Heavy Metal Poisoning
He rolls the flute with an experienced wrist and watches the liquid swirl, but never once does he raise it to his lips. no, he's played the game too long to be that stupid.
Dead Trees
She grabbed her flute and, bringing it to her lips, began to play.
The Greatest Show on Earth
Strapped to her waist, two throwing knives used in her shows, several empty pouches ready to be filled and the flute she had mastered as well as several lockpicks and other random items she held dear.
Civilized Nature
**Tanka No. 1 (Spring)** myriad birds perching in radiant hues celestial -- whistling in the leaves the melancholic music of the old depressed flautist **Tanka No. 2 (Summer)** burrowing hornets emerge in heated morning -- the shedding of...
Watcher of Arcues - Path of the Immortal Chapter 14
Of special interest however antique flutes in a locked display case up front. feeling thomas stop, radara quickly turned and looked back as well, seeing the flutes herself.
For Sore Eyes
It had been a flute. without a word, dana had brought it to their lips, and had begun to play.
A Funeral For A Horse
Aalu playing a mournful tune on her flute, one that lingered in the air like one's breath on a cold morning. one that wrapped around you like a comforting friend. sakara did his best just shaking the rattle, rising and falling with the flute.
Lonely Oak Chapter 37
"duh, everyone knows i'm good at playing the flute, that doesn't count. i need to be good at something that _counts_. something that people will think is really amazing.
Like a flute made out of clear wax like fresh polish on an old tenor sax like an old barfly who remembers how to sing like a fragile crystal bell with a celestial ring like childhood's shining toy ball like someone named after alcohol like giving
Lonely Oak Chapter 113 - A-Tisket, A-Tasket
But, the way lyza had crumpled the cup after messing up brought back the flash of memory when she threw her flute at the couch.
The Eve of Wintersday
"prompt and proper in all that you do, dear brother," amon snapped back, but he stood up from his seat and happily collected two of the wine flutes.
Lonely Oak Chapter 6
Lyza brightened, "i want a new flute!" "another one?" kval chuckled. "you have four already..." "i want a wooden one, like an indian flute." "okay, that makes sense.