dream log entry 00b
well this will be a big let down for you all.. nothing but nightmares and wet dreams the kinda follow my old dream storyline and yet they dont. Since i didnt get comments or messages saying that you want more ive stoped updating and...
Dream log entry 00a
Well since this is my first log entry but not my first dream i wanna jot down i will explain whatever i can so this: log entry 00 part a it all kinda happend so sudden, i remember something about losing my girlfriend even though i
Writer's Log #3 - Progress!
Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since the last one of these. I originally planned to do one a week, I just got kinda discouraged from the lack of engagement. But I wanted to let you know that I've finished the rough draft of my do-over on A...
Genetic Children-Log 21 - Mythos.
**Sorry about the long gap between posts, I've been working wayyyyyy too much to flex my creative yiff muscles. This is another short chapter, running, NAY sprinting towards Korm's future. Sorry there seems to be no tag for VERY...
Cats > Squirrels (RP log with RandomtheFox)
Can't help but hear the pred's body or speech (even if he clasped his paws to his ears painfully tight, he could still feel it resonating through his very body) and there's never a break from anything - the belly walls never give you a 'day off' after you've logged
School Lunch (RP log with RandomtheFox)
Soft vore, non-consensual, snake/squirrel, m/m here's another rp log for ya! it's from the second rp random and i did (well, actually the third but the second one is still in progress) that we started in january and just finished today.
Dream log entry 00a.5
Meh I left my zune on and i had headphones on as well so welcome to my shuffle'd dream. Dj and me are standing in the middle of one long road and all of a sudden the road wobbles like crazy(dubstep song) all theese zombies come up from the...
Equestria Connection 1.0
Rainboommaker logged off pinkwonder logged off flutterbee: i hope you learned your lesson, mister.
The Fairy
At the bottom of the hill there is a small hollowed log that jessica notices. "that will work, she will never look for me in there."jesica says aloud before running down towards the log.
The Sword in the Pebble
Maybe he could break a limb off the log. he began to tug on one limb, only for the side of the log to completely split open as he pulled it away. "gah!" nait tumbled backwards landing on his bottom as the log broke.
In the Negative
Humphrey and kate ran their eyes over the log and kate could tell that with each passing second that humphrey studied the log, his excitement would grow.
Tale of Tails Chapter 1
The log had become coated in a thick slimy layer of moss from the rain that frequented this area. all too soon they where upon it and it was too late, both boys slipped on the mossy log and where shot out into the open field.