The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 2
#2 of The Mayonian Pack
All characters are fictional and a creation of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional. Copywrite 2010 © Lone Wolf Productions. No part written or digital may be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the author.
Chapter 2:
Flash forward
I stood and quickly looked around. After realizing that it was all a dream; I calmed down and caught my breath. I lay down and rubbed my ears with my paws. I sighed and tried to fall asleep again, I could not. I was lost in deep thought.
"Why do I keep having these dreams?" I muttered.
For the past week I have been having flashbacks from my puppy hood. This most recent episode took place 5 years ago; that fateful day when I lost my mother and brothers.
I sniffed, detecting a new scent on the air. This scent was not a threat, it was my mate Akachi. I stood up, smiled and wagged my tail. Walking up to her, I nuzzled her. A look of concern was on her face.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm worried," she said, "Food is getting scarce, and we have three puppies to feed. I am also worried about you. You do not look well. You look tired, weary, and concerned."
"I am. The lack of food is not only a concern for you and I, but for the entire pack. There are 23 of us, and only enough food for half of that. And these dreams I keep having are not helping the situation."
"What dreams?" she asks, looking genuinely concerned for my health.
I told her of my dream.
"I've been having these dreams from my childhood" I pause, " about my first year, when I lost my family."
"You've got to relax. I know these are troubling times for us, but you've got to stop being so tense." She said.
"Right now, I don't think I can possibly relax. I mean how can I when I've got the pack counting on my leadership and I just lead us right into a famine zone?" I retorted.
"Well... lemme show you..." she said with a suggestive look on her face. My ears perked up, I wagged my tail.
"Well I guess I can relax just a bit," I thought.
Fun... Well at least my day was just made 400% better. Stress relieved, tongue lolling, tail wagging; I sat, content, just enjoying the ecstasy that had just washed over me.
With the day half over and my stomach empty, it was time to go find some food. I trotted into the forest, nose to the ground. My keen nose detected a snowshoe trail.
"Food... wonderful food..." I thought to myself.
I stopped short. Less that ten yards from me was a buck. That's the good thing about being a wolf, even though deer aren't in season, it doesn't matter. I lay down and tried to form a plan.
The snow drifts will provide cover, as will the trees and shrubbery here. Plan formed, throwing caution to the wind; I stalked forward. The approach was easy, but a stray breeze blew my scent toward the deer. He stopped turned and looked right at me. Everything next happened in a flash, the deer took off running, instantly I pursued him.
A inherited trait, big paws, helped me greatly. Unlike the deer I was able to run on top of the snow, while he sunk. Even with this advantage the chase was still exhausting, due to the lack of food. We danced together through trees and shrubs, and finally he made the fatal mistake. Drifting off the compacted snow, his feet caught and he fell. I made that finalizing strike, and the deer breathed his last breath.
Dragging the deer back to the den was no easy task, but I made it. My mate was delighted. This food will last us for a few days. We ate until we could eat no more.
Day passed and night came... stomach full, happy, and content I drifted off into a peaceful sleep...