A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 11 -Bloody Chains-
Now...if you excuse me i must have a word with the prisoner alone," roland said. he looked over his shoulder, watching the soldiers clad in red and black armor leaving the room.
My Life as a Slave 12
#12 of mlaas m life as a slave in jail well life in jail for six months was better than i had expected. i had got into a fight on my first day.
Brotherhood (Taster.).
It was then that I lost all hope, I'd been betrayed by my own commander, my comrade who'd pulled me from the dirt on the battlefield and inspired me to fight when my body told me to flee. When Voretuum, my commander for whom I'd follow orders without...
Worlds: B1, C2 The Thief
"a new prisoner, eh?" they say. the tone is obviously male and has a slight accent i can't identify. "and here i thought this cell couldn't get any smaller."
CYSA Ch2: A New School
The doors opened to the main hallway, the walls were painted a light pink color - the same used in some prisons to try to keep their inmates calm - and there were metal doors along the hall at regular intervals (none of which thrax saw as he was
Tales of the Stars Chapter 9.5: Nuko,Shiro,and Diana's Adventure! Captured by an unknown enemy!
Shiro looked back at nuko and said "it seems like were in a prison." nuko got surprised and said "but why?" shiro shook her head and said "that i don't know, but now we must get out of here."
Evil Bethlhem
The soldiers formed up a small group of prisoners before lights out, the chimney smoked again that night. hell had opened its wide, gaping jaws and swallowed up friends and families of many people.
Blood Red: Chapter Seven: Old Faces (part 1)
The prisoner laughed, along with a few others that managed to force a quiet laugh through their cells.
The Fall A Story of Young pup Part 2
Tony still bound together, whispers into his cubs ears trying to keep the baby from crying and calm. His words only do so much for little Sam as the shouts become louder from the front of the van. He even at a young age understands its not going to be...
Unexpected Consequences Ch. 1
Well, this is the start of something I am working on, just typed it up tonight, havent even ran it through spell check yet or read it to see if it makes sense. I felt I should post it before I chicken out and never do anything with it. So...
Rabbits in Trouble: Part 2
If it was found out he'd volunteered to escort the scribe down here then escort the prisoner to the council chambers once they'd reached a verdict. he'd be in more trouble than ever.
Chapter 1: A Life of Slavery and Blood
**Chapter 1: A Life of Slavery and Blood** ** ** Darkness. Nothingness. _Where am I?_ A light appears before me, painfully visible amongst the void I awoke in. I hear a voice coming from the direction of the light, but I'm unable to make out...