
Almost as incessant as the sparks coming from a damaged console to the left of her. "does everybody have a phase pistol?" jinx asked, looking around. of the twenty-odd 'warm-blood' furs, only a paw-ful were here (on the bridge). the others?

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Damage Done

* * * This is the first story that I have ever made to put on the Web, especially for the fandom. This is Part 1 of a mutli-part story. Not sure how many parts this thing will have, matters on how I'm feeling and how it's going. Later parts of this...

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life with a dragon chapter seven

"Hey Sarven, are you sure about this? If I take the trailer off the truck someone else could take it" I ask as I look at Sarven. "Oh just do it. No one is going to steal this big of a trailer. Besides, we have the license plate number. If someone does...

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Frontal Lobe Damage

Dusk used to be my favourite time of day. I sought relentlessly for a scent or a feeling that would remind me of the vivid memories attributed to it, each one something I wished I could re-experience, something I wished I could just live in forever and...

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Next life

I love you, alot. My heart, you have caught. I'll adore you forever. You're smart, and so clever. You're the light of my life. In my heart, you're my wife. This life has been hard. We both are scarred. But maybe together, we both can...

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1:1 Collateral Damage

#1 of the underground: the mercenary **collateral damage** alias _they say someone is defined by his actions not his memory. life is determined by our decisions and the outcome they bring us.

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The End Pt2

I followed her. The resemblance to a dog was not lost and it soured my mood further. Trying to gain some control on my situation, I cleared my throat. "Where we going?" "I may be stuck with you, but I sure as Heaven am not going to like it," she...

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The End Pt1

Screaming. I was always screaming. Punching, thrashing, trying to break out of the hole or whatever it was I was trapped in. It had seemed like eternity, my mind was all-but undone by the solitude and constant reminder that I had been wrong. God...

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A Rose by any Other Name

STOP Read [THIS](http://www.sofurry.com/page/223804/user) first. She returned to my cell, before I gained use of my muscles back, with a small potted plant. The thing resembled a rose creeper but it was the palest white, not a hint of...

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The end - the beginning

I couldn't help it, after seeing the love one of our players ( [flexiblesurvival.com](http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?Refer=10727) ) had for the dedication they commissioned me to make, I just had to tell their story, and the story of the dedication...

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Wasteland Saviour - The Becoming - ch4

Finally agreed on the list, just as Fox had written it, we made to leave only to be stopped by an old man wearing some kind of toga. Fox laughed and stepped forward, gripping forearms with him while my mouth gaped a little, "He... he is not......

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Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3

"... and that's all I can remember." I told the people surrounding me at their 'debriefing'. "Quite an amazing story Kitten." the one called Crystal said, "I am glad you and... uh, your Mother could get these people out safely, I dread to...

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