Trei's Tribulations. Chapter 1

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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Hey, Its me again. I know its been a long time since my last submission. I figured I should put something up so you guys didn't think I died. This was something I wrote up when I realized that one of my Rp characters had a hell of a lot of quirks and people were wondering why.... Well this story series is gonna be the story of the major event in Trei's life that shaped him to be who he is today. And as always.: All characters © ME. If you are not of legal age to view this then don't. And if you do and your mommy catches you, Then I am not to blame. :P * * * Trei's Tribulation's Chapter 1. "Trei!" Came a sharp annoyed squawk, from a small female cockatoo her bright pink crest raised in annoyance at the wolf she was studying with, who seemed to have drifted off into his own thoughts, Again. She cowered slightly when several annoyed furs "shhhhh'ed" her. Trei blinked snapping his head back towards his friend. He eyed her lazily as he rubbed his neck it felt like he pulled it from something from snapping it so quickly. "What?" he asked softly in annoyance. The avian clucked ruffling her wings at him. "You keep drifting off." She squeaked softly, a bit indignantly. "Uh huh" he nodded lazily eyeing the bird across from him. 'Hmm cute... I guess' he thought lazily. He could see why the other boys seemed to like this girl and liked how she looked. But to him, he really didn't think it was that great. "....don't know how you get the grades you do." She finished as his focus went back to her. "If you put the least bit of effort in you could get A's" She commented. Trei shrugged at that. "Its too easy." he told her offhandedly. He got a exasperated sigh in response and he smirked. He glanced at his watch and smiled brightly. "But enough about that, I gotta go catch the bus." he told her standing gathering his books. "Trei! We didn't even fini...." She sighed and trailed off fixing her glasses. Her almost pure black eyes watched as the White wolf darted across the library and out the front doors. She sighed softly. She liked Trei, he was like her best friend. He never seemed to be interested in girls like the other boys, Maybe that was weird, but she didn't focus on that. Trei chuckled a bit as he left walking down the street towards the bus stop a few blocks away. His tail wagged lazily as he trotted. His eyes widened as he heard a familiar noise growing louder and he picked up his pace. The noise got louder and louder until he saw the bus blow passed the stop. "No! Come back!" Trei called desperately at the quickly retreating bus. He ran up to the small bench of the bus stop and doubled over placing a paw against it, panting heavily. His blue eyes peered after the bus, his tail drifting down to lightly curl around his leg. The lupine sat down with a heavy sigh swinging his backpack from his shoulder and dropping it on the bench next to him. The ancient street lights lining the street barely held back the darkness that had descended with the departure of the sun. A cool breeze blew down the street ruffling the fur of the Arctic Wolf that now sat on the bench. His pure white fur stood out against the darkness surrounding him, his small, lithe frame belying his young age. His blue jacket hung open to the breeze, the red T-shirt over his thick fur more than enough to keep him warm. The wolf grudgingly pulled a schedule from his book bag, looking it over and gave a long groan. The bus he had just missed was in fact, the last bus of the day and here he was stuck in the middle of a bad neighborhood at night and he couldn't even walk back to the library from whence he came. The library had closed soon after he left to catch this bus. He couldn't figure out how he had missed that bus, he never missed it. He successfully completed this trip almost every night with out a problem. Yet, here he was, stuck with no way to contact home since the pay phones nearby had been vandalized and ruined by local hooligans. Stuffing the schedule back into his bag, the lupine stood swinging it back over his shoulder. With a furtive glance around he started down the street in the direction of home. It was going to be a long walk home. Tail protectively wrapped about his waist, he walked quickly, his breath brushing his face with a white cloud as he went. Darkened buildings loomed over the young fur as he went hurrying towards home. He couldn't help but let his mind wander as he walked, trying to keep it off his bleak situation. His mind eventually drifted to a Doberman he knew, that was in his class at school. He thought about how he wanted to kiss the other male, he wondered how the others lips would feel against his, their slick canines tongues playing with each other. He wondered how the Dobie looked, without his clothes. He envisioned the Doberman with a hefty sheath with a heavy sack below. His