He Who Slept for Forty Nights
"we're sorry we were gone for so long vix, those poachers were very difficult to weed out it seems they were after a very specific fossil," the meowstic added, "and i'm sorry that you had to learn english because of that."
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 14
What if they got hurt or captured by a poacher? does he really trust his pokemon that much...? what a murderous fool.. he better hope he gets a quick death instead of the slow agonizing one i'll give him!"_
RJ's Adventure - Chapter 2: Preparation
The reason i was injured when you found me was because we were attacked by poachers, we both managed to get away, but she is still on the run, so i need to find her and help her." "well sitting around here isn't going to help you find your mother.
The Journey Chapter 5: A Friend and a Rival
She had been ambushed by poachers and she knew she wouldn't survive. apparently after reading his aura... you know what lucario can do with aura, right?' professor oak interrupted. 'yeah, kairi explained it to me somewhat.' 'good.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 15 - Safario
This will also help us look out for poachers as well." the receptionist explains to hakuzo as andrew is seen stalking through the grass in search of a rare pokemon.
Jarzyl's Clan Crisis
Those taslin poachers are coming after all of us!" atlas laughed. "recruiters, you mean. i sure wish that recruiters from apex clans would come hunting after me..." "they already stole my aunt and her family! now they're trying to steal my father!
In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 2
"they seized it from a poacher a decade or so ago and they wound up holding onto it. it's become something of a mascot at the sheriff's office." "wow, that's so cool!" racheal reacted, awed.
The Barren Years
"poachers are treated very severely around here. i hope you don't intend to hunt on our lands." "pilgrims, predators and prey all follow the same paths. we just travel them in different ways." "figures, a pilgrim." rufus spit onto the plank floor.
Dream Factory Episode Three: Friendship is Blue
Those things included human poachers, fire, and memories. none of which had any bearing her journey along the dirt roads in the woods. no, just fresh air, wind, and freedom here.
Investigation - Act 1
He was comfortable here, resting at the inn, with an ale, surrounded by civilised folk; but tomorrow he had to follow the leads left by that dead poacher.
The Northern Path
He was already a rogue, a poacher by then. he lost his job, ending up with her. tayga, with whom they saved each other. she wasn't his wife even though it probably passed terry's mind if they were indeed in such a relation.
X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter Two: One Act of Human Kindness
I was fascinated with it instantly; it was like learning the enemy's secret language, i then got a pocket dictionary from a poacher and some other books from his car. i quickly became a master at reading, such a simple code.