scent, but I couldn't detect anything but cigar smoke and the smell of a slightly nervous human which is not at all out of place when people deal with me. "What do you mean by a weight? My parents love me," I said in a low tone

"And I don't doubt that at all, Jason! But I'm sure they worry about you, worry what is going to happen after they're gone and all that. Every parent wants to see their child do well and you have to admit, you've been limited. Come, boy, you know that working will help out with all of that."

I was so confused I had no idea what to do. Everything he said was quite reasonable, but I knew what Grant had been like, what he had said, and those seemingly veiled threats kept coming back to mind. That and how nervous David and Dr Stevenson were.

But perhaps they were wrong. Dr Stevenson even admitted that anyone could change. But all of the things that were said.....

Damn, damn, and damn.

"Jason, I don't want to push, but I really need a response. I have crews waiting, things that need to be done, and a timetable. If I'm going to change things I need to get on it now so we don't loose too much money in the process."

I lowered my head. Dr Stevenson had boosted my immune system and given me antidotes. Could anything they give really hurt me? There was all sorts of possible things that could interfere with the radio.

"Jason?" Grant said in a kind voice.

"Alright," I said quietly.

Before I could second guess myself and moved to the scaffold where the woman Grant had called "Darlin" was waiting. She smiled up at me. "Hello, Jason. You're a lot bigger than my usual patients but I think I can manage. Would you care to sit? I would like to inject this along your upper shoulder and it'd be a lot easier on me."

I nodded and sat down, trying to keep from shuddering. She gave me a brief pat on the shoulder then moved around behind me. It was very difficult to keep my instincts in check and not growl or lash out. I felt something moving over my shoulder then a brief prick. I closed my eyes, hoping whatever it was wasn't toxic and was safe.

"Alright, all done, Jason. The injection site my itch a little but there shouldn't be any side effects. If you feel ill or feverish just check in with myself or with Ann and we'll get you taken care of. Okay?"

"Thank you," I said and stood up. I reached back to feel where she had injected me but it was just a bit out of range of my fingers. I flexed my claws out and scratched at it a little but it seemed fine to me.

"Wonderful, my boy, wonderful!" Grant said, beaming at me. "Now, lets get you down in the pit so we can show you what we're after. I don't know if you'll get much done to day but at least we can get you down there and show it about."

They lead me to the pit and pointed out an area where I should easily be able to climb down. It was obvious that it had been shored up to support extra weight as well as make it easer for someone of my stature to get down. The pit itself was quite huge, when standing on the bottom of it the walls were well above my head. It was wide enough for me to crouch down it, but only just.

At the bottom there were some trenches that seemed to have been dug only a short time ago and as well as some tunnels that ran off under the sides of the pit. The ground was mostly smooth, only a few large boulders strewn about. I could see the track marks of the various cats and other vehicals as well as the boot prints of humans

"Alright, Jason," Grant called down via the PA system. "First off, lets see if you can get a few of those boulders out of the bottom for us. Should be easy work for you. You'd be surprised how much damn work it takes to break them down or lift them out with a crane, however."

I nodded slightly and reached for one of the boulders. It fit neatly in my hand and I grunted slightly as I lifted it up. Despite the size difference, heavy things are still heavy, if that makes sense to you. I have more muscle mass to move things about, but no matter what it takes some effort.

It came up easily enough and I stood with it, then sat it on the side of the pit, far enough back that there was no danger of it rolling back in.

"Jason, you just saved me several thousands of dollars worth of work! You, my boy, are worth triple what I'm paying you! Not that I'm going to pay you what you're worth mind you, that's the trick to business, see?" he said with a laugh

I grumbled at him, but couldn't help chuckle a bit. It took me little time to move the other boulders, even having to partially dig one out. Perhaps most surprising to me was the feeling of being useful again, of doing something to help.

I had not expected to feel that way. Not picking up rocks and certainly not for someone like Grant.

