The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 17
#18 of The Dragon Warrior
Atho, Capisa, and Let
Securing the Back Way
Let acted as their shield while Capisa and Atho tried to support his back. Before they engaged in the fight, though, some minutes before it, they found out that the room was flooded with high level of unknown hostile particles that could shred through anything, except pure psychic shield an Endragas could use. Let knew how to use the shield, but he warned them to cover him while he tried to go through the dangerous particle room and subsequent corridor.
They all knew that the particles weren't attacking the black creatures, which gave them a disadvantage due to their consistent ambushes, which put more strain to the psychic shield.
"Let, if you drop the shield I'll condemn you in the fucking Afterlife!" exclaimed Capisa while trying to cover the Scylla, which was proved hard with his big build. Atho was also trying to hold on to his side, but both of them knew they had no firepower to cover it when Let was too focused in protecting them from being shredded to pieces.
When they actually managed to go through, Let made a burst of psychic energy out of his body to the shredding particles while Atho and Capisa ran towards the nearby door. Let was struggling to run towards the door before it could eat him. They then closed the door, thinking it was safe. Some black creatures ambushed them, though, but both Atho and Capisa got in time to shoot them all senseless with four guns and a positron gun. They both fell to the floor, exhausted.
"We are not going to last if we keep doing this," said Atho in both minds. "That psychic discharge exhausted you far more than you usually are, Let."
"Yeah, just let me rest a while and we'll continue..."
"I'll scout ahead, see if there are those black creatures or the shredders. You take a rest now, Let. If you overuse your psychic abilities, you will end up dead, or brain-dead."
"Both are scary."
"Then I'll scout ahead."
Atho left both of them and scout ahead to see if there were anything they need to be aware of. Since the Black Creatures had no mind of its own, Atho couldn't find any with his mind reading 'sonar'. Even if he could, there would be no way he could fight them all without being overwhelmed himself. He could use four guns at the same time, but his insect body wouldn't be able to take the strain of a bigger gun, which was an embarrassment for a fighter Rendlok like him. He may be able to protect his own race, but considering his decision to go with Dairyu was to help him open up the crystal puzzle memories that were scattered throughout the galaxy, he felt as if it wasn't necessary.
He was thinking about that, until he turned around a corridor and found the same red crystal similar to the one in the desert planet. While he knew only Dairyu could access it without any problem, as a psychic himself, he should be able to link his mind into the memories inside the crystal.
Concentrating on melding his mind to it, he tried to peer inside the crystal, but unknowingly opened his mind into the crystal's memory. While it was a relatively new crystal compared to the one back then, he could see the real Controller of the Black Creatures.
It looked almost the same with the creatures it controlled, but unlike the goo-shaped parasites, the Controller had a definite molluscian shape, complete with black tentacles and a big eye. It was a monstrosity of an alien, unlike the more civilized ones Atho and friends encountered. Yet, it was far more than being a beast.
It was intelligent enough to detect Atho's mind probing.
"Ah, now I've seen the insect breaking into our system," said the Controller directly into Atho's mind. "When I thought you're an insect, I don't mean it literally, but I've never thought a real insect would actually dare to probe the Master by itself."
"So you're the source of the invasions of this galaxy? Tell me the reason why you suddenly emerged after destroying a whole cycle of civilization and leaving these crystals?"
"Your question is irrelevant. I have transcended beyond the lowly races of this galaxy and I will see to its extermination."
A sudden psychic spike threw Atho off his concentration and he was abruptly returned to where he was. Right at the same time, he heard some parasite victims running towards them through the corridor. He also realized that his mind-probing was not worth the risk.
As he ran back towards where Capisa and Let were resting, he realized that both of them weren't fit to fight the incoming horde. It was also his fault to be risking the probe, so he stopped running, and turned around. He could at least fight some of them with less cell drain, but he wouldn't be able to hold them. So, the only thing he could do was to use his psychic abilities to give updates to Capisa, the only one not very much unfit.
Capisa felt Atho in his head and said, "What happened?"
"There's a massive group of Black Creatures coming our way. Listen to me very carefully, Capisa. I'll be taking control of your mind for a moment and let you be the tank."
"What?! Are you crazy?"
"As much as I hate to say it, I am not capable of defending Let, but you have a chance. I know Aqura have such a sturdy body, even if they aren't inside a power suit. You can also use that positron gun without suffering from its devastating recoil. Now, are you ready?"
"Whoa, wait, you can't just probe my mind and control me like I'm a goddamn puppet! What if there's a side effect?"
"Are you thinking about it now? Better you risk it before the three of us are killed!"
Capisa just swore to himself, but it unknowingly opened his mind to Atho, where the Rendlok quickly controlled his body. He used Capisa's controlled body to do some feats even the Aquros wasn't able to do, like running very fast, jumping like an acrobat, and even used his positron gun with such expertise that it killed every Black Creatures it had. Atho was also trying to shoot those that he missed.
After a while, the two of them managed to kill every Black Creatures ambushing them, but it also made Capisa unable to move.
"You son of a bitch, I am not a goddamn acrobat! I'm wearing a fucking As'karan Armor!"
"At least it's not the bulky one, right?"
"I might lose my muscle control, you bastard! And why did you probe my mind without my consent?!"
"Hey, either the three of us are killed or you refusing my control, your choice. I'm not going to be overwhelmed by the black creatures just because I'm an insect alien!"
"Stop arguing, you two, your minds are flooding into mine!" shouted Let inside both of their minds. "Right now, we can't do anything but rest. And try not to risk yourself again, Atho, or we won't be able to help you."
"Yes, I know...I'm sorry."
"Don't worry. At least no Black Creatures are able to go through this door, and we can defend them if necessary. The rest is now with Dairyu's group."
Atho was also thinking the same thing. Dairyu, Amhyr, and Rose were closer to the controller, and they would be forced to face it. The best thing the three of them could do was to hope the three of them survive and could return to them and they could get away from the place as soon as possible.