Alexi Vs. Kenneth

Story by VIK182 on SoFurry

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Alexi goes up against a chubby bull who's got some muscle to his arms but a round middle. Who will win? X)

Alexi vs. Kenneth

A Furry Fight

Alexi stretched out a bit before pausing a moment in the locker room to make his neck pop in a few places. He watched a near by badger wince and give him a look before walking out into the gym with a smirk. He sometimes did it intentionally just to watch the expression of disgust on those around him.

Bright sunlight came in though the large windows at the front casting a warm light over everything. Metal weights clanked and clacked here and there as furs worked out and he could hear the thumps and thuds of furs working out with heavy bags. As he stretched to loosen up he browsed around curious if he would find anyone interested in sparring or having a go 'round in the boxing ring.

It wasn't hard to spot someone he knew would go for it. Actually it wasn't hard to spot him period. Kenneth was a bull and thus not a small fur. The big bovine was sitting off to the side of things and seemed to be browsing around similar to the way Alexi was. He had muscle in his shoulders and arms but he also had a chubby, noticeable gut.

His short brown fur showed that while being overweight his biceps were toned and he could probably put a lot of force into a punch. Despite that however he always threw goofy, overly wide hay maker style strikes that were blatantly obvious. Alexi was curious about that since he had fought numerous times and lost.

After a while one would think he would have at least started to mimic his opponents but he always had a poor open stance and threw the improper punches that almost never connected. Suddenly Kenneth's gaze met Alexi's. The bull's eyes narrowed at him but for the time being he said nothing but started to keep an eye on the wolf.

Another odd aspect was the bull was often the one to challenge other furs despite losing constantly. This led Alexi to believe that the bull wanted to lose. That maybe it was the pain and humiliation he wanted but he never acted that way. He seemed to genuinely want to fight thinking he was going to win but never did which led to confusion and the whole thing becoming a spectacle.

Once he finished with his stretches Alexi stood and looked at the ring before looking back at the big bull. A slow smile spread across Kenneth's face as he put the barbell he was using back on the rack and stood to slowly walk towards the wolf. His hulking form stopped before the smaller wolf, a ray of sunshine streaking across his bare, bulking chest.

Alexi came to shoulder level on him and the bull was probably around twice his weight if not more but that didn't bother him all that much. Neither one of them said anything for nothing needed to be said. Just a slight nod and a smile from either of them made an unspoken agreement. It was on.

Alexi went to the side of the ring to pull his shirt off tossing it over a near by chair while Kenneth grabbed his usual pair of old, worn gloves. Alexi took blue since he always went for red, or rather they were red at one time now they were more of a worn reddish color than anything.

Seeing what was going on a few of the others stopped what they were doing to watch things unfold. They went to the center of the ring and tapped gloves to get things rolling. True to his nature Kenneth pulled his right fist back and prepared to throw a wide, slow but potentially devastating strike.

Alexi ducked under his aim and got the first blow in by digging a solid right low down on the bull's belly just under his navel. His fist made a smack sound as leather met short fur and skin. It felt stiff but less than solid, like he had punched a sand bag or even heavy bag.

The blow had earned him a short grunt from the bull and a look of mild annoyance as they circled around one another. Once again the wolf suddenly hopped closer to the big bovine and dug a right then left into his poorly guarded stomach. "Uuph!" A deeper grunt escaped the bull's lips as he hunched over slightly, the sounds of a couple of dull almost hollow thumps echoing though the area.

The swift wolf dodged a few retaliatory strikes from the bull before a fast wolf fist shot froward connecting with his nose. His head snapped back as the wolf worked in a few jabs to his big, meaty chest. Kenneth shook his head and circled around the wolf. He had an idea that was just stupid enough to work.

As they circled one another Alexi squinted when the sun got into his eyes. He was about to hop sideways when THUD! His eyes went wide as a mist of saliva escaped his muzzle from around his mouth guard. "Uuugh!" His head and chest flung forward as his body folded around the bull's big fist which had just rather soundly slugged him right in the center of his flat, toned belly.

Kenneth heard a gurgle of protest from the wolf's stomach as he quickly stumbled back doubled over. The pit of his stomach burned from the deep blow and a rise from the ever growing crowed told him there were plenty of witnesses to his mistake. He circled around to where the sun was out of his face with an unhappy look on his face.

The bull had a smirk which soon disappeared with a sharp smack of leather meets face as the wolf landed a solid left hook followed by a much stronger right hook to the bull's jaw. His muzzle quickly snapped to both sides, a bit of saliva flinging from his muzzle. Before the big bovine could get his bearings again Alexi leaned into a deep uppercut which he dug into the bull's navel as deep as he could in revenge for his little sun in eyes trick.

"Huuph! Ugh..." A deep, hollow thump was heard followed by a slosh and guttural groan from the bull as the wolf's fist dug deeply into his navel forcing his stomach back towards his spine. To Alexi if felt and sounded like he had punched a really thick water bed. To Kenneth it felt like he had swallowed a lit match. The pit of his stomach burned as he felt his chubby belly being punched inward and upwards towards his ribcage.

He hunched over the wolf's fist as he pumped it into the big bull's gut a few times before hopping back. "Ooff..." A slight woof of air escaped the bull as he felt his belly fill back out giving him a nauseous feeling. After a slight gurgle he straightened back up a bit to see the wolf hop towards him to work in another but he reacted in time to send a heavy fist to the wolf's chest knocking him backwards.

