JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 3 - Chasing Trains
- Chapter 3: CHASING TRAINS, * * * Benji wasn't sure how it had happened, but he suddenly found himself pressed into the ground with a paw on his ribcage and a row of sharp teeth uncomfortably close to his neck. _So much for the good introduction..._...
Chapter 3: Welcome to Mars High
To his surprise, instead of the red martian landscape he had imagined, millions of black towers emerged from the ground, piercing through small high altitude dust clouds on mars.
Runewolf: Part 1
(as is accustom in runewolf culture) kale looked at his surroundings, observing the landscape. quickly looking down, kale finds the satchel.
I glanced out across the tan landscape, littered with sand blasted rocks and near smooth expanses of sand. without any specialized equipment nobody would have been able to detect the long lost base that resided among the jutting boulders.
The Chosen One, Unwilling
And instead of stars, i saw landscapes. well, what looked like landscapes at any rate. all of the sudden, a voice called out me. - can you hear me? i looked around for the source of noise and yet i found nothing.
OP Alicorn Isekai Adventure
There were random plateaus several dozen meters tall scattered across the landscape. like skyscrapers that chaotically burst up from the forest floor to block the view of the horizon with black rock cliffs.
ch.01 The cost of war
, his spine tingles as the carrying notes of the retreat horns blow across the landscape.
Freezing betrayal.
That was all he had ever seen in the manner of landscape during the millenia where he remained trapped within the spire of the north.
Lofty Parapets
Already having broken the outermost barrier of the alien landscape, i had difficulty recognizing where i was.
There Be Monsters Out There
The mark burned into the landscape is proof enough of that. but, i don't think there is any hostile intent behind it." shishu wasn't sold on the idea. "we can't assume that though. what if you're wrong?
[Teaser] By Duskfall
By this point, asoan had gotten up and stood by the canopy again, looking over the landscape for any signs of life. trapoi also got up and joined his wolf companion.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Six
Cloud was also looking down at the landscaping. "we sure couldn't. it has an excellent view." a well-groomed arctic fox in a waiter's outfit came over to the table with two glasses of water.