Dream log entry 00a

Story by HyenaDer on SoFurry

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well since this is my first LOG entry but not my first dream i wanna jot down i will explain whatever i can so this:

Log Entry 00 Part A

It all kinda happend so sudden, I remember something about losing my girlfriend even though i do not have one. I remember i didnt pay rent so i got kicked out and I live with my gram and gramps and then something from point a-d seems to be a blur so something happend in B and C that i do not know but as i woke up the world i live in was turned and crossed over. Pokemon, Silent Hill, Resident Evil and just random events.

Now my grandparents are dead my family is gone i asume dead and my only friend I met up with said he was serious when he told me "if a Zombie apocolypce ever happend i already have my team and i forgot to add you but you will be fine on your own i know it!" so he gave me a extra med kit and left me. I only had 2 pokemon Ampharos and Girafarig but id rather not call them out right now, i had a wiierd shotgun that was like no gun ive ever seen before but it was almost as if it ran on your mind so if u wanted it to reload it did it or lock on it also did that. Did i mention it had a touchscreen that show'd your ammo and a zoom screen?

So I basicly gatherd some supplies and went to a 2 story house and build a electic fence around the house, boarded up the windows and i ran upstairs with a mini fridge to keep food in. I broke the stair case so no zombies can jump up it, the stair case was at least 13ft tall or more cuz im 5'10". Now after i was settled in and made a good looking room and had a great snipe like window set up i figure it was a good time to call out a pokemon. Not only was i excited to hold my first pokeball but to meet 2 of my favorite pokemon! (I didnt question how i obtained them seeing as how B-C was missing) I held the ball clicked the middle button and the ball grew x2 and then i gently tossed it into the air and it opened streaming the red glowing silloette of Ampharos and then he showed up in full color! My jaw dropped and i felt as if i died this was such a powerful moment and hearing his cry. DJ(Amphy) looked at me and smiled and tackled me with a big hug! Not only did that shock me but i guess i raised my pokemon right seeing as how he loves me so much.

Again and again i grow in more shock, Dj let go and looked at me saying "I missed you" I didnt know he could talk but hell i didnt care it was cool! I asked him how this world came and he had no answer he just seemed to be happy i was ok. All he know was since he was a Mareep he knew I was going to take care of him as a trainer. He told me about past adventures we had together and it was all before the whole crazy-ness started happing to the world...then again where did pokemon come into play i guess it just happend? He told me how he rememberd anytime he was poisend or paralized I would always heal him no doubt and if i was lacking something i rused to the pokemon center, he really liked how much i seemed to care. I guess one day battling a wild pokemon he became a Flaafy and then at the Gym he became Ampharos even tho i loved him all the same he seemed to be happy he evolved. He told me about Girafarig or Arienette as i nicknamed her, she was not very much into battling but she liked to sleep and relax, seemed to like the water for somereason he said i was always having to give her a bath cuz she would get into mud haha. Dj didnt mind anything but he was somewhat of a clown and that was a good thing, he would make us laugh if we where down.

Things seems almost perfect. We would watch tv and surf the internet, then one day on the new a report saying: "The day Arceus Died" Everything seemed to change, anytime you battled a wild pokemon it did not faint...it died. I wasent to sure about what happend to captured pokemon you battled if they died or it was possible to heal them but i never let Dj or Arienette die/faint. DJ did tell me why i only had 2, he said i had 6 but i was robbed 2 times and the last one was unknown to him. I guess i had a Nidoking, Azumaril and Flygon. Gort the Nidoking was captured like a deer in a hunting zone and i was KO'd and woke up in a tree appently, Azumaril was taked by the cops to be used to put out the fires? I had no choise and Flygon was a unknown missing event that i didnt wanna find out i was glad i could take care of 2/6 of my pokemon (very sad)

DJ told me to look outside the window. I did not like what i saw, 2 wild pokemon fighting over a dead body and there was a winner and a loser...a creature that was no pokemon but a nightmare beast game from the shadow of the loser and tore it apart and began feeding on each part little by little when the beast was done it transferd into the winner'd shadow. DJ says there are unknown creatures slowly changing the world and things seem bad but they can get worse.

Dj was getting sleepy so i showd him how i set up the bed wich was just a bunch or blankets folded to look like a matress and only a sheet to keep you warm but i guess you could sleep on the floor and have all the blankets haha. He laughed at me and said that we always sleep together...I gave a head tilt and asked what he ment. he basicly said we sleep as a team cuz he has insomnia when i keep him in his ball. I said ok thats fine and thought id be good for me to get some sleep as weel and figure out more in the morning. Laying there in that bed with DJ cuddlng with me made me think. If i thought my life sucked before and ive always wanted to kill zombies and have pokemon but not excatly like this, dose everything come with a cost like you can have what you wish but something bad must happen first? I liked this world more than the old one, here i have friends back there i didnt here i have a team back there i was alone. Always wishing and hoping for change. did that change finally happen? am i in the dream world ive always wanted? then it came to me. This can't be just MY dream world more than one person can have the same dream and more than one person live in the world so i accepted the fact that i got my world but someone else is either trying to take it away or make it there own. I dont care what anyone else dose as long as i have my team. I looked at DJ sleeping and drooling i cuddled up next to him and his checks went a lil rosey red I closed my eyes and went to sleep.