Chapter 1: A Nice Encounter
#2 of The Journey
A nice meeting between two strangers.
I've had this done for a couple of days now, been constantly editing to make sure it's told the right way. I hope you enjoy :)
"Ynnngh", generally the first sound I made in the morning. Stretching as I got up from the pile of ash which supported me through the night. I got ash in my scales again, "just great." It's not the water that I don't like, it's the assholes that live in the lakes and rivers. _ Every time _ I go to clean up or get a drink some macho fish comes up to fight. I know they do it to annoy me and to feel in control, so I made sure that they saw their efforts were unsuccessful.
I went to the lake nearby to wash off, sure enough some poliwhirl hoping to evolve creeps in the distance. "What an idiot," I think to myself. I got a drink, rinsed off in the pond, and then he shot a water gun at my tail. I blew a weak ember in counter, and the water turned to steam. I laughed a little. "Love you too man," I said with a smirk as I walked away. "I'm a girl!" she yelled. "You all look the same to me." As her skin purpled I knew my job here was done, I picked up some of her thoughts as I walked away. "Racist prick, who the fu-." that was all I needed to hear.
I walked onward to find an awfully nice area where the forest met the grassy plain. At around midday I met a jolteon. He had made this area his home, and agreed to show me the best areas to gather food if I could retrieve the food and share it with him. He would have been able to do it himself normally, but he had sprained his front right paw and knew it was better to look for help than risk a fall from a tree. This area was bountiful in food, and I had no trouble getting more than enough for a good meal. So we sat, he didn't say anything until about halfway through the meal. "So what brings you here, your kin does not often come out this far unaccompanied by a trainer." Throughout my travels I had generally kept to myself, the pokemon I interacted with usually did the same. I had not had to think of what to say until now. "I'm looking for something," the best answer I could come up with. "Looking for what? It must be pretty important." I had no reason to distrust this man, so I was honest. "Honestly I don't know, I feel it calling me and I head wherever it leads." The jolteon pondered this for a bit "Don't the chars usually travel in packs? I've never heard of one going on a journey on it's own." "You'll find that life is full of sounds that you don't hear." I tried to say it in a manner that made my travels seem normal, but this man wasn't dumb; well not too dumb anyway, and he noticed what I was doing. "You're beating around the bush, if you don't want to tell me it's perfectly alright, but don't lie. I don't tolerate liars." I chuckled at the fact that he was so easily offended. "Some things I would like to leave in the past, there was a tragedy in which I had to leave my home, I've been on my own for a while. That's all that's important." He understood, everyone has their own skeletons. "So what about you? This certainly isn't the place where one evolves into a jolteon." He looked at the ground with an expression that I knew well. "My parent's kicked me out when I was old enough to stand on my own. I lived on my own for a while, things weren't too bad. Then, around a year ago, I was climbing up to the top of that mountain over there," he gestured to a reasonably distant land mass. "And a few hundred feet before I reached the top, I get struck by lightning." "It was raining?" "Yes it was raining" His face grew a little darker. "It was the most painful thing I ever experienced, I cried out in pain. I felt like I was about to explode, and as soon the as the first strike ended I got struck again. But this time I felt no pain, in its place I feel the most energizing power I had ever experienced. So you already know what happened, and I made my way here to this paradise which I'm happy to call home." I wasn't one to prod but this was obviously something that there was more to. "You're leaving out part of the story." "H-how... does it matter, I can tell you what I want as you told me what you wanted to tell!" he looked furious, not wanting the situation to escalate I calmed him down "You're right, your story is yours to tell" Unknowing to him I had already picked up the full story in my head. I honestly tried not to but this emotion was so powerful that it forced it's way in. He intended to jump off that mountain. "I never got your name." he sighed "I never really had one." "Forgive me, I'm Blaze by the way." "A little cliche don't you think?" "Cliches are there for a reason." I smiled at him and with that the jolteon got the past out of his mind, I envied him. "It was a pleasure to meet you, I truly hope our paths cross again." "To you as well," And with that, I walked off. A new face, and a new encounter in my head. I could not see it but I still knew, I had a long way to go.