What I've Been Looking For

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#188 of Commissions

Commission for blinkblinkblink

Art by feikro

A sequel to "Stuck for a Moment" sees Ash and Clay looking for meaning to their new relationship

"What I've Been Looking For"

The sun was rising outside of Clay's window as he and Ash lay in bed together; the gentle glow of sunlight glowing off the soft white sheets draped over them. As the light reached his whiskers, Clay opened his eyes silently and he sat up. He slowly rose to a seated position and looked out the window over the property, beds of roses that he and Ruby had planted. And just as suddenly, he felt his eyes begin to well up. The lion swept the sheets aside and reached down to pull his underwear up out of the darkness, he stood and pulled them on and then draped a robe over his shoulders. He looked at Ash and frowned, gazing upon her as she slept. He'd not felt like this since--he closed his eyes.

"Stupid..." He uttered to himself as he left the room.

It wasn't twenty minutes after Clay made his way down to his recliner and seated himself to read the rest of his newspaper that he heard footsteps headed down the stairs behind him. His ears folded back slightly and he buried his muzzle into the fold of the paper.

"Clay? Are you okay?"

"Fine..." Clay replied, not looking up. "I thought you were asleep."

Ash shrugged as she approached him, dressed only in a shirt that fell all the way to her knees, the sleeves so long that her hands were practically invisible. "I was, but I noticed you were gone."

Clay huffed a bit. "I'm... sorry if I woke you."

"You didn't." Ash assured him and draped her arms around the lion's shoulders. Clay lowered the paper and sighed. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, no..." Clay said. "It's just, well. I'm not used to--I mean...ever since Ruby..." He shook his head. "I mean ho-how do I know this is real? How do I know that one head isn't taking control of the other--that you really lo--" He turned to look at Ash, but immediately found her lips impacting on his own.

The kiss was warm and soft and he reached his arms around her to embrace her as she leaned into him. She placed a hand on his cheek and gave it a stroke before slowly parting her lips. "Because I know I love you, and I feel it when you kiss me." She answered for him.


It was a month later, after the crew of Moon's Troupe had gotten successful in their run at the Majestic; Ash and Clay's duet being one of the most popular moments had gotten standing ovations and sing-alongs nearly every night of the show. But ever since that night, they hadn't really talked about it. They hadn't even had a chance to be together alone since, and Ash and Clay had become more colleagues than lovers. Each time they looked at each other, it was as if the universe always found a way to pull them apart.

The knocking at Ash's hotel room door was barely heard over the blasting of her headphones as she laid on the end of her bed. Pausing her humming she lifted a headphone off her right ear and heard another knocking attempt. "Yeah! Hang on!" She shouted as she slipped off the bed, untangled her headphones and stumbled to her feet. Kicking it off she walked to the door she pulled the door open only to find a familiar lion standing on the other side. "Clay! What are you doing here?"

Clay was dressed nicely, a dark leather jacket, a pair of sunglasses. A dark red button up shirt and white t-shirt under it just barely visible. A riveted leather belt and blue jeans, and a pair of dark brown leather biking boots. He slipped his glasses off and stared into Ash's eyes with his soft blue ones. "Hello, Ash. Up to anything this evening?"

"Uhm... no...I guess not, I mean. I'm just listening to some tunes and hanging out. What about you?"

"Well. I figured a little dinner, a little dancing. Maybe a nice nighttime stroll. Be a little less awkward to do it on my own. What do you say?"

"Why Mister Calloway. Are you asking me out on a date?" Ash teased.

"Well. If you don't want to go--"

"Wait!" Ash said with a laugh. "Okay, okay I'll get dressed. Hang on just a minute." She laughed again and closed the door.

Clay heard the door latch open and he turned to meet Ash, who was standing there in a black string top and a pair of blue jeans that fell loose near her ankles, and a pair of platform sandals on her feet. She stepped into the hallway and he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat as she approached him. "Hey. I'm ready." She said as she slung her satchel over her shoulder and put on her own star-shaped sunglasses. "You ready?"

"Sure." Clay said. "But it's getting dark outside, I'm not sure if you're going to need those."

"We'll decide that later." She said as she latched her arm under his elbow and the pair walked. "So...what got you to decide on this?" She asked as they walked.

Clay shrugged. "Well, you know. We haven't had much time together since--well, since that night." He said. "And I thought we could spend some time together."

Ash smiled. "I like that." She said. "I thought you were just avoiding me, or something?"

"No, no." Clay shook his head. "Not at all. I mean, we've just had this show and all that and...well, I was sort of nervous."

"Nervous? About what?"

Clay blushed and shook his head. "You know...I haven't been with anyone in over fifteen years. I-I mean...I wasn't sure I knew how to--" He paused as Ash placed her hand against his lips and he chuckled. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I get it." Ash said. "I mean I haven't exactly had the experience you've had but I know how it feels to be kicked down by life and having to pick myself back up again. I mean you shouldn't blame yourself."

By that time, they had already made it to Clay's motorcycle and he handed her a helmet before putting on his own. Climbing onto the bike, Ash quickly straddled the seat behind him and placed her arms around his waist as he kicked the starter and brought the bike to life. As they whipped out into traffic, she held on tighter and ignored the lion's mane flipping about near her face for a few moments until he tossed his hair off to one side to clear her vision. "So where are we going?!" She asked loudly.