A woosh of air escaped Alexi whom quickly drew it back in with a pained expression. As he aimed high to try and give the bull a bloody nose his body folded in half as the bull caught him in the lower part of his belly under his navel with a decent blow.

"Uuuph!" He doubled over and took a few steps back. His stomach churned and his abs spasmed a bit which made the bull smirk. His cheeks flushed a bit with embarrassment as he tried to straighten back up but failed to do so very well. The circled around one another when the bell rang with it's characteristic sharp clang.

They went to their corners to rest a moment. Alexi felt a deep, hollow ache in the pit of his stomach. That bull could hit in a very solid way and his stomach certainly felt it. He was going to make a comeback though and show the big bovine who was boss.

Kenneth felt a bit of a belly ache but nothing too serious as his layer of fat absorbed the wolf's strikes. His jaw was more sore than his body was. If the wolf was bigger he might have posed a problem but at it stood he felt confident that he was going to win this one and had a little something planned although he doubted it was going to work.

Soon their short rest was over and they went back to the center of the ring. Alexi wanted to make a swift comeback so he worked in a solid and heavy right to the bull's solar plexus which seemingly caught him off guard. "Hoouph!" A rush of air left the bovine's lungs as the wolf's fist drove into that soft spot just below his ribs. His face contorted into a look of pain as his body burned with a fiery ache.

He gasped and drew in a deep breath as his eyes went a bit wide with surprise. He had never had someone take his breath away and cause him such pain so easily, it was almost unreal! He hunched over as his lungs burned, the cheers and jeers from the crowed making him blush with shame and humiliation. How could someone so much smaller than him cause such pain so easily?

Not wanting to give him much of a chance to recover he worked in a fast yet solid left to his navel and quickly followed that with a right to his jaw. A deep, gutteral groan was heard as his left impacted his chubby middle sending a slight ripple over his gut. His already doubled over form hunched forward a bit more as the strike dug into his stomach.

That was followed by a slightly dull smack sound as his right slammed into his jaw flinging saliva from his muzzle as his jaw snapped to the side. Since he was even more hunched over his jaw was almost presented to the wolf. The crowed around them cheered as the bull suddenly got a bit of a beat down. He blushed and was humiliated.

Who did this little punk think he was? How did he get the best of him so easily? Unhappy by this he was going to change things right around but was met with another solid punch in the stomach right under his navel into the bulk of his chubby belly. "Uurph! Nugh..." His big stomach gurgled further embarrassing and irritating him. It was time to stop being so nice, he was going to knock the cocky smirk right off that wolf's muzzle.

He moved back from the wolf and circled around him. It was now or nothing and he hoped his foolish plan was going to work. He raised his fists and held his breath a moment, this was it. Just as he hoped almost like a solar eclipse his big, hulking form moved aside for the warm sunshine to blind the wolf just like it had done earlier.

He had a look of elation on his face, revenge was his. Alexi was horrified and discovered his mistake all too soon. THUMP! THUD! THUMP! Using his trade mark, overly wide and silly strikes he blasted the poor wolf in the middle of his belly three times, each one going deeper and deeper into his body. "Oooph! Huuuph! Uuugh!"

Alexi doubled over on the first and was driven backwards by the second and third. They slugged so soundly into his stomach and the hollow thumps and thuds were notably audible along with a sloshing sound of the wolf's insides being rearranged by the bull's big, meaty fists. His stomach was on fire as he remained hunched over. Suddenly everything was reversed.

He felt sick to his stomach and nearly gagged. His arms wrapped around his body as he doubled over from the heavy and deep sinking blows. His abs twitched and spasmed a moment before his stomach churned and gurgled. Alexi had never felt such a devastating punch in the stomach before, let alone one right after the other like that. It was as if his body didn't even know how to respond.

He looked up at the bull whom had a wide smile. He pulled his fist back and was aiming right at his face. Ugh, this is it... thought Alexi as he tossed his guard up the best he could falling for the bulls trap. He had no intention of punching the wolf in the face, no sir. His target was his now soft and now very unguarded middle.

The crowd winced as one final, hollow thud filled their collective ears. The wolf's eyes went wide as saliva escaped his muzzle. "Uuugh!" His face then contorted into an expression of pain and agony as his muzzle scrunched up into a snarl and his eyes clamped tightly shut. It felt like a cannon ball had just been fired into the pit of his stomach.

He felt himself drop to his knees and double over. The feel of gut wrenching pain and churning was too much. He gagged and dry heaved losing his mouth guard as he fell forward to curl up in a ball of beaten wolf. The crowd stood in silent shock, Kenneth had won. Even the bull himself stared with an expression of surprise at the wolf.

He won. He didn't even know how to feel. He looked at the group of furs staring at him and just smiled a bit, mainly to himself. He didn't raise his paw, he didn't gloat or taunt them like they had expected. He just silently smiled a bit. He pulled his right glove off and approached the wolf holding it out to help him up.

Alexi tugged a glove off and grabbed the bulls hand as he pulled him upright. He put his arms around the wolf's shoulders to hold him up and slowly raised his paw in victory. The crowed clapped and a few cheered but he remained modest.

Through a few struggled breaths the wolf said "I'm going to want a rematch on a rainy day." Kenneth laughed as he replied. "Your on."

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