Moonlit in Fog

The world is different now. I rest a hand against a wall, staring at it as if I could see through it. Well, I guess I could. I look the same, but everything else seems insubstantial, ephemeral. It takes a conscious effort to feel the wall and push...

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Just a Jackal

Opening my eyes. That's the first step. It seems simple enough, but it took me nearly ten minutes to manage it. After that comes the slow and stiff standing up, trying to work the kinks out so I can actually walk. Then, I pick up my stuff slowly,...

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At first, it wasn't so bad. There wasn't really anything to hurt him. As a matter of fact, there didn't really be anything at all. He'd been warned of the heat and how it might singe his fur, but his fur didn't seem to be on fire. Actually, he couldn't...


A One-Man Masquerade

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine really knew what he was talking about. I can't give definite proof that a positive attitude speeds healing, but I have personal experience with a negative attitude making me feel ill. And I mean legitimately...

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Land of the Free and Home of the Slaves: Chapter 3

Author's note: I'm not a doctor and have no experience with first aid, so please forgive any and all errors in the scene to follow. If I ever go mainstream (doubtful), I'll take greater efforts to make it more realistic. Chapter III: Canine Wounds...

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Unlocking Doors pt 1

The dog--a black dog, an average height, brown-eyed dog--stood in the middle of the room--a large room, circular--, backed into a corner. In the midst of the crowd, he stood by himself, alone. He exchanged pleasantries, hellos, greetings with the...

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The End of a Life: Smoking Kills

So... no idea what I'm writing here yet. This is going to be a freewrite. Let's take an adventure together and see where it leads. ---- Everything seemed to go quiet. The two men were staring at each other. A yellow flower blossomed near one man's...

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The Ending, The Beginning

So, this is going to sound a little weird. I asked my boyfriend for a story idea, and this is what he asked me to write. As a disclaimer, everything's fine between us, and he was nervous about asking me to write this what with my depression and all,...

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A Wolf in the Dark

The chilled air in the room caused me to shiver, shaking loose the liquid orb from my skin and sending it to conjoin with my pillow. Another tear followed the trail carved by the first and joined its brother in the soft fabric. There was no one reason...

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A Settled Heart: Part 3

Hey, everybody. Sorry, I finished writing two days ago, started typing last night, but it was late and stuff, so I'm posting this now. I'm not sure if this one's as good as part two, but I really wanted the event to happen, so here it...

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A Settled Heart: Part 1

"Finally!" The grey wolf's tail wagged slightly as he looked at the cell phone in his paw. Mike was connected to the world again. Not that he had been completely dependent on his phone. He preferred calling to texting and...

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A Settled Heart: Part 2

"Wow," Mike said. "Nice place." And it was. He had guessed, of course, from the outside that the inside would be equally attractive, but it is always different to see than it is to imagine. The wolf's jaw was slightly open, and...

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