Grim Outcomes
detached in such a way that i see the inevitable end that is bound to come. but nothing changes. nothing ever does changes. greed, power, energy, money, all these things that the powers that be control and decide for.
Life or something like it
Now firm and defined and clear of purpose the hose is detached and the toy sealed, a clear boundary of inside from outside. the toy has his purpose now and whilst cannot show it, cannot indicate it in any way he is ready to make his owner happy.
Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four
Command officer: someone who has proven their usefulness, and is now in command of more then a squad or detachment. they control entire platoons, and company's. its their job to see to the missions success.
Data Log 01
On the military side this vessel is more than capable of waging war by it's own to a degree, coming in with the largest capability to launch strike craft and arwings along with a full detachment of cornerian army personnel and their equipment.
"this detachment you're being assigned to is part of the marine unit that assaulted the beaches of north and south carolina.
We try not to feel, to detach from emotion, but we cannot, _i_ cannot. we will die soon too-we do not want to but it will happen, it is happening. there will be no one to _remember,_ no one to _observe_us.
//?A Curious Sergal: Part 5.001
Jax had been right the first time he had met arroyo; his mane would have grown into something magnificent... if it hadn't been detached from his body in such a horrific way, that is.
Lingering Melancholy
He's starting to think his girlfriend might be cheating on him, she hasn't been returning his calls as often, and- well, she's starting to act weirdly detached and distant whenever she's around, which itself is a bit less often than he'd grown accustomed to
Fire and Water: Love is Forever
The guard at the far right detached from the wall and walked to us. it was atleast ten stories tall. i flew off and so did tanerro. i told her to go as fast as she could but she still couldn't close the distance between us.
He felt it settling over himself, and his detachment turned to something more like relief.
Leviathan 09: Gospel in Chrome
Ever since that night he's felt detached, like he's watching a historical atrocity, committed to people he doesn't know in a country he's never heard of.
Exceed, Part One
"ok, i draw, and now i detach one overlay unit, to activate bahamut shark's ability. i can now summon one xyz monster lower than bahamut shark's rank. so i summon to the field constellar hyades!"