How I Meet Kara Zastle {Chapters Opening}
A simple school girl mini-skirt causing my cheeks to redden. her size presented an unwelcome view under her skirt. i guess she didn't have many human visitors as someone probably would have said something.
True Blue
Having never actually experienced this myself, mini-mog.. i'm not sure what awaits you now.' grinned the varg, panting some as he looked the hunter's loin-cloth over.
Order of Pengu #5
One should never handle a plush or mini shoggoth, as its body is coated in a mucus like substance that causes insanity upon contact." while everyone's attention is still on rika, a glob of slime hits aohd in the face.
Fortune- mini-chapter- How things turned out
Hi, sorry about taking so long to make such a small chapter, but I'm having doubts on if I should continue this story as long as I would have. Actually, I was going to quit where it was, but then I thought some people might be sad if I did, so I went...
Holiday Mini 1: Max and Trevor Take a Walk
#1 of holiday minis 2023 here is the first of a few holiday minis. just cute little slice of life stories of my characters enjoying the festivities.
The White Cub Part Three : Homeward bound.
"untill your ready to call me father, just call me ray" he said, leaning over to the mini bar and pulling a magazine from one of the slots underneath it as he settled back in his seat.
It Started With Toast- chapt 11
Hearing another shatter and more mini explosions i look up to see crunch lying on the ground unconscious and rok-ko getting sucked into some sort of portal.
Part 2: Morning Talk
Stepping into the mini-hallway, james paused as he realized that the right-hand bedroom door was open, the view inside showing an empty bed with the covers as yet unmade.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 38-Requiem
"these are military grade 440 titanium blast doors with mini gun emplacements right above them."
Esmeralda's Destiny
She had this cute mini-skirt and black top that would look great with those arm sleeves she had bought last week. she pulled her outfit quickly, squeezing her 'plus'-shaped tail through the mini-skirt.
The Doctors of Doom, Part Five
"launch mini-piranha missile!" the missile shot forth, the tip splitting off to reveal working serrated mandibles which opened and closed, making metallic "chomping" noises.
Ep15-Brotherly bond-The Tamers of shadow
Shane being shane, wanted to go out to a gaming event place just to play some mini games and such there. meanwhile nate wanted just to eat out as it's surprising that so much food could be put away.