A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 11 -Bloody Chains-

Those of you that have made it this far in my story, thank you. As I said before, I would love for someone to create some sort of artwork for this story, but I ask no one in particular. It would be awesome if someone did though :3. ...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 9 -Captivity-

\<,\< \>.\> o.o Psst....its chapter 9! ============================================================================================ Chapter 9: Captivity James stumbled lazily over a rugged path, his wings and ankles bound by an unseen...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 8 -Flowing Memories-

Chapter 8!!!!! =D =========================================================================================== Chapter 8 - Flowing Memories- That night, James could not sleep. Images of the woman on the back of the dragon that had just...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 7 - Encounter -

Sorry for the wait everyone, but I will be back in action from here on out hopefully, if you want an explanation to why I was gone, look at Chapter 6's comments, I have a full explanation there for my absence. Anyways, thanks for your support and...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 6 - The Temple -

Once again, I have experimented with posting URL's to post the series of these chapters but to no luck =/, if you want to keep reading just look up the stories in my profile page, it would make me happy if you did! Anyways! Enjoy chapter 6 for...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 4 - Reborn Anew -

Chapter 4: Reborn Anew James slowly opened his eyes to see something large and green pacing around back and forth near him. His vision was extremely blurred and all that he could see of figures around him were large fuzzy masses of color which...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 3 - A Fateful Accord -

Thank you everyone for supporting me! This is going to be chapter three of my series known as "A Dragon Slayer's Heart"! Once again, thanks everyone, this is for...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 2 - Spirits -

Due to my responses on the first chapter, you guessed it! I am going to continue this storyline! And to those of you who love dragons as much as I do... Kudos! There are dragons all around us... all you need to do is...

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Dawn Bringer: Chapter 2 -Grim News-

Chapter 2 -Grim News- James' eyes...though he could not see from them...were flooding with tears...staining the blindfold he was wearing over them with dark damp spots....he had just heard the news.... Roland was probably not going to make it through...

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Dawn Bringer: Chapter 1 -Battle Scars-

Hello all...If you have not read "A Dragonslayer's Heart" You will be downright confused at this chapter, go back and read it if you can, this is merely the prologue (a short intro) to the beginning of a new book (series) which is in fact posted in my...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 15 -Darkness-

Chapter 15: Darkness It was hard to believe how fast Alex had arrived at that magical barrier, her large form bumping against it for a moment, forgetting that there was an impenetrable force field there. It had been merely...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude-

Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude- A boy....ripped of his own life as he knew it..... A soul....with no wish other than strike vengeance at those who caused him pain.... A heart......Beating for vengeance...... A brave man.....Blinded with...

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