Battleship Battle Part 3

Twenty minutes later thron went down to engineering and found chief engineer drew wiese unconscious at a turbine. thron gathered his remaining strength and limped the hefy bear drew up to a hatch.

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Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Five

The buzz of the kaosuryo, the whir of its turbines, and the roar of its engine as it fed off the gigantic battery had created a chaotic symphony of noise, and now that the nightmarish machine had taken off the ensuing silence was deafening.

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Retreat from Bastogne

. \*\*\*\*\*\* that's when they heard the droning of the engines, the piercing cries of hundreds of hate-fuelled turbines churning in rage-filled lust to destroy.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 10: Conspiracy?

For a machine like _the clockwork falcon_ to get itself into the air, much less a bomb," he growled around another puff of smoke, "it has to be a sublimated fuel of some kind, ejected with enough force to drive the machine at its airspeed velocity, or a turbine

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Jet-A (2019)

Opening the fuel valve, he engaged the starter, which immediately followed by the growing whine of a turbine spooling up. it started off as a deep whirr, which got higher pitched as the rpm's increased.

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OR: Varandions

Varandion technology is a bit backwards at best, amongst the civilian population, they have your basic amenities such as running water and electricity powered by steam turbines fueled by geothermal vents, which is how some cities maintain their power supplies

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Point 89

The beam continued through the gas turbine engine and then into the ground while the tank skidded to the right, out of contro, at full speed.


Muscle Camp - Chapter 3: The Truth Comes Out

Mike and about a hundred or so canines strolled their way in what could best be described as a semi organized line, helping to add to the noise coming from the vehicles and idlely running jet turbines with drowned out conversations, except for the cat and

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Recoil: chapter 7, Reflections.

"like someone tossed me in a god damn jet engines turbine." they laughed a bit and tossed me an orange which bounced off my head. "ouch..." i mumbled. having something in my stomach helped a little, even if some got in my eyes.

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The carrier is vtol aerocraft with four high speed turbine wings, a cargo-bay capable of transporting various resources from their base or command ship, and a set of maglocks on its underbelly to pick up containers as well as additional vehicles.

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Ch. 12 -- Burn the Past

Their optics, located atop the same towers supporting the wind turbines, had taken a beating over the years from the constant dust storms.

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Chapter 2: First Timer Towards Pokedex.

All of them told that he lives further up the hill and have several wind turbines. also there are numerous teenagers are gathering at his office so they can't miss it. they thank the locals and went to the directions they were told.

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