An unusual friend (vore, wolf/cat)

When anyon sat back bast tried to shake off some of the saliva that coated him but found that it would not easily leave his fur.

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Chapter 47: Love Slap

It was a skinned hare roasting on a spit, its mouth open in silent agonies it could no longer feel. vegetables and roots were also speared on the spit, roasting alongside the hare. the sight made robin's belly rumble.

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Werewolves and lovers

Until he had no more saliva left to spit, and his mouth felt like sandpaper. he managed one more spit blob, slapping it onto mia's stomach for the last time, and then he stood back and looked at his work.


Canyon Arrow

"is spit bad, then?" "well ... spitting is bad. spit, itself, is ... well, we kind of need it. like, to eat and stuff."

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Bambi's first feast (Vore)

The incredibly delicious taste of the skunk made the deerling drool even more, to the point that flower was nearly drowned in the saliva.

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Alexi Vs. Kenneth

His muzzle quickly snapped to both sides, a bit of saliva flinging from his muzzle.

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All over the flower field

, primeape made this another time, making lucario slip more saliva, them primeapre taked lucario from his shlounders and kick him in the solar plexus, lucario just continues to slip saliva, his mouth is wide open and primeape punches his mouth, from the power

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POV vore - you and an elephant

The woody fragments are sodden with saliva and digestive juices, developing a slimy feel as the herbivorous beast's guts work on them.

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You Dumb dog, short story by me

But what i saw then in my reflection nearly made me choke to death on my own freaking saliva.

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Hotel Sunbloom 1/2

Connor was swallowing and pushing slowly his client for not to wake him, while furret was filling with saliva.



spit and drool ran down her chin and landed on rahmai's chest fur. blinking, rahmai smirked. "oh hun, you wont find any here. it's all gone too. the last things are rats and mice, and even those are starting to leave."


My Quotes. 2.

And zero times a million will always remain a zero. 12) the nice world is where you get to buy a sweet melon, then spit the seeds in the trash. but in this life, melon heads buy people then spit them out in the trash.