Emo Wolf and The Enemy Neighbor

\> enemy: ok here ya go \*hands wolf the pie\* emo wolf: \*chomps the pie in one bite and the enemy watches and waits for an explosion cuz the pie was a bomb\* enemy: feel any different?

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I am the Enemy

I have turned into the enemy i fear i may have ruined your life i have caused you so much strife with this i can't even begin to help you i don't know what it is i'm supposed to do i'm so sorry for what i've done it seems i can't ever win, no

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TS: Chapter 5

_if you made friends as easily as you did enemies, you'd be the most popular kid in school by now,_said sparktrivis.

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Rising Anew -Chapter 13- Learning About Your Enemy

There had always been enemies, creatures to fend off, humans who grew to curious and decided to attack. but marcerous... marcerous was different. he was bent on capturing narcenac and narina.

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Mortal Enemies

- mortal enemies is what you are each one fighting for their lives. the king and queen for theirs and you for the lives of your young. - avoid the great serpents when you can but never look away.

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Chapter 3 Savers

**Chapter 3** Yuukan had been with the pack for almost a month and was adjusting quickly to the new ways. So many rules and things to do during the day. He was quickly regaining his weight and was growing stronger each day. Even though he was...

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The enemy of my enemy...

So far, so good. Harrar BlazeFang, the Charr, had traveled a long way. Starting from the camp in the Dalada uplands, crossing the green hills with ease through Charr territory, then sneaking his way towards the mountain range Shiverpeaks, avoiding...

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# enemy by. ryan stoops a.k.a.

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Ch.2 It begins

Zerato looked around not seeing an enemy nearby then glared at 'ryan' "these enemies are where?" ryan pointed forwards "they will be coming from that direction.. be careful, there's a lot of them."

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Friends and Enemies

So here it is! Chapter three is up! I didn't get into any yiffyness this time (Sorry!) But I promise something extra kinky for you guys next chapter! This bit gets a bit more emotional and focuses more on the poor slave wolf and his budding...

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Public Enemy

Now he's public enemy number one...back in jail, without bail, a 'coon without redemption and without a future faced the death sentence for his sins, which were many.

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The New Enemy

Continuing on the old trail I walked into a dark damp cave. Walking right beside me Shasha asked scared slightly, "Uh.....Zyruss is it o...okay to walk through here?" Answering her question with a single nod I continued till a...

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