A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 11 -Bloody Chains-
#11 of A Dragon Slayer's Heart
Those of you that have made it this far in my story, thank you. As I said before, I would love for someone to create some sort of artwork for this story, but I ask no one in particular. It would be awesome if someone did though :3. Once again we find our heroes in a dire situation in which much reasoning must take place...
Chapter 11 -Bloody Chains-
Several days had passed since Alex had freed Aura of her metallic prison, and the wheels of a plan began to turn in her mind, slowly but surely formulating a plan to free her lover. She knew of the consequences should she fail, but neither did she care. Aura had provided some insight on how the wind clan attacked with subtle yet stealthy tactics that took the enemy by surprise. Their ideas often clashed with one another, but pieces of a greater puzzle began to fall into place in their connected minds. Alex in particular had taken a specific interest in how they would enter or break into the prison. She knew that every castle had a flaw...
"If we break down the front door that will just cause an uproar..." Aura said, her eyes focusing in and out of thought, thinking of a perfect plan.
"But then it would provide an excellent distraction for someone to run in unseen from a back entrance while the entire castle is focused on that one point," Alex replied, looking down at the ground in contemplation.
"True, but that could mean that one of us would be severely injured, having to dodge all of those weapons they have... maybe our elements could prove useful in some sort of diversion..." Aura added.
"Agressive Subtlety... I like where this is going..." Alex concurred. "But which one of us would be going in?"
"I would suggest you. You know who your lover is, and you said that you could sense his presence... that could prove quite useful!" Aura replied.
"Wherever he is being held at...I am sure that it would be an active hive of soldiers though...ready to sting us like bees. Are you sure we should go with our current devised tactic?" Alex sighed softly.
"Do we have any other choice? Sneaking in would be a logical way to do things, but if we are caught, we are trapped inside of a cave with no way out. Of course we could probably break out with our strength but... get injured in the process. I cannot see any other way than this. My clan is more than likely searching the entire continent for me at this very moment, but I doubt they will show up to the rescue when we fight the slayers head on," Aura replied.
"I see your point..." Alex concurred. "Do you have any ideas on how we should form a distraction?"
"Well, our clan has been notorious to create gale-force winds that bat away arrows like twigs, and put out even the hottest of fires by overpowering them with our wings, we can also form large, destructive twisters that leave nothing but destruction in their wake. However...doing so would require most of my energy...." Aura said softly. "And if its big enough..all of it."
"I wont allow you to do that," Alex said. "Just stick with something simple okay?"
"I will try to do as you ask, Alex," Aura smiled.
"You have no idea how much this means to me... but...before we do anything. Do you know of someone known as Aegis...?" Alex asked.
Aura paused for a long while.
"What is it...?" Alex asked.
"I......" Aura replied.
"What is wrong?" Alex cried.
"Your friend...is in trouble..." Aura said, her eyes beginning to stare off into space.
"What?!" Alex exclaimed.
"And...hes blind.... he is sitting alone in a cell....they are cuffing him with barbed cuffs...there is so much blood...and his....tail.... lacerations.... bruises...." she trailed off...beginning to sob uncontrollably.
"So he is alive...." Alex said, a wave of relief crashing down upon her. "We need to leave...immediately!!!"
James cried out in agony as cuffs with barbs and studs were clasped onto his wrists. The sharp, pointed tips of the spikes dug into his flesh and threatened to pierce and break the bone, flesh giving way to metal as his blood merely lubricated the way, allowing the tools of evil to mutilate his body.
As soon as the cuffs were clasped onto him, he heard a worried groan from someone beside him, who put a warm palm on his shoulder, which he quickly recognized as Roland's. He could not see it, but a sympathetic grimace had formed upon his face, his gruff face and piercing eyes unable to be seen by his savior.
"We are merely transporting this prisoner to a safer location. Dont get any ideas. He has been hurt enough already and any more punishment could mean him his life. Yes he did kill a soldier of mine but he has suffered enough for the moment. He has vital information that must not go to waste. Now...if you excuse me I must have a word with the prisoner alone," Roland said.
He looked over his shoulder, watching the soldiers clad in red and black armor leaving the room. When he saw the door behind him shut firmly, he turned his gaze back to James, who appeared quite calm, but in pain.
"I am sorry that I had to pin the blame on you...and...I'm sorry for those cuffs but that is the custom for any dragon that lashes out...any sudden movement in those and you will surely rip your wrists right out of place..." Roland said.
"They....hurt....." James said through gritted teeth, his tail standing up on end stiffly.
"I know they do son...but... you will just have to live with it for now...." Roland said. "They are expecting some information from you soon, or you will be put on the chopping block... I already told them that I was slowly working out some information from you, but that wont be enough..."
"I....cant give any information...I'm sorry...." James said solemnly.
"I know...I know....But that doesnt mean we cant attempt my plan either," Roland replied, grinning.
"What is it?" James groaned, hating the idea of having to move around in such pain, even if it were an inch in front of him.
"I can tell them that you have cracked and can lead me to the location of some of the enemies..." Roland said. "Now...they will send me with some soldiers...but I am sure that we can easily dispatch them if we work together. When you escape, I will smear the blood of my fallen soldiers on me, as well as...slit my skin with my own blade to make it appear as if you lashed out at me. To top things off, I will dent my helmet with a hammer, looking as if I were knocked out in combat... it is genius I say!"
