Dream log entry 00a.5

Story by HyenaDer on SoFurry

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Meh I left my zune on and i had headphones on as well so welcome to my shuffle'd dream.

Dj and me are standing in the middle of one long road and all of a sudden the road wobbles like crazy(dubstep song) all theese zombies come up from the sides here n there we run to get to high grounds and the road floats us to a tall building and me and DJ develope a plan. I tell him its time so show off your new move, he gets on my shoulders and as the zombies gather in one little spot...."DJ USE THUNDER!!!" Epicness occurd not only where most of the undead, dead they where paralized! Which gave us time to find our way back home.

Then as we carefully walk past all the zombies we are lifted to almost a cloud themed world. (soft song) I turn to DJ and he blushes and smiles and giggles uncontrolably. I began to feel funny, well no more funny than DJ. "Youuuurrrrrr allwayyysss there, when i neeeed youuuuuu" Dj began to sing and music was comining from all sides of me. Not only had i felt good i could be there for somone but knowing that DJ loves me so much im glad im alive haha. Flashbacks occur as he walks me though all the times ive been there for him.

When we battled a undead Nidoran and DJ was poisend I knew we had to get out fast so i told DJ to end it with Thunder Punch and he fall over very ill, i didnt have a anidote but i found a nearby berry bush and in my luck they where the right kind and cured him easy. Then there was another time when we faught somone to strong and DJ was getting weak, i stopped the battle and we had the rest of the day to relax and i made dinner for us. DJ felt loved knowing he didnt have to win every battle cuz i love him all the same win or lose as long as we can have fun right?

Then (trance, dubstep unknown genre came up) and everything that was beautiful was gone and he was trasparent and I was back in the real world. He walked me though some events that he wished he could have been there for me. When i would lay in bed sometimes and cry myself to sleep knowing i have no friends, not a real family and no real reason to smile. He showd me how my father left me, how my mother disowned me, and how my grandparents truly felt about me. Everything was scary and dark. then he showd me Myself looking at my own self just sitting there all alone in tears doing nothing not even trying to be happy anymore as if id givin up on life. Then a strange beeping came from my waist and it was you DJ, i used to always have the Pokewalker on my waist cuz i wished you could really be by my side. As i looked at that little screan seeing you sad i would talk with you asking why you where sad, i got the hint you wanted to walk with me so i got my things and it was super cold and foggy so i grabbed a jacket too. didnt bother to put my hair up either(i have a mohawk) as i head out with you on my waist we hit a dead end cuz i could not see due to all the thick fog and you beeped again i looked at you and you smiled and i could hear your cry then text came up in the pokewalker"DJ said: thank you" I stared in shock and asked why your thanking me and you smiled again and said "I can't wait to see you" then you faded from the screan i was a little scared cuz you where gone but then i blacked out and woke up in the dream world and here we are hand and hand frind to friend brother to brother.

You had tears in your eyes and you cuddled up with me and i cuddled back and promised to take care of you always and try my best to keep you healty and make sure nothing bad happends to you, even if something dose ill try to find a way to make everything better. You murred and said "I love you master." and sleeped in my lap. I was still sitting up rubbing your head and belly here n there cuz i was not tired but wanted to keep you warm<3

Thats all i could remember before a few other songs came on then [mature content enterd here] starts to happen but you don't wanna hear that now do you? Comment if so and if not ill only know what happend X3 *flips hood over head blushing*