"Alright my dear boy, now we come to the actual heart of the operation, so to speak," Grant said with barely constrained glee. "If you will look closely at that trench, or perhaps not so closely for your eyes, you may take note of some greenish colored rocks and dust."

I nodded in agreement. I had taken notice of it before but thought little of it. "I assumed they were emeralds."

"Wrong continent for that, my boy. You find the really good ones in South America mostly. No, this is far, far more valuable."

"What is it? You said it was not radioactive."

"No, if it is it is only mild. As for what it is, that's just it: We're not totally certain. This is one of only two places that it has been found and fortunately both of those places were in areas that I either own or have strong connections in."

I stood up and looked over at where he was sitting in his golf cart. "So why want it? There are other rare elements but that does not make them valuable."

He grinned. "Ah, but we do know something about it, you see. Some very interesting things. For right now, however, that is classified. Now, how about you run your claws through it a bit and see if you can find some largish chunks? And be careful, it will split apart if handled roughly; that accounts for all the dust you see."

I watched him for a moment, then knelt down and carefully sifted through some of the dirt in the trench. "Carefully, boy, carefully!" He called. I nodded and continued to search. After a moment I drug out a chunk of the mineral about the size of a football. I very carefully nudged it into my left hand and stood up, holding it out to him.

Grant looked at it and his eyes lit up with a passion like I had never seen. "Jason," he nearly whispered, "you have no idea what you have just done and how rich you just made me....and you."

I watched Grant as he looked at the greenish crystal in his hand, eyes fixed on it, looking at it with raw greed

"Rich?" I rumbled

"Oh yes boy, oh yes. Very, very rich. This is the most valuable substance on the planet!"

"What is it?"

He grinned. "We're not totally certain."

"How can something you are not certain of be so valuable?"

"Just because we don't know exactly what it is does not mean that we don't know what it can do, at least in part, my dear boy."

"And what is that?"

He shook his head. "Not yet. Too much to do yet, too many things to put in place. That information is need to know."

"I am digging it up. Don't you think I should know?"

He grinned again. "Hardly, my boy. It's not a slight against you, just that we have to have certain things in place before we reveal it to the world as it were. You'll get to see soon enough."

I rumbled at him and he just grinned larger. "Oh none of that! You'll know, trust me! Now, I think that's all that needs doing today. You're free to go back to your home. I will see you here tomorrow afternoon, no need to get up early! Not so fond of the morning that I rise to see it myself."

I cocked my head in confusion. "That was it? I am free to go?"

"What, you think I would keep you here or something?" he laughed.

"No, I just thought there would be more."

"Lots more, my boy, lots more. Just not today. I will see you tomorrow!" he said and climbed into his golf cart, sat the mineral down next to him, and drove off towards the main building.

I watched for a moment in confusion, then climbed out of the pit and started back towards the camp, walking as nonchalantly as I could. I was worried about Dr Stevenson and my parents.

As soon as I was out of sight of the guards, I picked up my pace and went to where I had left Dr Stevenson. I looked around but could not see him and my heart started to pound all the faster. Had they taken him? I knelt down and sniffed at the ground until I caught his scent and followed it towards the ridge.

"Jason! Over here!" I heard faintly. I quickly moved towards the sound and came across a ravine with the Dr laying at the bottom. He looked up at me in both pain and disgust.

"Are you okay?" I asked, rapidly kneeling down and looking him over

"Fine! Other then a bloody sprained ankle! What about you? What the hell happened? After I fell I got to the radio but can't get anything other than static," Dr Stevenson said, looking at me worriedly

"I'm fine, Dr. Stevenson. How should I pick you up?"

He blinked and shook his head, laughing softly. "No protests? You sure you're ok?"

"Stop it!" I hissed softly. "You're hurt! I need to get you back!"

"It's not that bad, Jason," he said quietly. "Come on then, just put your hand down and help me over into it. I'll be fine."

I very carefully laid my hand down next to him and used my other to help him up. He levered himself up, using my fore finger to pull up on. He groaned and winced a few times but otherwise didn't protest as he lay down. "Alright, Jason, I'm set. Just walk careful and don't jostle me as much as possible."