James thought about it for a moment, then remembered how he had felt a familiar presence within this castle...what if someone was here already....
"I dont know... it sounds like you have thought things out well if you ask me...but...I felt a familiar presence...one besides you when you were dragging me out of the main hall..." James replied.
"I dont know...you dragons are sure keen on your senses but it may have been your body acting abnormally from your harsh treatment... there are nothing but prisoners and soldiers here I can assure you of that..." Roland said. "We will be able to get you out there in the afternoon of tomorrow. With nightfall on our side we will have a greater chance at getting away with this than in the daylight."
"I agree..." Jame said, wanting nothing but to escape from his bonds. "Wont you get demoted for 'failing to fulfill your task'?"
"It is a good possibility, but a risk that I will have to take. I believe you and your cause with every fiber of my being now. I see in you a goodness that no one here can see. You have opened my eyes, but I am afraid that I am more than likely the only one that you can convince. General Raiken would kill you on the spot if he heard half of the things you said to me."
"Who is this General Raiken? Is he new?" James asked.
"He....is a cruel....butcherer....that is all I have to say...." Roland replied, clutching his fist slightly. "Either way...we must get moving or else the guards may dare to listen in on our conversation..."
"I agree..." James replied, his wrists burning in agony, whimpering softly as he was taken by the shoulder towards the door.
Outside of the door, a soldier quickly moved aside, his ear having been against the door.
"Treason!!!! Treason!!!!!!!!!" The soldier cried as the door opened.
"Blast!!!!" Roland shouted, unsheathing his sword and slaying the remaining guards outside of the door as they fumbled to draw their weaponry against one of their own leaders, their blood spraying in long streams as his blade gleamed and sliced through the air.
"Curses!!! He's the one that had the keys to your cuffs!!!!" Roland swore.
James panicked, heart beginning to beat rapidly as he could still hear the soldier running down the long hallway, the sound of jingling at his hips.
"I cant just leave you here boy!!! Our plan is compromised! Here....this may hurt a little...but....it is the only way...prepare yourself..." Roland said, lining up James's wrists parallel to each other in the air in front of him.
At that moment, Roland's blade imbued itself with fire as he spoke several soft words to it, jumping into the air and bringing it down upon the chain that connected the two cuffs, slicing through the metal easily like butter, the chain glowing red hot.
James had hardly flinched as he felt the tug and release of the chain, slowly but surely stretching his arms out once again before he was taken by the arm and led away at a rapid pace away from the cell he was being held in.
From both sides of him, he began to hear angry and frenzied shouts of soldiers beginning to flood the narrow hallways.
James began to feel a presence of water beneath the floor, a stream of some sort...underneath the ground.
"Rise...." James murmured, the ground beneath a crowd of soldiers nearing them from behind beginning to sink, catching them all in a pit of quicksand-like muck.
In front of him, Roland shouted out in gallant fury as he sliced away flesh and bone with his sword, which he seemed to be able to imbibe with magic, his strikes swift, and aimed true.
He mowed down anything in their path as the pit of mud left behind by James did its job in slowing down their pursuers. He wished he could do more to help, but in his weakened state he felt as if he were a twig in the hands of a giant.
James tripped over a step and fell to his knees, his head hitting one of the steps as they began to climb a spiral staircase up to the first floor of the castle-like prison, a hand grasping his shoulder but was once again knocked beack to the ground, his head...once again...slamming against a hard floor.
Roland rolled over the top of him and fell to the ground below James, his sword flying out of his hand and sticking point down into the dirt floor several yards behind him.
"James....I'm...sorry...Ungh...." Roland said, trying to get to his feet.
"What the..." James said, rising to his feet but being grabbed by the neck by an armored glove, his throat protesting in pain as he felt the life being crushed out of him.
"Thought you could get away did you...." A deep voice boomed.
"Raiken....you're a madman..." Roland said, managing to stand to his feet and pulling his blade from the dirt behind him.
"You're an old fool...." Raiken retorted, drawing his blade.
Raiken stood at a towering seven feet tall with several inches to spare, and his sword was just as tall as he was, a large black-steel claymore with a double-edged blade and jagged tip. His appearance was conceiled behind a jet black suit of armor, an emblem of the dragonslayers emblazoned upon his chest as well as a large black cape flowing behind him ominously. His shoulders were lined with spiked pauldrons and upon his head rested a large black helmet with two large horns jutting straight upward.
Their blades met mid-air, Roland struggling to maintain his stance underneath the crushing power of Raiken's effortless blow.
Their blades sang as they jumped backwards away from each other.
"You should know better than to defy the order..." Raiken growled.
With that, he swung his heavy blade at Roland's head, who merely ducked and lunged forward in an attempt to stab Raiken.
His hand was met with a swift kick as Raiken's swing came down upon the ground, knocking him back several feet.
"You are a monster...." James growled, but was swiftly cast aside, slamming against the wall.... The last thing he heard was the clash of blades once again...then all was silent...
"ALEX!!!!!!!!" Aura cried.
"What!!!!?" Alex screamed.
"Its him!!! We must hurry!!!!" Aura panicked.
What a cliffhanger!