Taming the Werewolf - 8

The handicapped restroom wasn't soundproofed, but it was meant for one person and she didn't care who heard as they walked by.


Rough Awakening

Yeah, i have my handicap. but being fireproof when a blaze already has the run of a place has its benefits too. i'll admit that every now and then, when i'm feeling a bit hot under the collar, i'll be tempted to make something important _burn_.

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W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones

- then we have another handicap on the list. - you're crazy, sandra. - positively crazy. - so who else wants a suit? silence. - there. any more questions? - when? - tomorrow. marco, start gathering equipment.

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By My Side

I was left permanently handicapped from my waist down. i was in the care of my grandmother for seven years when her house burned down in a fire. i was left with scars across my face and body, but i survived. my grandmother wasn't as lucky.

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Light Bane: Chapter 46

They needed to find a way to fight back in their handicapped situation, and fast. or else they would lose their reality.

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By My Side

I was left permanently handicapped from my waist down. i was in the care of my grandmother for seven years when her house burned down in a fire. i was left with scars across my face and body, but i survived. my grandmother wasn't as lucky.

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Temps de chien !

Il vous sera remis, sous trois jours, colis et une fiche d'apprã©ciation a remplir dã¨s que possible et une copie de celle ci sera proposã©e sur notre site si vous la perdez ou que vous ãªtes dans l'incapacitã© de la remplir (cas d'handicap).

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 6

Sora gave a nod and turned to donald and goofy, "you guys need to help clear the way, we've all got a handicap so we're counting on you."

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Kovu and Mipa: Serpent's Bounty

Her handicaps had grown along with her 'waist'-line and she'd begun talking to kovu more and more about how she might bring her growth to a halt at last. so far, however, they hadn't done much more than talk about it.

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Change in Venue- February

I highly doubt a wild fox would have been able to press the handicap button so that it could escape." "whatever became of that animal? did the vet have anything to say?"

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D.E1 Chapter 3: Decisions

It is not until you see the scar tissue in her eyes that you know she is handicapped. a short while after, rika sat with hemi in one of the comfy couches of the many living rooms of the zone.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 10

I think that goal is enough for all of us to forget that second handicap and give our all to finish this in success. do you agree? - yes, sir!- replied everybody in the room. - good, good. then, let's begin.

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