Breathing Life--Chapter Two

Gods, this was dumb. we definitely should have planned this out better. i glanced down the halls again, making sure that no one else was headed up this corridor.

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A Good Day to Be a Mammal

We've got all the brains, and they're nothing but big, dumb beasts." "yeah. big, dumb beasts with sharp teeth and a taste for shrews."

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The Breegull Boat Part 2: The non-garbage barge.

"well, at the least this place isn't a dumb. and with the tropics in sight, i could try to catch some non-acidic rain." she thought to herself with a grin. "might get cooked with that thing around.

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Plum in... The Snow Demons of Winter

No matter how many times i've asked her she hasn't taught me anything, except what berries not to eat, and other dumb stuff like that.

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What I've Been Looking For

"cupid is so dumb..." the pair entered the chorus together again: "i gave a second chance to cupid; i believed you, i'm so stupid. let me show you my secret love, is it real? cupid is so dumb!" "i gave a second chance to cupid..."

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A Tail of Sparks - Chapter One

What dumb idiot! learn chemistry at like 2 days old. how forget to turn off o2? stupid, that how! after that, accidents claimed 5 others. so happy. chua aren't very careful much. remember life and limb? after deaths, i get more attention.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 108 - Zoological

"i may be annoying," the vixen said, her cheeks a bit redder and her brows much narrower, "but at least i'm not dumb." the mother giraffe looked down at them from her perspective, high above. "you tryin' to call me dumb?" the raccoon questioned.

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Chapter 1: A Nice Encounter

I tried to say it in a manner that made my travels seem normal, but this man wasn't dumb; well not too dumb anyway, and he noticed what i was doing. "you're beating around the bush, if you don't want to tell me it's perfectly alright, but don't lie.


Beloved Wolf Chapter 2

He thought: ''_you dumb ass, you could have just asked her about her plans after the work will be finished. we only have couple of months left here_.'' he hit the lifts wall and said: ''screw this.''

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The Feeling

You struck me dumb. the music, the voice, the complexion of the simplicity of your lyrics. how does one create? how does one interpret art like you do? how does one define art like you do? what was this song called again? red sky?

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the war part four the jewel

Remember those dumb animals entering our research land ha-ha those dumb animals" "yeah them so you eliminated them all i presume."


Grounded: Ch. 3

As far as dumb pranks went - and this was surely a dumb prank; what else could it be? - it was not one of the better ones she had seen. or heard, as the case may be. she sighed and rolled her eyes again.

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