The White Cub Part Three : Homeward bound.
#3 of The White Cub
This is the third installment in this series. sorry it was so late. Anyway, Enjoy.
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The White Cub Part Three : Homeward Bound
By Daniel Field a.k.a Kendo
The two new brothers had never ridden in a limosine before, and they were both excited to find themselves in such an interesting car.
For starters, the seats were plush leather as soft as cotton, and as black as ebony. There was a mini bar filled with drinks, although Ray had told them first off that they wouldn't be drinking anything out of the bottles. There was even a tv and a dvd player against one of the cars sides. And lots of buttons everywhere.
"Do you really drive around in this? This is like a moving lounge room" Travis asked as Rebecca started up the cars silent engine and pulled away from the curb. Kenra wasn't listening to Travis, but looking out the nearest window at the diminishing building that was now behind them.
Although he had had a lot of sad times there and he was happy to be finally leaving, it was still the only home he had known for his life, and he was a little sad to be leaving it. But he couldn't be sad about something like this.
Ray just chuckled at the cheetah and smiled at him as Kenra sat beside his brother and looked around the interior as a radio somewhere was turned on, probably from one of the many buttons.
"Well, when your as rich as I am, you can afford to travel around in something like this. Of course, I do have bigger cars than this" he said, chuckling again at the surprise on Travis and Kenras' faces.
"You have bigger cars than this?" Travis said, looking surprised.
"Of course. What can i say? I like to spend money" Ray said, chuckling again.
Travis shook his spotted head in disbelief. It was hard to imagine a car being bigger than this unless it was one of the huge trucks that sometimes passed by the orphanage during the day. Did his dad own trucks as well?
"Well now" Ray said, sitting back in his seat, his thick tail resting beside him. Even relaxed, the fox seemed to radiate wealth. How much money at his disposal anyway?
"Why don't you two tell me about yourselves, since it's obvious that we're going to be spending some time with each other" Ray said to them, looking them over with a kind expression on his face.
Travis looked down at Kenra at his side, who had his puppet in his arms, then back at his new father.
"What do you want to know?" Travis asked slowly.
"How about something you like, something you don't like, and something you dream to achieve?" Ray suggested to them. "And if you like, I'll answer any questions you have about me" he said to them.
Kenra then saw several buildings go past the car and he sat up in his seat to look out the window. He had never been this far into the city before, not even once. The world seemed so much bigger than he thought it did as he watched several skyscrapers go past and hundreds of furs walking along on the sidewalks. How many people were in this city? he wondered to himself.
"Well" Travis said, thinking for a bit. "One thing i like is that peanut brittle stuff from the candy store" he said. "And I really don't like flat soda. And I've always hoped that I could be someones brother" he added, as he shrugged. "I think that's it" he finished.
Ray smiled at the cheetah. He liked him, that much was true.
"How about you?" Ray said, looking at Kenra. For a few moments, Kenra didn't answer as he watched the buildings outside fly past as they went through the central business district.
"Kenra?" Ray said a little more loudly. Kenra almost jumped off the seat in suprise before he sat down, looking slightly embarrassed as his tails curled around his thin waist.
"Uhh...i didn't hear the question" he mumbled, looking at his bare feet as he curled his toes up.
"I'd like you to tell me something about yourself" Ray said to him with a smile. There was something likeable about Kenra, he decided. Maybe because he was a really unique kid.
"Ummm..." Kenra had to think. What could he say that would impress the fox? He obviously couldn't say anything that Mrs. Gail would've told him, like how much money he always costed her, or how much she hated the very sight of him. Maybe he could tell him something else.....
"Uhhh.......I like kittens?" he finally ended up saying, looking up at his new father, not sure how he was going to take it.
Ray just smiled at him.
"Maybe I could see about getting you one, if you like them so much" Ray said with a smile. Kenra felt his heart skip a beat. He could get a pet?
"Thank you sir" he said quietly, smiling up at his dad.
"You can call me Ray" Ray said to him. "Untill your ready to call me father, just call me Ray" he said, leaning over to the mini bar and pulling a magazine from one of the slots underneath it as he settled back in his seat. "It's about another hour untill we get to my house, so just enjoy yourselves" he said as he began to read.
Kenra was feeling good now. There was a funny song on the radio that had a weird guy shouting about his big black shiney car, he was with his best friend, and he had a new dad. He was feeling really good as he leaned agaisnt Travis and felt the older males arm drape itself around his shoulders and hold him close.
His father obviously didn't care about how Kenra looked, or about the fact that he costed a lot of money, and that made him feel so happy inside. In fact, he felt soo good inside, he eventually fell asleep as he leant against his brothers side.
"You have a very special little brother there" Ray said over to Travis as he turned his page.
"You think so?" Travis said, looking over at him.
"I believe so" Ray said idly.
"Sir....why did you adopt us?" Travis asked, looking at him. "I mean...there are other kids there. Why did you pick us?"
"Would you rather I didn't?" Ray said, looking up at his sons for a moment.
"Uhh..." Travis stammered a little as he looked at Ray for a moment.
"Travis, my first impression of you was that you were a rude little boy who disrespected his elders and who wasn't afraid to use language that a child like you shouln't know" Ray said, folding his magazine up and setting it beside him.
"You did?" Travis said, blushing slightly under his fur as his ears folded back a little. He couldn't believe this.
"At first I did" Ray said, looking at him. "Then I saw you were only doing it because you were sticking up for someone that you cared about" he added as the car made several turns at once, making them sway slightly in their seats. "And, I admire people who stick up for people who they consider important" Ray finished.
"Kenra is special to me" Travis said, looking down at the cub at his side who looked so innocent as he slept. "He's my only friend, as good a brother as I'll ever find" he said.
Ray nodded to that.
"Travis, I realised if I wanted you, I had to take Kenra as well, since it was obvious that you cared so much for him that you would fight his battles for him. Also, I don't like to split up friends either" he added.
Travis smiled to that.
"What is it that you do for a living?" he asked him.
"I make toys" Ray said to him. "The Tatterson Toys that I make are collector items that only my company makes, and many of them are one of a kind" he added as he picked his magazine back up and held out a page for Travis to see.
The advertisement was about a porcelain doll called 'Annie'. It was a little girl who had apparently fallen asleep on a rocking horse.
"You make those?" Travis said as he looked at the bottom of the page. On the bottom was a business insignia of a foxes tail and the word 'Tatterson' on it.
"We do" Ray said, taking the magazine back. "I'll give you a tour of my factory when You've settled down in your new home" he said, putting the magazine back in his lap.
"Maybe I should wake Kenra up so he doesn't miss out on the trip" Travis suggested, looking at his father.
Ray shook his head.
"I don't think so" he said, looking at the two of them. "Let him sleep. I think he's had an exciting morning, and he'll need his energy for the day ahead" Ray said, going back to reading his magazine.
"Alright" Travis said, just settling back in his seat, thinking about taking a nap himself. As the car drove on, Kenra dreamt about his picnic again, except this time the father had Rays face, and Travis had joined the picnic with Kenra and his family.
Kenra smiled in his sleep as they rode on to the radio now playing some women singing about how her heart would go on and on. Sometimes, it was good to keep dreams to yourself. It made them that much more special.