"Yes, sir"

I started walking back to the compound, keeping an eye on him and keeping my hand movements to a minimum. After a period of silence he finally cleared his throat. "What did they do to you, Jason?"

"We can talk about it when we get back."


"When we get back."

"what are you hiding?"

"Nothing, damnit! I don't want to talk about it out here! Wait until we are back and you're settled in!"

Dr Stevenson went slightly pale at the tension in my voice and I winced, ears drooping. "Sorry, sir."

"It's okay, Jason. I'm just concerned. As you say, we will wait, but I expect you to allow me to examine you."

"Yes sir."

The rest of the trip went in silence, save for a few groans from Dr Stevenson as he rearranged himself or as I accidently jostled him.

I made a bee line directly back to his offices, hoping that Ann was no where to be found. No such luck. She saw me approaching and walked out onto the balcony. "Well well, if it isn't Jason! How was your first day?"

"Fine," I said shortly. "Dr Stevenson sprained his ankle. He needs treatment."

She looked a little surprised and then had a half smirk on her face that she tired to hide. "Well, if he weren't out roaming around that probably wouldn't happen. We're not equipped to deal with humans here so he'll have to go to the hospital in Emmet's Crossing and-"

I cut her off with a low rumble and she took several steps back. "Those that work with me are more than qualified to take care of Dr Stevenson. You will call them, they will treat him here, and I will hear nothing more of it."

She looked surprised then glared. "Don't you talk to me that way!"

I growled deep in my throat, focusing my gaze on her. She stood up straight. "Don't you dare growl at me either! I am in charge of this operation and if you don't stop it now I'll see to it-"

"Ann, shut the hell up!" Dr Stevenson yelled from my hand. He kicked at my fingers to get my attention and gestured for me to lower him down. He staggered off of my palm and over to her. "Shut your mouth, now, Ann. If you have any sense at all you'll put a lid on it!"

"You don't run this-"

Dr Stevenson lurched forward and clamped a hand over her mouth, much to her surprise. "Shut. Up. Now. Take yourself inside, way inside, and keep out of his sight. You can thank me for saving your life later." He spun he around and gave her a shove towards the door then turned to me.

"Jason, calm down," he said, hands up. I shook my head and focused on him. "Just calm down. She has no idea what she's doing, just take a deep breath, think, then act."

I closed my eyes and breathed in deep as he had taught me, considered what I wanted to do to Ann and what would probably happen if I did, and exhaled. "Thank you, Sir," I said, still growling slightly.

"You're welcome, Jason."

The anger started to return, but not the same kind. "That stupid fool! She nearly provoked me into a rage! That stupid, worthless, uneducated bitch!"

"Hey! None of that! Take another breath and stop it!"

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out deeply, slowly, calming myself. "Again, thank you."

"It's okay Jason; not your fault."

"You need treatment," I said, lowering my head and very carefully bumping him with my nose.

He laughed. "Alright, alright. Let me go down-"

"Call them up here."

"Jason, I'll-"

"No! Call them up here!"

He looked at me for a long moment. "Alright Jason. I'll call them."

He walked into Ann's office and picked up the phone. I watched him closely the whole way and he spoke with someone, then came back. "They'll be right up."

I nodded. A few moments later several of the nurses who worked with me and the Dr came out with first aid kits and the like. They wrapped his ankle and gave him a shot for the pain. When they were done I sniffed at him a few times for reasons I don't quite understand and thanked the nurses.

"No problem, Jason," one of them said and patted me on the cheek. "He's going to be fine."

"Thank you again."

They left and Dr Stevenson looked over at me. "Alright. To your gantry."

"I need to check on mother and father first!"

He sighed. "Alright. Pick me up"

I hesitated for a moment and allowed him to crawl into my hand, then set off towards my home.

I made my way to my home as quickly as I could while holding Dr Stevenson. Even though it was a short trip it seemed to take forever. Grant had threatened them I was sure.