"Oh one of my favorite places, how do you feel about a burger and fries?"

"Well, I mean the fries are good. I'm not much into meat though."

Clay laughed. "I figured as much, that's why they have a great vegetarian menu too!"

"Ah-haha, you're too good to me, Calloway." She replied with a laugh as they blazed down the highway.

Orlando's was a restaurant that was a throwback to classic 50s skater waiter inspired drive up with several seats around for patrons to sit outside their car. It was a nice casual experience for both Clay and Ash who sat around and while he indulged in a nice cheeseburger, she ate a crisp berry and walnut topped salad, a pair of malted chocolate shakes and a share of loaded fries.

"Oh man. I don't think I've tried this place before." Ash said as she dipped another fry into the chili sauce and bit into it. "I'll have to make this a regular stop. This is some good stuff."

"I thought you'd like it. Some of the best chili this side of the country." He said as he swiped a few fries and dipped and swallowed them in one bite."

"Jeez, Calloway, you should chew every once in a while. Maybe you could taste them better."

"Well. You know, I'm pretty good with my tongue." He said with a wink. Ash blushed. This made Clay pause and blush. "I'm-I'm sorry... I shouldn't be that forward with--"

"No, no it's okay." Ash said. "I mean we did sleep together." She smiled. "I don't regret that either."

"Y-you don't?"

"No, of course not. I used to say "never meet your heroes" but... I'm glad I did."

Clay gazed at Ash, a half smirk on his face until he put his hand down, directly onto the basket of fries and chili, accidentally flinging it onto himself. "AHHH! Damn it!" He grunted as he flicked the hot chili to get it off him. He quickly gave it up and unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off before it could burn into his stomach. "Hot, hot, hot!"

"Are you okay?" Ash asked, jumping up.

"Haha..." Clay laughed in frustration. "Clumsy me, Ruby always accused me of doing things like that without thinking." It was almost immediately that Clay's crest began to fall and his shoulders sank.

"C'mon." Ash said as she leaned into the lion. "Let's go for a walk, huh?"

After leaving Clay's jacket and shirt with the motorcycle, the pair walked to the nearby park, following a concrete path until most of the city lights left them behind and they were only walking along under street lights that illuminated the path. Ash looked Clay over, his body was still very fit even at his age, but he still had a lack of muscle on his stomach, but it still was a good fit shape. His white mane even sharper a contrast to his golden brown body fur under this darker lighting, she smiled at him and leaned against his body.

"What?" Clay asked, somewhat amused.

Ash shook her head. "I was just remembering some of your old music." She said. "You had a period where you had this bad-boy romantic streak, I was just thinking about that."

Clay chuckled and hooked his elbow tighter under Ash's. "I was a different man back then." He purred.

"I don't think so. You're just a little rusty." She turned and kissed him softly. Their lips parted and she stroked her finger across his face. "We just need to work on rubbing some of that rust away."

Clay sighed and took Ash's hand, and held it in place. "Ash..." He said. "You sometimes can't get rust off things that are too broken."

The night proceeded as expected from there, Clay and Ash returned to his home for some additional privacy, but their earlier conversation had kept things a bit more quiet between the two. As they headed to the front door to the house, Clay held onto her hand, stopping her from moving ahead. "You go on ahead. I'll be in in just a minute." He said. "I gotta clear my head."

"Okay, Clay." Ash said before giving him a kiss on his cheek. "I'll put your shirt into the washer while I wait."

"Sure." He smiled

As she walked into the house, Clay let out a slow sigh. Was this moving too fast? What would Ruby think? Why...why couldn't he move on? Why shouldn't he move on? Sighing, Clay's eyes relaxed on is acoustic guitar leaning against the porch post beside the steps. He picked up the instrument and let his claws strum over the strings. "Hmm-hmm...la-la-la--" His voice trailed off. He seated himself on the second step of the porch and rested the guitar across his lap. He closed his eyes and slowly began to play;

"A hopeless romantic, all my life..." He hummed as he recalled the lyrics that came to his mind. "Surrounded by couples all the time..." He seated himself upright properly and cleared his throat. "I guess I should take that as a sign, Oh why...oh why...?"

As he worked into the chorus, he heard the front door open behind him, Clay continued to sing: "Now I'm so lonely..."

"Lonely--" Ash added to the chorus, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh I wish I could find a lover that could hold me"

"Hold me..." Her arms rested on his shoulders as she hugged him softly.

"Now I'm crying in my room, so skeptical of love."

"Say what you say but I want it more..."

"I still want it more, more, more..."

They entered the chorus together: "I gave a second chance to Cupid; but now I'm left feeling stupid." They put their heads together. "Oh the way she makes me feel that love isn't real..." They looked at each other. "Cupid is so dumb..."

The pair entered the chorus together again: "I gave a second chance to cupid; I believed you, I'm so stupid. Let me show you my secret love, is it real? Cupid is so dumb!"

"I gave a second chance to Cupid..." Clay sang as his fingers worked up his guitar.

"A hopeless girl is seeking..." Ash sang softly.

"Someone who will share this feeling, I'm a fool."

"I'm a fool... Cupid is so dumb..." Clay sang.

"A fool for love--" Ash continued before both concluded; "A fool...for...love..." As their lips drew together, and the pair finally kissed.

Clay slid his hand under her chin and held her close and as his lips slowly drew away, the pair smiled at one another.