Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 13
And as she drifted deeper and deeper inside... she heard... his voice... echoing softly with a gentle... sweet tone... seeming to lull her... slowly... into a lethargic state, as her mind drifted within... "i want...
"BLEU" Part Two
A constant roller coaster of drifting between reality and an unknown dark place, defying the flow of time.
The Scout
Orchid cautiously lifted a paw and one drifted close. it rested on a fingertip and orchid felt a flow of scattered memories.
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 1 (MHO)
"k-ku-n-n-na..." the canid said, shivering and staring in mild horror at the thing as it drifted out in front of him. for a moment, it continued on its way, but then it paused and drifted closer to the konuul again.
A New Year
He drifted from one orb to the other, studying her deeply as if hoping to find a deeper meaning to her drink of course.
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 2
Day passed and night came... stomach full, happy, and content i drifted off into a peaceful sleep...
Pt 21 - The Druid's Journey
She kissed him, sharing another breathless exchange of heart and soul, before she joined him in laying on her back, both of them watching the clouds drift by.
Live Again
drifting alone with the scars we gain, still we die so we may yet live again.
my life (page 1)
"why are they running" i wondered to myself as i drifted out of consciousness.
Ocean Soul
Instead i am decorated with drifting plastic bags and trash. i drift with the plastic and pretend to be inanimate. i stay like that for a while, tired like the ocean. with the ocean eventually, i stop needing to pretend.
The End: Chapter 7: Old Haunts
As my eyes drifted over the darkened trees, they came to rest upon a landmark that i recognized and i began to make my way toward it.
Trei's Tribulations. Chapter 1
Came a sharp annoyed squawk, from a small female cockatoo her bright pink crest raised in annoyance at the wolf she was studying with, who seemed to have drifted off into his own thoughts, again.