Shooting Star (Warners Bros TF/TG) [TRADE]
As they looked out to the dark blue sky a light entered their vision, a bright star blasting through space, a shooting star! each one looked towards it with wonder, and they say you should wish when you see one.
Duty Chapter 24: Emergence
The shooting is over. chapter twenty-four: emergence the doorway from the gym leading to the outside was open, but no one could see beyond it considering how smoky it was.
Duty Chapter 22: Action
"sorry toni," reis shouted back, "but if you want to stop me, shoot me!" joji burst into the cafeteria, causing karma and jerry to jump up startled; luckily, they did not draw their guns on him. once the two saw who it was they hustled over to joji.
The Time of My Life Chapter 8 -- Gaming and War
I was about 25 feet away and i was shooting them like crazy. they shot more metal pellets and hit me numerous times. i collapsed on the ground. i was done...but my rage built even more and i slowly got up and snarled at surn.
Captivity Ch. 3
Captivity - Jaye's - Story Chapter 3 I glanced over at Dr. Brookes. I could probably out run her and get away myself, but I needed her to show me the way out of here. My head felt like it was about to burst with all the possibilities of escape but...
Duty Chapter 20: Crossroads of Crisis
Then the shooting abruptly stopped. "is anybody hurt!" yelled joji over into his microphone. "_no. we returned fire and they stopped. all we saw was a brownish body behind the windows_." joji slowly clipped his microphone back onto his shoulder.
Duty Chapter 21: Try or Die
I'll shoot him and you three tackle him. break his arms and his legs." then mark turned to luke, the otter sitting next to alex, "luke, i want you to take the rest and head for the exit.
Duty Chapter 19: Breaking News
#19 of duty half the country away, marcus hears about the shooting. chapter nineteen: breaking news marcus stood in the wide men's room mirror. he brushed off his black jacket and tightened his tie.
Planned Parenthood shooting going on in my town right now
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Duty Chapter 18: The Plunge
#18 of duty a shooting breaks out at the high school. joji and reis are the first on the scene. chapter eighteen: the plunge 8:13am joji pulled up to reis's house as reis came sprinting across the lawn over to the car.
A Bully's Kindness - Part 3 - Meeting the Assaulter
One, the shooting, two, the confrontation, and three, the shooting of charles.
Shanghai'd interview: Kenashi interview...
**why the hell do you keep shooting me!** every time you curse or give me an answer i don't like, i am going to shoot you, oh and thanks for reminding me...