Shaded Trail

She looked like one of them psychics you could find in any residential area on the street corner.

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Leap of Faith (Original)

As was standard procedure, psychics sat on the left and non-psychics sat on the right. also, as was common, the right side was nearly full and at this point of time, he was one of three on the left.

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the adventures of voi

After figuring out what i was doing the scientists built a collar to block my psychic powers they made it so that no matter how strong my psychic powers got they wouldn't overload the system.

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Character Sheet: Nathan Glassred

Amnesia: shields his mind against strong psychic blows.

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Turning the Tide

Fortunately, when the psychic detected her powers, he made the very great mistake of trying to bull his way into her mind, obviously assuming she was a lesser psychic like him.

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Perceptional - Pt 5: Over the reaction

Most would simply explain it as "he's just psychic" or hand-wave the issue. mark wouldn't stand for that.

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Paranormal Activity

Does this mean psychics and religious spirituality is heinous? psychics, especially those claiming to communicate with the spirit world, have been hated for many centuries.

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Come the Black Ships.

_ the earth trembled with the force of the psychic call, echoing the lookout's dark fears. a deep horn sounded from somewhere among the buildings, rallying the warriors to defend their homeland.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 17

While he knew only dairyu could access it without any problem, as a psychic himself, he should be able to link his mind into the memories inside the crystal.

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After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]

"we're here." the riolu said, catching the psychic types' attention as the gates of the military district came to view.

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The Sealed Planet: Chapter 9

Zarya was also incapacitated by the attack, but she had experienced psychic attacks before, so she was partially immune to it. as a police officer, i was trained to combat low-level psychic attacks.

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Pyschic Impressions

Vincent had heard of this women's pokemon being a psychic master and noticed veruka's determination to meet the psychic pokemon and right away wanted to as well and possibly get some advice on making his psychic ability stronger.

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