Bugging a Wolf

Story by Revresbo on SoFurry

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#3 of Jeff and Will

A short, fluffy tale (tail?) about boyfriends

Will sighed contentedly as his show ended and he pulled his headphones off. He glanced over at Jeff, sitting on a recliner and turning a page in his book. "Hey, Jeff?"

"Mhm?" Jeff didn't look up from his book.

"Do you remember the day we met?"

"Mhm," Jeff mumbled distractedly, flipping back through the pages.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Yes," the word came long and drawn out as he flipped forward again.

"What did I say?"

Jeff finally glanced up over the top of his book. "Are you listening to me." While the book covered most of his face, Will could see the smile in his eyes.

"You're a big meanie, y'know that?"

Jeff chuckled, closing the book and setting it on the arm of the chair. "Fine, what did you need?"

"Do you remember the day we met?"

Jeff smiled warmly. "That's a stupid question."

Will beamed back at him.

Jeff's smile became a smirk. "You know full well I can't remember yesterday."

Jeff was still laughing when he caught the pillow Will threw, but it turned to a shocked cry when Will threw himself on top of Jeff right after. The chair tipped precariously, but it settled back with a groan.

"You really are a meanie," Will said as he curled up on Jeff.

"You know you love me."

"I do." Will grinned widely at Jeff's blush. "So you really remember nothing about when we met?" Will started nuzzling Jeff's neck.

"I might remember a couple things." Jeff wrapped his arms around Will.

"Such as?" Will nosed Jeff's ear.

"You were dressed very nice."

"Anything else?"

"I bought you and me smoothies."


It was hard for Jack to see Wil's face at this angle, but he could hear the absolutely shit-eating grin. "Nothing else comes to mind. Why?"

"Well, in my show, there was this very cute wolf walking down some steps, and he reminded me of you because he was going down some stairs when--"

"When he was very suave and debonair." Jeff phrased it as a statement, not a question.

"No, he--"

"Seduced an attractive fox."

"No, he, stop that!" Will poked Jeff in the stomach when he opened his mouth to interrupt again. "He took a spill down the steps and his drink went everywhere."

"I don't see how that would remind you of me at all," Jeff said imperiously.

"Really?" Will grinned while looking Jeff in the eye. "Because I seem to recall on the day we met--"

"I have no memory of the event."

"After you bought those smoothies--"

"You're obviously delusional."

"We were walking down some stairs when--"

"It never happened."

"Your foot missed a whole step and--"

"You should see a doctor about how you confuse dreams for reality."

"You sli--"

"Enough lies!" Jeff cried out, tickling the fox. Will responded in kind, until Jeff managed to eventually slither over the arm of the chair to collapse onto the ground, laughing breathlessly.

"See?" Will smirked. "You just keep falling for me."

Jeff groaned. "Bad, even by my standards, hun."

"Well," Will shrugged. "You know you love me."

"I do--" Jeff's word ended with a grunt when Will abruptly decided to join him on the floor.