The Spectrum of Us
It's like solving puzzles." sam's eyes sparkled with interest. "solving puzzles, huh? i can see the appeal in that. what's been your most challenging puzzle so far?"
Growing Up Furry: What it was like for Me Growing Up
When season 3 came out i solved that puzzle. at first, i thought i was crazy, but it explained a lot of things in my life. my extreme fascination with cartoons was one thing.
Bill hunches over busily and puzzles over the odd knobs and gears, lenses and sprockets. this is no mp4 player by a long shot. he then sees a red toggle and triumphantly snaps it on. the two are practically blinded by a white screen.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 6
So, that means no duels, but i did put a small duel puzzle section in the middle, so it's not just plot. either way, next chapter, be prepared for all the duel action you can handle!
EyeWatch: Dollar Snap
Calming my nervousness down, i opened my eyes and directed them to the puzzle at the center of the room. i rose my claw and motioned kyro and zander once again. the two nodded and moved forward, joining me with the puzzle directly below us.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Demoted To Diapers
Meanwhile, the two meowstics walk into the living room and spot colby standing in front of the completed puzzle. "ooh, that's such a pretty puzzle, buddy!" miranda says with a smile. "mmhm! katie hewped out too!
Welcome to Jurassic (Theme) Park
Since the performers were playing as the intelligent, but non-sapient raptor squad, the show involved them solving puzzles and maybe painting. of course, the puzzles were relatively easy, being designed for a toddler.
Losing Sight 2
He's silent for a moment while he slowly spins a puzzle piece with his finger. "what's a cata...that thing mom has?" "cataract. i'm not too sure, but i know it's what making her eyes look foggy.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirteen
"it's a puzzle," he whispered to himself, and actually felt a smile tugging at his lips. this fight was a puzzle. he liked puzzles. nothing made him happier than using his brain to discover the solution to a tough problem.
Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 1
If you would look up you would see a blue sky amidst puzzle shaped clouds and those being their own various puzzle shapes.
Massaged By The Plush Snake
He looked at the box puzzlingly, "there's no way that the mail would be running this late, who put it here?" he looked around but didn't see anyone out on the street.
Jeremy 090; The Issue With Madagascar
His love of puzzles called to him and this he had no doubt would be the puzzle of a lifetime. he also couldn't dismiss any influence humbolt might have in what he was thinking of suggesting.