The Little Corporate Hen - A Fable

Story by Diogenes Shandor- Bio Major and Cynic on SoFurry

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A fable about capitalism

The Little Corporate Hen set out one day to make some bread.

While gathering supplies she met the Mouse. The Mouse said "I could help you gather the flour if you let me have some of the bread". But the Little Corporate Hen said "You don't have five years of experience". And the Mouse said "But we don't live that long!"

So the Little Corporate Hen gathered all the flour by herself and took it to her home

While mixing the ingredients she met the Fox. The Fox said "I could help you mix the ingredients you let me have some of the bread". But the Little Corporate Hen said "You don't have five years of experience". And the Fox said "But we don't live that long!"

While mixing the ingredients she met the Rabbit. The Rabbit said "I could help you bake the bread you let me have some of the bread". But the Little Corporate Hen said "You don't have five years of experience". And the Rabbit said "But we don't live that long!"

The Little Corporate Hen baked her bread and it's delicious scent beckoned the Mouse, the Fox, and the Rabbit to the Little Corporate Hen. They asked if they could have some of her bread, but the Little Corporate Hen said "I'm not going to let you have any bread because you didn't help me make it". And the Mouse, the Fox, and the Rabbit replied "But you told us not to". The Little Corporate Hen said, "Then you should have made tour own bread". And the Mouse, the Fox, and the Rabbit replied "But you took all the flour". And the Little Corporate Hen said, "Whatever. I'm not going to help out a bunch of freeloaders".