mind wandered to wonder how it would feel to run his tongue slowly along that furry... He shook his head and groaned. "No, I can't think like that, it's wrong" he thought morbidly to himself. He staved off those thoughts for a while trying to think about all the females his friends seemed to be lusting over. He sighed as girls just didn't interest him. Now that Doberman... He shook his head again; damn, he just couldn't be like that. After day dreaming a while he looked up to notice he had reached a neighborhood he didn't know. "Shit!" He cursed and turned around to head back to see if he recognized anything. Groaning and getting a bit tired after awhile of wandering, he decided to cut through a nearby alley to see if he hit a street he knew. Glancing back and forth he walked into the dark alley, his palms sweating with his nervousness. As fear got the best of him, he picked up speed and was soon sprinting through the alley. Panting as he escaped out the end, he looked about as he walked down the street. "Damn, now I'm totally lost." he thought to himself. He jumped back in shock as he heard screeching brakes; a truck suddenly stopped about an inch from him. In his thoughts he appeared to have wandered into the street. The young wolf stared in shock as an older fur stepped out from the driver's side of the truck. Since it was so dark, he couldn't tell who it was. "Hey boy! You ok!?" he called; the voice was deep but kindly. "A nice looking kid like you shouldn't be out at night in a place like this." The other continued. The tall fur slowly made his way towards the front of the truck, and Trei. Trei was shaking lightly. "Sorry, I'm lost." he murmured. His tail was hanging between his legs like a scared puppy, which, technically, he was. He clutched his back pack tightly to his chest as he watched the other fur approach. When the other stepped under a street light it was revealed that he was a tall stocky German Sheppard, his brown and black fur giving him a washed out look in the weak light of the streetlight. Sharp, pointed ears stuck from semi long black head fur as the dog continued closer. "Hey, where you headed? Need a ride?" The deep voice asked. He sighed softly as the Wolf just shook his head in reply. "Come on kid, You're in the middle of a dangerous neighborhood. Taking a ride from a stranger is safer than walking the streets." he told him his tail wacking away at the air behind him. Trei contemplated the others words for awhile as he starred at the dog. He slowly nodded. "Sure, cant be any worse than walking in the dark." he told him and slowly stepped towards the truck, Though the shakiness in his step and voice showed he was nervous. And he had reason to be. The German Sheppard watched the other with a soft smirk. It was always easy to manipulate a scared youth to do what you want. You just had to show them that all the other choices were worse. He walked back to his truck and got into the drivers seat. He leaned his arms on the steering wheel as he watched the Young white wolf approach. Trei was shaking as he pulled the passenger door open and climbed in gulping heavily. He looked to the older canine and tried to reassure himself that it would be all ok. That the other male was just gonna give him a lift home and then all would be fine. "Hey kid, You have a name and address?" he asked a little roughly as he locked the doors and started slowly down the street. He gasped at the sudden rough quality in the dogs voice. "Trei." he said shakily, "I live up by the city park." he told him his ears twitching nervously. He heard a soft sigh from the dogs muzzle. "Come on kid, an address." he told him simply. He shook his head lightly. The only thing he hated about young kids, when they got scared... They got stupid. Trei gulped nervously, all of a sudden, the other was making him very nervous. "135 west main street." he managed to stammer out. Trei was shaking a bit more now, The dog he was with seemed to have lost the gentle kind demeanor he had when he was first asking if he needed help. The dog smirked a little. "Ah an uptown boy." he said, the gentleness soon returning to his voice. "that's a nice neighborhood." he commented smiling. "SO, what were you doing down here?" he asked gently glancing over at the white furred wolf. Trei felt a little better hearing the kindness return, he was Naïve enough that he didn't find it suspicious how quickly it had gone and returned. "I was at the down town library." he told him, he smiled as he got an approving nod from the Dog in the drivers seat. "I was doing school work." he told him. "Ooh so you're a smart little Wolfy, eh?" he asked grinning lightly. He chuckled when the wolf replied that he'd like to think so. "Too bad you're not smart enough not to get into a strangers car." he said simply as he pulled a small handgun from the center console. "You're coming with me.... Stay quiet." he told him. All Trei could do was sit there and whimper in fright,