"Mom? Dad?" I called as I came close enough to do so without yelling across the compound.

I had no sooner walked into my "room" when mother and father both walked out of the house, all smiles. "Jason! Good to see you son!" Dad said as he climbed the steps to the platform that was more at my level

I exhaled a sigh of relief and carefully let Dr Stevenson off at the platform. Dad walked out on to it and I put my cheek down for him to hug and rub. "I missed you, Jason!"

"Missed you too dad. The trip went okay?"

"Other than flights being delayed everything was just fine!"

"Nothing weird happened?"

"No, Jason. Your mom told me what went on with Grant and I didn't see anything out of the normal, that us unless he has the power to delay whole airlines."

I sighed again and he patted me on the cheek. "Easy, Jason. I'm just fine."

Mom walked out and hugged my cheek again. "How was the job," she said in a worried voice.'

"Fine. Seemed simple enough and Grant said that it would make both me and him rich."

"I can't see him sharing anything with you."

"Neither can I. It's just what he said."

"Guess we'll just have to see," Dad mused. "Maybe he has changed."

"I don't know, dad. Some of the things he said made me think he was threatening you and mom and even Dr Stevenson. But then he explained that if he wanted me dead or trussed up that he would have done so already."

"I though he had done something to Dr Stevenson," I continued, "but he had just fallen down a ravine and hurt his ankle."

Dr Stevenson laughed. "Yeah, nothing more sinister than me being a clumsy oaf."

I looked at Dr Stevenson and flicked an ear at him slightly. He nodded slightly in return and I hoped he wouldn't say anything about Grant wanting to inject me with something in front of them.

"Well, that's better than we expected," mom aid


"Yeah," I replied. "Like dad says, we'll just have to see."

"He wants you back out there tomorrow?" dad asked

"Yeah, but not till later in the afternoon."

"Good, we can have breakfast together!"

I smiled. "That'd be nice."

"Jason, if you don't mind I'd like to give you a quick once over just to make sure," Dr Stevenson said easily

"Sure," I said and mother and father looked at each other worriedly

"Nothing to worry about Mr and Mrs Clarke. Just want to look him over," Dr Stevenson said soothingly

"Alright," dad said.

"Pick me up, Jason," Dr Stevenson said and dad looked surprised.

"You've got him picking you up?"

"I don't like it," I rumbled.

"Yeah, I know Jason, but it's faster than me trying to get over to the gantry with this ankle."

I sighed and held out my hand for him and he hobbled into it. "There, nothing to it! Now lets get over there."

I couldn't think of anything else to say to delay it any longer so I nodded to my parents and took Dr Stevenson over to the examination gantry

I let him off and he turned to look at me. I looked away. "Jason, what did they do?"

"Gave me some sort of an injection."

"Damn it Jason! I told you not to let them do that!"

"It was that or they could have come after you or mom and dad!"

"I think he's bluffing, Jason."

"I wouldn't bet anyones wellbeing on that."

"What about yours?"

I shrugged. "What does it matter? I'm just a freak anyway."

Dr Stevenson grabbed at a tuft of fur on my cheek and tugged on it angrily. I yowled softly and lowered my head to keep it from being pulled out. "I told you to never, ever, use that word again," he said fiercely

"I'm sorry, sir."

He sighed. "I don't think you are, unfortunately. I suppose it's neither here nor there, however. Where did they inject you?"

"On my shoulder."

"Turn and let me see it."

I sighed and turned my shoulder towards him. I felt him place his hand at the injection site. "They shaved you there, the bastards."

"Doubt it's much."

"Just the idea of it, Jason."

He poked and prodded at it. "Is it sore or anything?"


"That's something, at least. I'm going to draw blood and see what I can find out."


As usual I barely felt Dr Stevenson drawing my blood. He moved with such an efficiency that it was over before I even knew what was happening

"Alright, got it, Jason. I'll run the labs and tell you the results."

"How long?'

"This evening most likely."

I sighed. Great. The whole rest of the day to wonder.