Bugging a Wolf

"do you remember the day we met?" jeff smiled warmly. "that's a stupid question." will beamed back at him. jeff's smile became a smirk. "you know full well i can't remember yesterday."

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First for everything part 2

"maybe not during the first time we met, typh," he said as his face turned solemn, "but ever since we've met you have been reminding me to let him go. i really did."

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Making up...

The back of him.we never cuddle on thursday's where to tired too and don't really have the time.he is so far distant and darken with mystery that go's deeper then i can imagen.that day at the coffee shop when i looked up after he said "here you go sir" and met


Chapter 2: When It Rains, It Pours

Jason held the pup close, closing his eyes and resting his head between shawn's ears, "if we had met back then, do you think we would be here together like this today?"

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Fox Curse 2

She was almost sad that she had already met him though, him being so cute. when she first met him, she was in such a rush to get away, she never had the time to take in how funny it was, him being folded. she shook her head again.

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To ones love...(part 2)

I helped her up and we were off. we passed the bench where we first met... "hey, isn't that the bench we first met at?" i asked "yeah it is" she replied quietly. "can we stop and take a trip down memory lane?"

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FlounderAway: Old Scents

But along their way on finding the castle, they met with a crazy psychotic aqua dragoness who claims to have met him earlier on. will virkoal ever find the castle with her help? or lead her astray... flounderaway: old scents "where...

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I never really ever cared about anyone in my life before i met dust before i met her i could say my life was an empty void. dust brought me hope as it felt like i no longer was alone in this world i was no longer alone in an endless void.

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The Little Corporate Hen - A Fable

While gathering supplies she met the mouse. the mouse said "i could help you gather the flour if you let me have some of the bread". but the little corporate hen said "you don't have five years of experience".

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Entry 35

So, we've set up our own little meeting place in that shack, met a few of the local kids and you know what? it turns out that there's a lot more happening around here than the adults are willing to see..

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Chapter 2 (Jo)

I never really met them before. i think i've heard their names together before, but not sure if i ever met them. "tom! dex!" riley got up, ran over to them and jumped into tom's arms. apparently they met before. "well if it isn't my identical twin."

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Digimon: Fusion ch.1.

His only friends were guys who he met online. later one of them, \_brawler\_ aka nick, took him to a big anime-convention. there he met more guys like him, gamers, animefreaks and even some guys who could draw even better then himself.
